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“There seems to be something wrong with this battle?”

“Where is the problem?”

middle aged scholar Looking at the battle in front of him, the more I look at it, the more weird it becomes.

He knows his Junior Brother battle method very well.

But Qin Shaofeng is the same sword-wielding battle, how about his martial skill?

It looks like you haven’t done anything except for a phantom trick at the beginning?

“No, phantom?!”

Middle aged scholar suddenly realized the problem.

But he reacted a little late.

Just when he moved towards those phantoms, he noticed that he was just paying attention to Qin Shaofeng and his Junior Brother who were fighting.

The other phantom was already unconsciously, and fumbled to his vicinity.

At the same time he shouted.

A voice that is also Qin Shaofeng, has already sounded from behind him.

“Yes, it’s phantom, hahaha…”

“One Sword Frost and Cold Fourteen States!”

When Qin Shaofeng’s voice sounded, the long sword in his hand was slashed down like a battle blade.

The extremely tyrannical power made the middle aged scholar, who suddenly realized the danger, numbed his scalp.

He has no time to look back.

But it is also conceivable that Qin Shaofeng specially prepared for such a long sneak attack, which is absolutely impossible.

“Defense, open!”

He hurriedly fumbled a talisman from his sleeve.

The power of qi and blood was working, and the talisman suddenly turned into an emerald-colored rays of light flashing around him.

“Drunkard, your sneak attack move is indeed very good, but it is a pity that you are just a small Tianyue martial artist!” The middle aged scholar finally has time to look back.

The movement here is really not small, making the middle-aged big person look over.

“That drunkard is over there? How is this possible?!”

The middle-aged big person exclaimed.

He can really feel that he is facing Qin Shaofeng himself.

Why did Senior Brother even use the Defense Talisman urn that he collected that many years?


He saw Qin Shaofeng’s sword formidable power.

sword light flashes with sharp blood, and there seems to be some kind of strange death rays of light in the blood.

Middle aged scholar has not had time to turn around, so naturally he can’t see it.

But he clearly saw that that kind of death’s aura turned out to be emitted from a weird silver pattern imprint on Qin Shaofeng’s forehead.

“Ghost! Ghost mark! You turned out to be a silver mark martial artist?!”

The middle-aged big person exclaimed.

His shout really shocked the middle aged scholar.

Be able to become a martial artist, but you must truly experience a battle with ghosts.

Although the silver mark martial artist is not unique, it is also extremely rare.

That is to kill the existence of the ghost king.

What he is facing, it seems that the little Wu Xiu who is in the position of Tianyue will have a silver mark?

Then what kind of horrible influence must be behind him?

Is he a powerhouse cultivated by Beitian secretly?

The middle aged scholar was shocked.

Nothing but.

His thoughts can only end here.

As the middle aged scholar guessed.

Since Qin Shaofeng is a full-strength take action, naturally he will not give him a half chance.

After all, he is the only one who can take action on the battle strength.

That’s why.

It was at this time.

Full-strength, Du Zhixing, who rushed over, has also clung to the middle aged scholar.

The weird scene reappeared.

The middle aged scholar of the dignified dignified dignified star’s cultivation base looks like an ordinary person. After being hit by him, he flew out more than ten meters, and fell fiercely to the ground.

“Huh? Senior Brother, how could you be hit by a small fifth-order sky and moon ant?” The middle-aged big person asked in confusion.

Du Zhixing, who rushed to the middle aged scholar, was even more puzzled.

He was already prepared to die.

But when he was surprised and moved towards middle aged scholar looked at it, he saw that the middle aged scholar, who threatened him more than the middle-aged big person, had already lost his life aura.

“Dead, dead?”

Du Zhixing almost stared out his eyes.

“Life is no more than a dream, but my long sword is immortal, hahaha……”

Qin Shaofeng’s answer is still simple.

In the laughter, he has moved towards the middle-aged big person and rushed over.

He is facing an enemy middle aged scholar.

Regardless of whether the middle-aged big person has confirmed that he is the true body, the id he released will not be stagnated.

Everything is said to be late, but in fact it happened in the lightning flint.

From his standing with a sword to the start of laughter, it was actually all within one breath.

At the same time he moved.

The long sword in my hand has also smashed the Celestial defense battle armor of the middle-aged big person.

“My battle armor?!”

The middle-aged big person finally reacted.

Turns around suddenly.

He discovered that when Qin Shaofeng confronted his Senior Brother, he had mistakenly thought it was a phantom, but he never stopped attacking.

“Isn’t this a phantom? How could phantom smash my defensive battle armor?” The middle-aged big person exclaimed.


The long sword in my hand was handed over again.

“damned bastard, how dare you break my battle armor while I’m not prepared, I’m going to kill you Ahhhh…” the middle-aged big person screamed.

The long sword in the hand is still like a battle blade, just moved towards the self.

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