
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Brat, I will say it one last time, and get out of the way immediately, otherwise, die!”

The person at Yunxiandian obviously has no interest in continuing to waste time with him.

In the burst of shouts, he has already moved towards the man covered in mud and grabbed it.

He cannot see the cultivation base of the sake ghost.

But he didn’t believe what decent powerhouse could appear in such a small Tianbei City.

After all, their cultivation base is average.

In the outskirts of the camp not far from Tianbei City, a powerhouse team in their Yunxian Palace was stationed.

Those people are for the sake of Chongming Chi.

But if someone dares to attack them, he believes that only a random rescue message will be needed, and a large number of powerhouses will come.

He didn’t know.

The alcoholic he is facing now, where would he be afraid of these things?

This drunkard is not Qin Shaofeng, and who is he?

The battle strength beside him is not comparable to the powerhouse of Yunxian Temple near Tianbei City.

Let’s not talk about the few people from Ximen Lingzhong who don’t know where to go, but must always pay attention to his news.

Even in his fan house, there are three powerhouses in the void.

When encountering Yunxian Temple and doing evil, where can he let it go?

“Want to kill me? hahaha……”

Qin Shaofeng laughed again, his laughter was as crazy as ever.

As if he didn’t know how to talk to people at all.

But while he laughed loudly, he staggered a step forward.

That’s weird.

He was clearly moved towards the muddy person.

When he was about to hit the muddy man, his feet staggered, as if he almost fell to the ground.

It was such a simple action that allowed him to directly pass the muddy person.

“This brat is really weird, kill!”

The young man headed by Yunxiandian is not a fool.

Qin Shaofeng’s action has been able to prove too many things.

Where does he dare to hesitate?

In the burst of shouts, the long sword in his hand has already moved towards Qin Shaofeng stabbed over.

Immediately, the other six people have their swords.

In their opinion, no matter what kind of cultivation base the alcoholic is in front of them, they must be killed first.

But they neglected a very important thing.

Up to now, they have not been able to see clearly the cultivation base of the alcoholic in front of them.

It’s okay not to do it.

They took the lead, as if they had a tyrannical killing intent, and immediately dispelled the alcohol from the drunkard, causing a cold glow to flash in the drunkard’s eyes.

“Kill one person in ten steps, do not stay for a thousand miles, hahaha…”

The drunkard suddenly laughed wildly, still holding the bottle gourd in his left hand, but at some point he had already caught the collar of the muddy man.

In the burst of laughter, the silhouette of the alcoholic suddenly flickered.

As if it moved instantaneously.

The rabbit rises and falls, and his silhouette has disappeared on this street.

Such a weird scene makes people who watch the battle from a distance feel puzzled.

“That drunkard said so much baffling and escaped?”

“Cut! I thought I was going to stage a hidden drunkard against the powerhouses of the Yunxian Palace. It was really disappointing.”

“It seems that Loose Cultivator is just a Loose Cultivator after all, and is not qualified to compete with the Overlord influence of Yunxian Temple!”

“What I want to do that many do, it has nothing to do with us anyway.”

“It’s not bad, it’s a pity not to be seen as a play, but it also prevents us from getting hurt?”

I wanted to see the lively crowd in the distance, and suddenly there was a sound of regret.

Many people turned their heads and left.

The alcoholic has disappeared.

They wait any longer, at most they can only wait until the powerhouses of the Cloud Immortal Palace are furious.

But at the moment when most people have already turned around.


A crisp sound, like thunder on the ground, sounded in the quiet street again.

Countless people immediately turned around.

I see…

“Clang! Clang! ……”

Just now, the seven young powerhouses in Yunxian Palace were still very arrogant, and the long sword in their hands actually landed one after another.

When everyone is still puzzled.

They discovered that the youngster who had been negotiating with the drunkard had a shallow blood stain on his neck.

The bloodstain seems to be just the beginning of what happened here.

next moment.

More blood appeared in the bloodstain.

With the increase of blood, a head was separated from the young man’s neck.

gu lu lu ……

His head rolled on the ground a few times like a ball.

“Dead, dead?”

“He actually died?”

“How did he die?”

Everyone screamed in shock.

At the same time when they yelled, they saw the heads of other people rolling down.

Just a short moment.

Seven people were heads down without exception.

Up to this time, they were still standing where they were, as if their bodies still didn’t know that they were dead.

Everyone who was surprised at this scene sucked in a breath of air.

Even if it is mixed among them, very few cultivation bases are not considered weak people.

They never saw the drunkard take action at all.

But what they don’t know is.

They failed to find the drunkard Qin Shaofeng taking action. The same goes for the muddy people who were caught by Qin Shaofeng all the way out of the city.

Two terms like a road instant movement, far away from Tianbei City.

Qin Shaofeng just left the man on the ground.

“That person, come to tell the master about your origins, why did the people in Yunxian Temple chase you down?” Qin Shaofeng finally asked.


The muddy man stared at him and hesitated for a moment.

He finally stood up slowly, moved towards Qin Shaofeng cup one fist in the other hand, and said: “myself Sha Pojun, many thanks Senior life-saving grace, it’s not that I deliberately concealed it, but I did it The things that really touched Yunxian Temple’s painful feet, it’s better not to know about it for Senior.”

Sha Pojun is not lying.

As a former powerhouse who has not known how many years he has lived, he always stared at Qin Shaofeng’s eyes when he spoke.

But he found sadly that he couldn’t see anything in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

He is a powerhouse that has been alive for unknown years.

How can Qin Shaofeng be an ordinary person?

Now Sha Pojun is covered with blood mist and mud, making it impossible to see the true face.

Qin Shaofeng has long recognized his identity from the faint familiar feeling.

Get Sha Pojun’s personal confession, he almost smiled in his heart.

It really is him!

It’s really good!

Ge Wantao, Chu Huan, Sha Pojun.

Now there is no clue about the whereabouts of the lone wolf.

“Afraid to hurt me? hahaha…”

Qin Shaofeng hearing this laughed wildly: “What a funny Little Brat, I dare to kill the seven ants in the Yunxian Palace with a single sword, will I still be afraid of your involvement?”


Sha Pojun jumped up in shock.

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