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A crisp sound sounded, making Gorren’s face change suddenly.

At the next moment, he even saw the array space that made him extremely confident, just like glass, it instantly cracked and then completely shattered.

This doesn’t count. At the moment the array space collapsed, Gorren City saw it. His five powerful iconostasis were subordinate, and they all shattered into a blood mist.

Instant kill !

Powerful, like the Holy Elephant Powerhouse with a power of more than 8,000 elephants, was actually killed instantly?

Seeing this scene, Gelian City pumps shrink, and the mind is shocked.

He understands it, and he is afraid that he may be wrong about Qin Shaofeng’s strength.

But even in this case, the city of Gelian still had no worries about its safety.

Just after the array space and the 5 subordinates of Gorren City were killed by Luo Tian’s conquest, Qin Shaofeng still did not move.

Because at this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt an aura that made him tremble, and instantly surrounded himself.

This chill of aura went straight into my heart, making Qin Shaofeng extremely shocked.

this is?

Feeling such an unusual aura, Qin Shaofeng’s mind was 10000 horrified.

He has already opened the Perception Domain of Golden Fire Eyes long ago. With the formidable power of Level 8 Golden Fire Eyes, Qin Shaofeng even got a certain chance, which is more than the attribute information of the powerhouse of level 5 and above.

But now Qin Shaofeng really did not feel the slightest. In this courtyard now outside the city of Gelian, there is still a second person aura.

But the sight of the hostile aura was so obvious.

Hum, I don’t believe it!

Qin Shaofeng was furious, his eyes flashed slightly.

Then next moment, Qin Shaofeng used a skill from Small Fox’s Divine Artifact ‘Illusionary Eye’.

Illusionary Eye, as the vine Divine Artifact of Small Fox, has the skill of ‘spiritual link’, which can connect Qin Shaofeng with the spirit of Small Fox.

This also allows Qin Shaofeng to use the skills of Illusionary Eye.

Of course, this is also required, if it is within a certain range, if Small Fox is too far from Qin Shaofeng, this spiritual link still exists, but it is because of weakness that Qin Shaofeng cannot use the skill on Illusionary Eye.

But now, although Qin Shaofeng and his Inner Body Source World Space seem to have some connection.

But in fact, Source World Space is still in Qin Shaofeng within the body, and Small Fox is now looking at Source World, which is equivalent to being with Qin Shaofeng.

Therefore, this Illusionary Eye skill, Qin Shaofeng can still be used.

In this brief moment, I felt threatened by Aura, but I could n’t see each other. Qin Shaofeng didn’t hesitate to use it directly, Skill: Eyes of Truth of Illusionary Eye!

Eyes of Truth: Active Skill, after using, can see through all illusory, look directly at All Living Things True Origin. Can be performed 3 times a day.

This Eyes of Truth is worthy of being able to look directly at All Living Things True Origin. At the moment of the show, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were covered with a touch of dazzling light.

Then, at the next moment, Qin Shaofeng gradually saw it, and at this moment suddenly there was one silhouette beside the city.

That silhouette was completely covered by an indescribable strength.

It is this strength that completely isolates the perceived strength of Qin Shaofeng Golden Fire Eyes.

But all this, under the Eyes of Truth, has nothing to hide.

Even soon, Qin Shaofeng’s gaze directly penetrated this inexplicable strength and saw the real face of the silhouette inside.

This is a middle-aged man!

Although his face is ordinary, his powerful aura is enough to illustrate its not simple.

Is this Demi-God?

Qin Shaofeng’s heart moved slightly, and he immediately thought that the middle-aged man in front of him should be beyond the holy state.

Demi-God powerhouse with the so-called domain!

And the inexplicable strength that can hide one’s perception of strength, is it the existence of that kind of domain?

Just a moment, Qin Shaofeng understood a lot.

And at this moment, the middle-aged man seemed to notice something, suddenly lightly exclaimed.

“Well, didn’t expect you to be aware of me!”

After this, the middle-aged man directly removed the strength of the domain and appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng noticed it, and the other side directly protected the strength of a certain domain and completely protected the city of Gelian.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t speak. After looking at the middle-aged man, his eyes finally fell on Gorren.

Because Qin Shaofeng understands that although this middle-aged man is strong, the person making the decision at this moment may still be Gorren City.

Although some do not understand why Gelian City can subduing such a powerhouse, it is not important.

At this moment, for Qin Shaofeng, how to resolve the immediate crisis is the most important.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng is extremely alert!

Thunder God’s Hammer from Demonic Energy Divine Ring, always excited, thinking about how to escape in the safest way.

As for fighting!

This question, Qin Shaofeng, was not really considered.

After seeing the strength of the Demi-God domain firsthand, Qin Shaofeng found that if the Demi-God domain is not beyond the existence of Domain, it is at least equivalent to the 9th Layer day or even the 10th-layer Day domain.

Such a powerful Domain is extremely powerful for the current self.

It seems to be aware of the intention of Qin Shaofeng. The middle-aged man smiled softly, opened the mouth and said: “brat, you should stop struggling. In my Demi-God domain, you have no ability to resist. Do n’t you realize that the courtyard here is completely isolated from the outside world? “


The words of the middle-aged man made Qin Shaofeng change instantly, until then he found something wrong.

Because of the outbreak of Luo Tian’s attack, the movement caused by it is definitely not small.

It stands to reason that it definitely caught the attention of some powerhouses from the city of fire.

But the fact is that until now, there was no movement at all.

Qin Shaofeng was momentarily unaware of the strength of the middle-aged man in front of him and the influence of the array space just now.

But now a word from this middle-aged man made Qin Shaofeng instantly understand.

Now Qin Shaofeng has discovered that this courtyard is already in the other side of Demi-God.

But even so …

“No ability to resist? It seems to be underestimated!”

Qin Shaofeng smiled suddenly, his eyes flickered slightly, next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes tightened.

“Demi-God? Demi-God is amazing? I, Qin Shaofeng still don’t believe it!”


While speaking, Qin Shaofeng aura for a while, an overflowing heaven berserk aura burst out from him instantly.

This violent aura swept up, stirring the entire space of the courtyard, and momentarily rumbling loudly in countless spaces.

This made the middle-aged man’s face change instantly, because at this moment, he suddenly felt that the berserk aura erupting from Qin Shaofeng could shake his Demi-God realm.

This is incredible!

Especially the aura uploaded by Qin Shaofeng at this moment, even he was shocked.

Because of this aura, he is not much weaker than him.

Compared with this before and after, Qin Shaofeng feels as if he has changed a person, and is ten times stronger than half.

At this point, the middle-aged man Demi-God did not guess wrong.

Compared with before, Qin Shaofeng at this moment is indeed much stronger.

To be precise, Qin Shaofeng at this moment is no longer Saint Sovereign 7th-layer Realm, but Supreme 7th-layer Realm!

Because Qin Shaofeng performed Kaio-ken at the moment!

After entering Level 6, Kaio-ken awakened a strengthening ability that directly raised the Rank 1 cultivation base level.

Although only one minute can be maintained, the improvement of Rank 1 is enough for Qin Shaofeng to solve many problems.

Like at this moment, after improving Rank 1 status with Kaio-ken, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt his strength and had a flying improvement.

Kaio-ken’s improvement, but the overall improvement.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s current Domain is still 4th-layer Realm, but after improving Rank 1, Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that his strength at this moment also has a level of 1000 to 5000.

In this state, once in the realm of dragons, it is the strength of the Demi-God Realm of Genuine.

Although there is no realm of Demi-God, Qin Shaofeng is confident. At this moment, he is in a state of battle with this Demi-God powerhouse.

And it doesn’t take long, Qin Shaofeng even directly blasted the realm of Demi-God in front of him, and he was absolutely safe.

Qin Shaofeng I’m sure that the existence of this middle-aged man in front of me is not known by Lihuo City. If leaked, Gorren City will probably cause big trouble.

However, Qin Shaofeng does not intend to do so unless necessary.

Because of this, his identity as an Outsider may increase his chance of exposure.

After all, his status at the moment is quite contrary to this world strength.

Soon Qin Shaofeng was glad he didn’t do it.

Because at that moment, the silent city of Gelian suddenly made a noise.

“pa !pa! pa! ”

Geliancheng suddenly patted palm a few times, looked at Qin Shaofeng with a smile, and then said a word that made Qin Shaofeng’s heart 10000 points scared.

“It is indeed the Number One Genius in the Divine Mansion election. Actually, there have been such changes and improvements in the past few months. Qin Shaofeng, the secret on you really makes me curious!”


When Qin Shaofeng heard this, Qin Shaofeng’s heart sank.

The other party actually knew Divine Mansion, but also knew that he was the 1st place in the Divine Mansion election.

Doesn’t this mean that from the beginning to the end Gorren City knew that he was an Outsider?

But how is this possible?

Although he was horrified by 10000 points in his heart, Qin Shaofeng still looked calm and his face should not be.

Exposure is exposed, at worst, he can only leave this city of fire!

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng’s face did not change, Gelian Cheng was a pats hand again, and smiled: “It is indeed Qin Shaofeng. I really admire you for this mentality, are you not afraid, I will expose your identity?”

“Afraid? Why should I be afraid? Even if exposed, I’ll leave this city away from Fire at worst.”

Qin Shaofeng said with a confident expression. After speaking, he glanced at Gorren City and said with a playful smile, “It’s Gor Eldest Young Master. In your case, it seems that you should be afraid!”

Saying that Qin Shaofeng’s eyes fell on the middle-aged man, said with a slight smile: “If I still guess wrong, the existence of this person may be your father, even the City Lord from the Fire City would not know that you He said that if this matter was exposed, who would be more troublesome? “

As soon as Qin Shaofeng’s words were spoken, the middle-aged man was angry and said coldy: “brat, do you really be yourself? You think you can really escape from my Demi-God realm ? “

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