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“Help? What to help? Not interested.”

Qin Shaofeng spoke, but Zhan Zui Xin was stunned by his words.

Why didn’t this person even listen to me, so he refused?

Or, he actually knew that the battle strength was insufficient?

It shouldn’t be?

When Zhan Zuixin was still thinking about whether he wanted to test the Qin Shaofeng battle strength, he saw Lu Qianqian who had left before and ran over holding a long sword without a scabbard.

“Senior, I brought your long sword.” Lu Qianqian shouted.

Zhan Zuixin first just swept the long sword.

The shape of the long sword is really rubbish.

The almost flattened point of the sword, the dim sword blade, and the rotten hilt, it doesn’t look like a good thing.

But as soon as he retracted his gaze, he felt something was wrong.

I looked at the long sword again.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already taken the sword, and the tip of the sword was dragged on the ground randomly, as if holding a Fire Burning Stick, turning around and walking towards the door of the banquet hall.

The tip of the sword, although it has been flattened, is still rubbing a deep gully on the ground.

“This is…Heavenly Grade weapon?!”

Zhan Zui Xin suddenly suck in a breath of cold air.

He is a direct bloodline member of Heavenly Palace in Beitian.

That Earth Grade long sword was also bestowed by the elders when he cultivated the breakthrough Heaven and Moon Position.

If Qin Shaofeng hadn’t ignored the emoji presented by Du City Lord before, he would not bear to take out the Earth Grade long sword.

But what about Qin Shaofeng?

A Heavenly Grade long sword that he didn’t even dare to think about was used as a Fire Burning Stick, and even the point of the sword was worn out.

What a force this is!

Yes, it’s courage.

At least that level of long sword is in his hands, and he will definitely serve him like his father.

As everyone knows, the overwhelming majority powerhouse is not qualified to get a Heavenly Grade weapon!

Qin Shaofeng was just such an action, which directly impressed Zhan Zuixin Young Master.

“Brother, wait a minute!”

He is really afraid that Qin Shaofeng will leave like this now, and hurried to the front to stop Qin Shaofeng, saying: “Brother, as long as you are willing to help, I must go to Heavenly Palace. The conditions are left to Brother. ?”

“Isn’t it Beitian? Why has it become Heavenly Palace again?”

Qin Shaofeng glanced at him dimly and said: “Tell me something first, don’t bother me if I’m fine.”

“Of course something is going on.”

Zhan Zuixin said quickly: “Brother, do you know Chongming Lake?”

“I don’t know.”

Qin Shaofeng replied simply, almost making Zhan Zui heart bleed.

“Brother said, Chongming Pond is a piece of Ancient Vestige, which is transformed by the blood of Monster Beast Chongming Bird. As long as you can enter Chongming Pond cultivation, you can raise your cultivating martial skills to a level in a very short time .”

“And this thing?” Qin Shaofeng astonished.

He slaughtered in the Cangming mountain range some time ago, so he can naturally feel the problem of his martial skill.

Since cultivate this cultivation technique martial skill has been assimilated by Qicai inheritance.

The difficulty you want to improve is the increase in geometric multiplier.

If it were not for him to wander around the Cangming mountain range for several days, he would not find a way down the mountain.

Neither did Ximen Lingzhong tell him where he is now.

He simply didn’t care about those Little Brat.

Not to mention the incarnation drunk.

Although everything is a temporary motive, he also has his own arrangements.

After all, the Azure Lotus Sword Immortal that he has transformed is not a figure in the Cangming world, so naturally he will find some opportunities to show his face.

Besides, he didn’t have much food and drink, so he could come to replenish it.

Surely it can be said to serve multiple purposes.

But he couldn’t imagine that he could still encounter such a good thing.

“Chongming Pool used to be a secret of our return to the North Sky. It is normal for Brother to not know. If Brother is interested, we might as well drink and talk?” Zhan Zuixin suggested.

“Drink, drink, hahaha…”

Qin Shaofeng swayed back to the wine table holding the long sword.

The hand holding the hilt of the sword loosened.

‘Dang Cang! ’

Heavenly Grade long sword was directly on the ground by him.

Reached out and grabbed a braised bear claw on the wine table and gnawed it.

“Where’s the wine? Serve wine, great wine, hahaha…”

Qin Shaofeng yelled while chewing.

This faction made Du City Lord and the others stare.

Zhan is infatuated and speechless.

How can such a sloppy guy have Heavenly Grade weapons?

It’s really eyeless!

He thought to himself, but he did not dare to offend a mysterious existence who was willing to use Heavenly Grade long sword as a Fire Burning Stick.

Zhan Zuixin hurriedly said with a smile: “Du City Lord, are you ready to take out all of your City Lord Mansion collection?”

Du City Lord’s face became more ugly.

He had to come forward, point to the bottle gourd hanging around Qin Shaofeng’s waist, and repeat what had just happened.

Zhan Zuixin is not a small city like Du City Lord.

He was hearing this experienced and knowledgeable, and he immediately understood the strength of Qin Shaofeng.

Without enough strength, how could he have the treasure of this Grade?

Zhan Zuixin suddenly became more diligent.

Enduring heartache, he took out three jars of fine wine from his space ring, filled a bowl for Qin Shaofeng himself, and said: “Brother, we have been talking for so long, and I don’t know Brother Gao’s name Your name?”

“Gao’s name?”

Qin Shaofeng raised his head, but lowered his head again.

A few mouthfuls gnawed away the last bit of meat left in the braised bear claws, and threw the bones behind him, saying: “It’s easy to say, myself Li Taibai, the word wine fairy, Azure Lotus, you call me a poem Sword Immortal Alright.”

He actually arched his stained hand, and then took the wine bowl and said, “Come on! Come on!”

With a grunt, he drank a bowl full of wine clean.

It seems that he simply didn’t notice, that Zhan Zui was stunned by the series of fonts he reported.

“Li, Brother Li.”

Zhan Zuixin corner of the mouth twitched, and said: “Let’s continue talking about the previous thing.”

While speaking, he filled Qin Shaofeng with wine again.

“Brother Li must be a Free and Unfettered Powder person, and he doesn’t know much about the rivers and lakes of the Cang Ming world, then I will come and tell Brother Li myself.”


Qin Shaofeng nodded, but then picked up the wine bowl and drank it.

But he didn’t put down the wine bowl this time. Instead, he threw it behind him like the bone just now, and copied a wine jar backhand.

Gudong! Gudong! Gudong!

After a few sips of the cow, he laughed wildly: “Oh, let a man of spirit venture where he pleases, And never tip his golden cup empty toward the moon! hahaha……”

Zhan Zuixin was messed up in the wind again.

Du City Lord and the others, who became a foil after doing this, were also messy in the wind at the same time.

They really can’t imagine how such a ‘lunatic’ would have strong battle strength.

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