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Qin Shaofeng’s movements are too fast and too fast.

It’s just between lightning and flint.

He has already blown the other eye of Titan Giant Ape.

“How is it possible?!”

Du Zhixing screamed again.

He has personally experienced the defense of Titan Giant Ape.

Even though the eyes are on the Titan giant ape, which is more fragile, shouldn’t it be blown by Qin Shaofeng so easily?

As everyone knows.

How can Qin Shaofeng really only use the palm of heaven?

He is the one who really fought against Titan Giant Ape. Naturally, he knows how terrifying Titan Giant Ape’s defense is.

The first sword, relying on the sharpness of the long sword, barely pierced the giant ape’s eyeball defense.

If you only rely on the palm technique, I am afraid that thirty to fifty palms will be impossible to hurt the Titan giant ape.

But his methods, especially the ones just shown?

The palm technique does not hurt the Titan giant ape.

He still has the endless mark that can burst out the Peak battle strength of the star position.

When the palm slap came out, the imprint was hidden deep in the palm of the hand.

First, the terror attack of the endless seal broke the defense of the Titan giant ape, and the palm force following closely from behind can directly blow the eyes of the Titan giant ape.

“roar! Human Race, I want you to die, I want you to die!”

The Titan giant ape roared again.

A pair of forearms kept waving wildly, as if the Qin Shaofeng he was about to attack was right in front of him.

As everyone knows.

The moment Qin Shaofeng succeeded in his palm, he stepped back.

Even the long sword still pierced in the eyes of Titan giant ape has not been retrieved.

He didn’t dare to firmly receive the attack from Titan Giant Ape.

But it does not mean that long sword cannot be retrieved.

Just as he flashed back, another silhouette of him moved towards the Titan giant ape and rushed over.

The speed is so fast, as if the silhouette flashed, it was already in front of Titan Giant Ape, and he pulled out the long sword.

At the same time, the palm of Titan giant ape has also arrived.

But it’s still just a palm of Qin Shaofeng’s silhouette.

Long sword flew far away with his palm force.


Qin Shaofeng’s laughter sounded again.

He seemed to have anticipated this scene a long time ago. Almost at the same time that Long Sword was released, he had already reached the position where Long Sword was thrown away.

Suddenly grabbing the long sword, he moved towards giant ape again and rushed out.

He is extremely fast.

It can be on the other side of his action.

A piece of his illusory shadow, but he shouted out again: “I have wine now, I am drunk today, and tomorrow I will worry about tomorrow, hahaha…”

Titan giant ape heard his voice and immediately palm slapped down.


His this palm is just another Dao Void shadow.

The real Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this fleeting time to reach the back of the Titan giant ape’s neck.

“Sword Jue! Cut!”

This is Qin Shaofeng’s real voice.

Several attacks in succession only brought some damage to the Titan giant ape.

When this sword takes action.

He will use the extremely unskilled and extremely expensive Life Source technique of nothingness.

Slashed down with a sword.

“pu 呲!”

Blood spurted from the back of the giant ape’s neck again.

But when he held this sword in his hand, he was full of doubts: Why did Titan Giant Ape’s defense suddenly weaken?


The doubt in his mind just started.

A huge rumbling sound rang.

The Titan giant ape is like a small hill collapsed and fell to the ground.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill one of the Titan giant ape at the Yao star position, get 10 stars and 1 Martial Body.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng Martial Body is promoted, the current colorful Heavenly Void Rank 2.”

Rank 2?

Qin Shaofeng was surprised.

After he got the fusion of colorful inheritance, he has no idea about his Martial Body.

Listening to system’s voice, he subconsciously opened the character interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Rank 3 Day and Month (7/4,000,000,000)

Star position: colorful mark martial artist (silver)

Martial Body: Colorful Heavenly Void (Level 2)

Star value: 160/0

Martial Body value: 0/10

Ghost marks: 1-36

martial skill: Colorful Sword Art, Colorful Heart Jue, Colorful Martial Art, Colorful Dao Yin, Colorful True Art

inheritance spell: Si Beast Thunder, Life Source Void

Sky Map: Space Level 3 (0/100000)

Ghost Fire Golden Core: 9/9

Star and Moon Value:? ? ? /? ? ?

Innate Skill: Gods and Demons

Sea of ​​​​Consciousness: Colorful Void World

Equipment: Luo Tian Zen Shadow, Ghost Music, Ghost Clothes, Ghost Mansion

Qin Shaofeng looked at the various introductions of system interface, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

When Martial Body is still Rank 1, what is the star and moon value option? ? ?

Why is 10% unchanged after Rank 2?

The only thing that has changed, it seems that there are only three equipment after the name change.

Soon, he cast aside the doubts in his mind.

Compared to the weirdness of Martial Body.

He is more curious about the situation of this Titan giant ape.

According to normal circumstances, with his sword just now, it is absolutely impossible to behead the Titan giant ape.

This weird situation happened.

Where can this make him not curious?


Long sword landed again.

He opened the lid of the bottle gourd, took two sips fiercely, swayed as usual, and walked towards the corpse of Titan Giant Ape.

The eye-catching scene suddenly surprised him.

Because he saw it clearly.

The back neck of the Titan giant ape seems to have been corroded by something.

No! Perhaps it is more appropriate to say that the quality has been changed.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to find the most suitable adjective, but simply can’t find it.

The scar is too weird, and its flesh and blood can no longer be regarded as the flesh and blood of the Titan giant ape.

It is precisely because of this change that Titan Giant Ape’s defense feels much weaker.

But this wound is not the fatal wound of Titan Giant Ape.

Is it… nothingness?

Qin Shaofeng had this idea in his mind, and immediately displayed Life Source into nothingness.

He really understood it through the observation of nothingness.

His sword in reality really only brought some injuries to the Titan giant ape, but his sword in nothingness cuts off the neck of the Titan giant ape.

Slay the enemy through the void.

This seems to be only a means that Void Realm powerhouse can have?

Qin Shaofeng’s heart became more and more shocked.

No wonder Primal Chaos was known as one of the four Ominous Beasts.

There seems to be no problem with this claim.

Only inheritance can allow him to cross so many Realms and display the methods that can only be displayed by the Void Realm powerhouse.

It can be seen how terrifying Primal Chaos was when he was alive.

After thinking about it, he was ecstatic.

Isn’t he now comparable to Void Realm’s powerhouse in terms of attack methods?

Perhaps this is not the case.

But his attack on formidable power, geometric multiplier growth, is not a bit fake.

“This, is this to win?”

Du Zhixing, who was stunned by the scene before him for a long time, finally woke up.

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