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Chapter 821: Who Would I Not Poke You?

“I won’t talk about that anymore. In addition to you and Qi Dongming, who else did that city catch?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“It turned out that the person was called Gelian City!”

Li Kai was slightly angry, and then he said to Qin Shaofeng, “In addition to Dongming and me, there is also Zhang Xingjie Junior Brother in that person’s hand. And not only us, but also the dungeon and Senior Brother such as Heavenly Sword Sect by Han Ruoyu younger brother!”


Han Ruoyu was arrested too?

Qin Shaofeng heart startled, hurriedly asked, “What the hell is going on here, why Han Ruoyu and they are here, you can tell the story to me.”

“En!” Li Kai nodded, “In fact, after we separated from Senior Brother Qin that day, we met Hou Senior Brother not long after that, and Han Ruoyu was waiting for Heavenly Sword Sect Senior Brother and Hou Senior Brother … … “

After almost an hour, after Li Kai separated from Qin Shaofeng, to the present, without omission and in detail told Qin Shaofeng.

It turned out that although Hou Tiancheng had only brought his best subordinate after the separation, he thought that after dispersal was the most dangerous situation, he sought Han Ruoyu.

But it was not long before that Qi Dongming and Li Kai and the others separated from themselves, and they also met Hou Tiancheng and Han Ruoyu, but they did not wait long before they met, and then they suffered a powerful danger, that is, the big bang.

Although the explosion, only some aftershocks shocked Li Kai and them, and finally, under the joint force of Hou Tiancheng and Han Ruoyu and the others, everyone diddged the disaster.

But after the explosion, due to the impact, those of them were also teleported here.

Then things are simple.

As is the case with Qin Shaofeng, although not as bad as Qin Shaofeng, Li Kai and they suffered some injuries. Coupled with the influence of gravity and rules here, the situation of their people is not good.

at first Fortunately, everyone was hiding in a valley somewhere in the wasteland of the wild beast.

But later it seemed that the reason for the beast tide was that, in the valley where Li Kai had been hiding a month and a half ago, brutal beasts often appeared and became very unsafe.

Fortunately, after this period of time, even if the injuries suffered before were not recovered, they did not adapt to the environment here.

But everyone can also form a combination Domain, but momentarily has some battle strength.

Then, everyone slowly began to explore the environment here, intending to go out.

Fortunately, as soon as Li Kai went out of the valley, they met the troops of the city of Coordinates.

Upon hearing the appearance of beast tide, the city of Gelian felt that this might be its opportunity, and naturally sent a lot of subordinates to the wild animal wasteland for investigation.

After this encounter, Li Kai was miserable.

Although Li Kai they met only a reconnaissance team in the subordinate of Gelian City, the captain is the 3rd Layer Realm, plus 2 1st-layer Vice Captains. The rest are Spirit Elephant warriors. Already.

But even this team is extremely powerful for Li Kai.

In the end, only Hou Tiancheng escaped with a few people, and the rest were arrested.

There were more than 20 people arrested for Li Kai, but according to Li Kai, after more than a month, there were fewer than ten people alive.

Upon learning that Li Kai was an Outsider, Gelian City interrogated in person.

If it ’s just general intelligence information, Li Kai and theirs would n’t be in trouble, but the city of Gelian actually wanted Li Kai ’s detailed knowledge of their cultivation and secret techniques, as well as Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect.

This made Li Kai unwilling.

Because of this, Gelian City tortured Li Kai and severely tortured them. Some people couldn’t hold on, they said a lot of things, some people held on, but they ended up being beaten to death.

Li Kai, they are because Divine Mansion is special, which was not easily killed by Gorren City.

However, that said, the city of Gelian has also gained a lot of information.

For example, the identity of Qin Shaofeng, the actions of several great influences such as Divine Mansion and Heavenly Sword Sect, and the so-called Demon Race.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand that this person in Gelian City is probably more complicated and difficult to deal with than he thought.

However, what makes Qin Shaofeng more at ease is that no matter how well the city is understood, he knows most of himself before. Compared with now, he has changed a lot.

But for now, Qin Shaofeng also understands that, even for Qi Dongming and Han Ruoyu, he can only stay on his own.

Until at least not completely sure, Qin Shaofeng did not intend to turn his face with Gorren City.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng quickly put together a list to send early the next morning to Gelian City.

What Qin Shaofeng did not think was that it was an hour before and after that, Gelian City sent someone to send medicinal herb on the list.

Qin Shaofeng’s list sent to Gelian City. The above is the refining medicinal herb that refining allows Spirit Elephant to Middle to Late Stage, and Leveled to Holy Elements.

And this amount can be regarded as a huge amount.

But even so, this city of Glien was put together for Qin Shaofeng in just one hour.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand that I am afraid that the strength of Gelian City is above his previous expectations, which also made Qin Shaofeng more cautious.

Not many people came to give medicinal herb, and Qin Shaofeng also knew,

One is Goring, the other is the middle-aged man Demi-God that Qin Shaofeng met yesterday!

Until now Qin Shaofeng was understood the name of this middle-aged man.

However, when it comes to a name, it is better to call it a title or something.

May Old Fourth!

This is the name of this middle-aged man, but from this name, Qin Shaofeng immediately had a guess in his heart.

Now that there is Mei Old Fourth, although I am not sure if there are Mei Old Fifth and Mei Old Sixth, Qin Shaofeng must be Na Mei Old Third and Mei Old Second, and Mei Boss exists.

Put it that way, there are 4 and a half Divine Level powerhouses around this city.

This just feels terrifying.

On the surface, Lihuo City is also the City Lord from Huocheng City, and there is an Old Ancestor away from home, and Ge’s house is 2 or 3 away from Huocheng City, which adds up to 5 Demi-Gods.

Although secretly away from Fire City’s Demi-God powerhouse, I am afraid that there will be more, but according to Qin Shaofeng’s estimation, the entire half of the Divine Level powerhouse away from Fire City will add up to about ten.

And there are 4 Demi-Gods in this city, and this is the minimum number.

It can be seen that the strength of this city is afraid of powerful terrifying.

“Brat, I’m here to protect the medicinal herb and elixir!”

This is the first sentence that Mei Old Fourth saw Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng understood that the other party was monitoring his pill refining.

Not only that, but this Goring, this Grandmaster Level pharmacist and a semi-Divine Level powerhouse’s dual surveillance is nothing more than that Guelian City is worried about Qin Shaofeng secretly doing something, or taking the opportunity to obtain the medicinal herb in private.

However, at this point Qin Shaofeng had long been mentally prepared, and simply didn’t care, and started pill refining directly.

However, when Nagolin saw Qin Shaofeng start pill refining, it was immediately raised 100% of his spirit and carefully observed Qin Shaofeng’s every move.

Although this looks like surveillance, this Goring may not have stolen the mind of the teacher. It is estimated that this is also the intention of the city.

But Qin Shaofeng was coldly smiled, and he didn’t care.

Really thought I could learn how to pill refining?

Then I’ll show you enough!

A thought flashed through the mind, Qin Shaofeng directly put more than 1000 copies of the medicinal herb into the furnace cauldron. This scene made Golin look dumbfounded.

Without paying attention to Gorlin’s attitude, after investing in the medicinal herb, Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind, immediately launched the Dan Kingdom Domain, completely covering himself with the furnace cauldron.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng came out of the Dan Realm, Mei Old Fourth noticed it immediately.

“Brat, what do you want to do?” May Old Fourth asked in a bad voice.

“What else can I do? Isn’t it refining elixir?” Qin Shaofeng replied without lifting his eyelids.

“Pill refining is pill refining. What do you mean by using your Domain?” Mei Old Fourth still did not let go of Qin Shaofeng’s meaning.

“I don’t know?” Qin Shaofeng glanced at Mei Old Fourth in shock, then shrugged, helplessly said, “My Domain can help me refine the medicinal herb, and refining so much elixir at one time, I naturally use Domain The strength is up. “

“If you’re afraid of what I do, let go of your Demi-God domain, as long as it doesn’t affect me!” Qin Shaofeng sneered, a little ironic in his tone.

Ke Mei Old Fourth not at all cared about Qin Shaofeng’s sarcasm, but immediately glanced at Goring, and after seeing Golin nodded to indicate that there was no problem, he was still not assured.


There was a shock in the void, and indescribable strength was added to the space in this small room.

This old Fourth really listened to Qin Shaofeng’s words and released his Demi-God realm to monitor Qin Shaofeng.

“Well, you can continue now.”

After checking it, it was determined that Qin Shaofeng didn’t do anything, Mei Old Fourth felt relieved.

But soon Old May threatened Qin Shaofeng with a cold tone, saying, “However, you’d better not play tricks, as long as I notice something is wrong, don’t blame me take action!”

But his threat did not affect Qin Shaofeng in the slightest.

Coldly smiled in the heart, Qin Shaofeng didn’t care at all, but continued to start.


An instant green flame, burning around the furnace cauldron, Qin Shaofeng began to refine those medicinal herbs with his Pill Fire.

This time Qin Shaofeng invested 1000 copies of the medicinal herb, which on the surface are all connected to Five Elements’ physique.

But in fact, among these 1000 medicinal herbs, a special Fire Element attribute medicinal herb is an extra kind of medicinal herb.

Even after adding this kind of medicinal herb, I can’t refining Five Elements.

But in this Fire Element attribute medicinal herb, it is a rare medicinal herb for Qin Shaofeng. It is the medicinal herb Qin Shaofeng intends to use to refining the strongest Five Elements physique.

Is Qin Shaofeng a loser?

Nature is not!

The city of Gurren intends to make Qin Shaofeng his pill refining coolie, but in fact, Qin Shaofeng also treats the other party as an injustice.

Do not take advantage of the cheap!

Want I, Qin Shaofeng to do coolies, who do I pit you?

After the medicinal herb of Pill Fire tempering, it can be kept for a certain time in the state of the medicinal liquid.

This gives Qin Shaofeng a chance!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who is in the Danjie Domain, seems to be refining the herbal herb of Furnace Cauldron with the strength of Danjie.

But in fact, the Danjie Domain is just that’s all means to attract the attention of Namei Old Fourth.

tempering medicinal herb Need help with Danjie?

sorry, refining medicinal herb, Pill Fire is enough!

However, Mei Old Fourth did not know this. At the moment, he was exhibiting Demi-God, but he paid close attention to the movement of Qin Shaofeng Danjie Domain.

This also made him ignore it, Qin Shaofeng’s right hand palm that was close to the furnace cauldron.

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