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Qin Shaofeng after hearing his words of this shameless.

Unconsciously, the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely, and it seemed that even the body couldn’t help shaking.

I have seen a shameless guy, but he has never seen a shameless like Chu Huan.

To be able to devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence so shameless.

There is Martial Dao world in the world, but unfortunately there is no shameless world.

No, this product is definitely the Uncrowned King of shameless world!

“Chu Huan, you don’t want to solve this problem properly, do you?”

Sha Pojun couldn’t help being very anxious, and said: “You lied to Younger Sister, do you want to solve it like this?”

“What else can I do?”

Chu Huan shrugged helplessly, saying: “Anyway, before fighting the ghost clan, I am impossible to return people back. I can guarantee their safety, and without the permission of their elders, I will never touch them. The slightest.”

Although this sentence still has little effect.

Sha Pojun saw it as a promise, so he moved to Qin Shaofeng and changed, and whispered something.

The sound is very weak, and it seems to have a sense of sound transmission.

At least everyone in the room couldn’t hear clearly.

Actually, where is Sha Pojun talking?

He was just acting.

Qin Shaofeng’s expression suddenly changed.

For a long while.

It wasn’t until 5 minutes before he was finally nodded.

Backhand pushed away the Du Zhixing who was supporting him, walked staggeringly in front of everyone, and said with a drunken breath: “Master already knows these things. Since that brat is useful, he has promised again. Let’s do that first!”

“What? Lord Li, that brat is a beast!”

Zhan Zuixin was so anxious that he even followed Du Zhixing and called out the name Li Ye.

“He is from the endless mountain. Isn’t it enough to use the endless mountain as a guarantee?”

Qin Shaofeng said while his body was still shaking, and it seemed that he might fall down at any time.

Du City Lord suddenly became dumb.

He retorted intentionally.

There is nothing wrong with what Chu Huan said no matter how you look at it, so that he can’t find a reason to refute it.

But I can’t just give away my daughter because of this bastard’s words?

“You want to fight the ghosts?”

Qin Shaofeng’s wine spirit seems to have sobered up a lot because of what happened just now.


Chu Huan is nodded with a firm look.

“Well, since you are going to fight the ghosts and corpses, the master will protect you once, but if you let the master know that you are deceiving, even if you hide in the endless mountain, the master will kill you.” Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

Chu Huan has already felt the kindness of Qin Shaofeng.

But he did not expect that Qin Shaofeng would help him make such a guarantee.

It surprised him too much.

But when such an opportunity came before him, would he not seize it?

“Since this Brother Li has said so, myself will naturally not mess around. I wonder if everyone may believe me?” Chu Huan asked everyone.

Three patriarch momentarily blinded.

Zhan Zuixin also felt that his IQ was crushed.

Du City Lord felt that he had entered a confused state.

It stands to reason that Qin Shaofeng, but the reinforcement they asked for, how did they help Chu Huan instead?

This is totally unscientific, is there anything?

Even if he really doesn’t help himself and the others get ahead, it seems that he shouldn’t help Chu Huan to kiss him?

What is the situation?

“Well… Lee Eldest Brother, this seems a bit wrong, right?”

Zhan Zuixin finally recovered from his previous state.

This sentence directly asked everyone’s heart.

Qin Shaofeng was still puzzled and looked at him.

Look again.

Look again.

He seems to have finally realized something.

Scratch your head.

He asked in confusion: “What’s wrong, or what should I do if I don’t do it?”

Zhan Zuixin finally mouth opened wide.

They are one by one, and it is true that there is suffering.

Qin Shaofeng ignored it at all, rolled one’s eyes, and said, “Anyway, if I know you have good wine here, even if you hide with the Great Emperor Beitian, I will go and steal it. If I can’t get it, I will steal it. If you can’t steal from me, you can tie your family, I don’t believe you don’t give it.”

He said staggeringly.

Exiting these words almost made Zhan Zui Xin spurt a mouthful of blood.

But after thinking about it, he also understood.

Qin Shaofeng is the kind of person who loves wine as one’s life, and Chu Huan…

The two have different interests.

But in that kind of attachment, they really are not an ordinary person can imagine.

At least after he calmly thought about it, he really couldn’t find the difference.

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