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Chapter 823: Small Thunder God’s Hammer

“A special Zhu Yandan? Does this Zhu Yandan still have a special existence?”

After listening to Gorren, Qin Shaofeng had some interest.

“It’s natural!” Gorren City was nodded, then explained.

“In fact, outsiders don’t know. My refining Zhu Yandan, simply did not join the high grade Zhu Yanguo. The reason for saying this is to increase Zhu Yandan’s value that’s all!”

so that’s how it is, let me say, why is there a high grade Zhu Yandan cited by Zhu Yanguo as a medicine, but there is only a little medicine efficacy? It turned out to be this way!

Qin Shaofeng realized for a while, then thought flashed through the mind, saying: “That putting it that way, what you gave me before can only be regarded as fake and inferior Zhu Yandan, and now the Ge family wants me to help me to refining the special Zhu Yandan, Is it really authentic Zhu Yandan? “

“Oh, that’s right,” Gorlian City laughed.

“This really requires not only high-grade Zhu Yanguo, but also 3 high-grade Zhu Yanguo, and even a large number of precious medicinal herbs. And the real Zhu Yandan allowed the Shengxiangjing Peak powerhouse to break through Half God Realm. Elixir. “

Speaking, Gorren City watched Qin Shaofeng say something that made Qin Shaofeng even more shocked.

“One more thing is that such a breakthrough success rate is 100%!”


This time, Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

100% breakthrough Demi-God?

Then Zhu Yandan is really not simple!

“Putting it that way, your real purpose at this time is to let me get you a real Zhu Yandan?” Qin Shaofeng seemed to understand the intention of Gorren City.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Gelian City did n’t even think about it. She shook the head gently, said with a slight smile: “No, I do n’t need Zhu Yandan, I hope Qin Grandmaster is talking with the Ge family. And a high grade Zhu Yan Fruit Tree as a reward! “


This time, Qin Shaofeng can’t figure out the situation.

Do not want to put genuine Zhu Yandan, but actually want a high grade Zhu Yan Fruit Tree?

What exactly does this city mean?

However, as soon as he heard the reward, Qin Shaofeng was a thought flashed through the mind. He smiled slightly and took a look at the city of Gelian, opened the mouth and said: “This is not to say that your Ge family will not agree to a high grade Zhu Yan Fruit Tree as a reward, just say this time, what benefits can I get if I do this? “

Gelian City seems to have known that Qin Shaofeng would ask such a question. Slightly smiled, it was immediately replied: “As for the reward, as long as Qin Grandmaster is nodded, all the rest is left to me! As for the benefits …”

Eyes flashed, Gelian City Road: “After the incident, ten low-grade Zhu Yanguo and 3 middle grade Zhu Yanguo and I can return a Junior Brother to Qin Grandmaster!”

Qin Shaofeng’s last word made Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flash with anger, but there was no seizure.


“This is a great deal!” Qin Shaofeng slightly smiled, which made Gorren City a successful deal.

But soon Qin Shaofeng immediately spoke.

“However, this is not enough!” Qin Shaofeng said.

Then, when Gulian City frowned slightly, he stared at him with a firm voice: “On the basis of the original, add ten ice Lingcao and a high grade Zhu Yanguo, the last point I hope this time, you send it back The person is Qi Dongming! “

As soon as Qin Shaofeng said, the complexion sank of Gorren City flashed his eyes.

Namei Old Fourth was immediately and could not help but anger shouted: “brat, I advise you to better not have to go in. My Young Master can look at you and give you this …”

“shut up!”

After waiting for Mei Fourth to finish speaking, Qin Shaofeng shouted lowly, and then said very despisely: “I speak to your Master, how can it be your dog to intervene?”


Qin Shaofeng’s sentence made Mei Old Fourth instantly angry.

He was the powerhouse of the Dignified Demi-God Realm, and he was actually called a dog?

Although, to some extent, his order to the city of Gelian was as obedient as that of a dog, it was not the same thing!

“Little bastard you are courting death!”

When Mei Old Fourth was angry, she instantly released her Demi-God realm, and then she planned to take action on Qin Shaofeng.

But at this moment, the city of Gorren was shouted in a deep voice: “May Old Fourth stop!”

As soon as Gulen City made a noise, the complexion changed, but eventually he resisted.

But what made him most angry was that at this moment, Qin Shaofeng gave a disdainful look, which made his lungs anger.

However, he had to listen to the words of Gorren City, and finally he could only stare at Qin Shaofeng with the gloomy face.

“Qin Shaofeng, are you sure you want this?” Gelian Cheng asked Qin Shaofeng when he asked.

At this moment, Gelian City no longer called Qin Shaofeng as Qin Grandmaster, which saved even superficial effort, showing that he was really angry.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about the anger of Gelian City at all, but coldly smiled, saying, “Golly City, don’t you really think we are partners? Others don’t say, just my same sect Senior Brother has a few people , Lost your life under torture. You should be glad I didn’t kill you! “

Qin Shaofeng’s remarks finally made Gorren City understood. Why did Qin Shaofeng treat himself this way? It was because of the dead Divine Mansion disciple.

However, upon hearing the sentence behind Qin Shaofeng, Gelian City’s face was a little cold, a cold smile: “Oh, so that’s how it is, but I’m curious, Qin Shaofeng, where is your confidence can kill me ? “

“You can give it a try!” Qin Shaofeng coldly said in the face of the doubts from Gelian City, “I know that there are a lot of Demi-God powerhouses around you, but I can tell you clearly, you better not to take me It ’s urgent. Because once I feel dangerous, I do n’t care about dead end. Further, if there is no way to live, I do n’t know what I will do? ”

Speaking, Qin Shaofeng suddenly opened his mouth and looked towards the irritating Mei Old Fourth, and smiled, and said, “Demi-God’s Demi-God has a very strong domain, but if I’m exposing my life, the dog beside you, Don’t say more, I can still kill 3 or 5! “


An invisible vibration, in this brief moment, the space of this hall was completely shaken.

May Old Fourth is outraged to the limit!

This Qin Shaofeng has repeatedly called himself a dog, and now he even said that he was a Demi-God and could be slaughtered by him at will.

This time, Mei Old Fourth couldn’t help it.

Under the turbulence of the space, this space was completely confined by Mei De Fourth-God’s realm of Old Fourth.

At this time, there was no resistance from Old City.

Because of Qin Shaofeng’s words, Gorren City couldn’t bear it anymore. It was also a good thing to let Mei Old Fourth move and deter Qin Shaofeng.

But the scene at the next moment, whether it was Gorren City or May Fourth, was a jump.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng didn’t see any action, but just reached out his hand gently.


A flash of lightning flashed, Qin Shaofeng right hand instantly added a not too big hammer.

However, the difference is that this hammer carries countless tiny lightnings, which is a hammer with the condensation of lightning.

But what surprised Goreen and May Old Fourth most was the aura uploaded by this hammer.

Furious and horrible!

People have a feeling of have one’s hair stand on end!

Lightning Style Thunder God’s Hammer!

One of Qin Shaofeng’s Lightning Styles, and in terms of attack power, this Lightning Style Thunder God’s Hammer is probably the strongest skill of all Qin Shaofeng’s Lightning Styles at present.

Even in terms of attack power, Thunder God’s Hammer can be regarded as Qin Shaofeng’s super strong skill.

If it weren’t for this, Qin Shaofeng would not have chosen to bind Thunder God’s Hammer as a specific skill for the Demonic Energy Divine Ring.

Since being his strongest attack skill, Qin Shaofeng naturally researched Thunder God’s Hammer the most.

This is the case now.

Qin Shaofeng has been able to do it, making Thunder God’s Hammer compact.

After compression, the formidable power of Thunder God’s Hammer is also a straight line increase. Although the attack range has been reduced, the formidable power has become very terrifying.

Just like the Thunder God’s Hammer in Qin Shaofeng’s hands at this moment, it is the Thunder God’s Hammer that Qin Shaofeng has united with all of his Saint Origin Power.

Under normal circumstances, even if you use Thunder God’s Hammer, which is agglomerated from 80,000 100000000 Saint Origin Value, the current strength of Qin Shaofeng can explode at most. It is barely the formidable power of Half God Realm.

At this level, even Old Fourth can easily take over.

But if it is condensed into a small Thunder God’s Hammer, the formidable power will not say that Mei Old Fourth has taken it directly. If this is the last time, May Old Fourth will probably suffer a minor injury.

And it is precisely at this moment that Qin Shaofeng has the formidable power of Thunder God’s Hammer. May Old Fourth has just stopped, and there is no real take action on Qin Shaofeng.

Because he felt that once this Thunder God’s Hammer broke out in Qin Shaofeng’s hands, the explosion strength would definitely break through his Demi-God realm and cause him a lot of impact.

The most important thing is that for the city of Gorren, it may be very dangerous.

This made him afraid to act blindly without thinking!

Although Mei Old Fourth didn’t say it explicitly, but also felt Qin Shaofeng right hand Thunder God’s Hammer formidable power of Golian City, and was even more horrified at the moment.

Until now, Gelian City understood that Qin Shaofeng’s situation far exceeded his expectations.

This Qin Shaofeng definitely has a strength that is not inferior to the general Demi-God!

Heart sank, remembering Qin Shaofeng just said that if he slaughtered Demi-God like Mei Old Fourth at will, he suddenly felt that this was not Qin Shaofeng’s grandfather.

However, after all, this city of Glenian is very temperament, just in a blink of an eye calmed the shock of the heart, laughed up.

“Haha, Qin Grandmaster, don’t be angry, don’t you just add more requirements? That’s okay!”

Speaking of this, Gorren City also deliberately turned his head to Mei Old Fourth scolded: “What is Mei Old Fourth doing? Be calm, don’t fret, and be nice to Qin Grandmaster!”

Mei Old Fourth didn’t say anything, but she slowly began to put away her Demi-God domain.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng waved away the small Thunder God’s Hammer with a gentle wave.

To be honest, controlling Thunder God’s Hammer in this way without breaking out also has a heavy burden on Qin Shaofeng.

Just a short while ago, Qin Shaofeng exhausted his efforts, and then barely kept Thunder God’s Hammer in that state for a while.

Seeing that Thunder God’s Hammer in Qin Shaofeng’s hand disperses, the city of Gelian is also secretly sighed in relief. Then, Immediately said to Qin Shaofeng: “Okay, just follow what Qin Grandmaster means, I will go back and prepare now, as long as the transaction is completed, people and medicinal herb I will send you immediately!”

After that, Gorren City got up and left with Old Fourth.

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