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Master Juechen knows what she meant by this half sentence.

It seems that I want to remain neutral, which is also impossible.

Unless he wants to see loss of life.


Master Juechen shouted the Buddha’s name here, saying: “Since the old man is here to judge today’s affairs, and the fault lies with the donor, then from today onwards, everything about the donor Qin will be exposed. The donor shall not use any excuses. Trouble with Qin’s donor or endless mountain, I don’t know how to solve it like this?”

He looked at the two of them.

After the previous scenes, he has determined how much his face is worth.

In the endless red moon’s words, indeed, don’t give face.

But that seems to be very respectful to him, it seems that the Cangming Great Emperor Cangluo, who is looking forward to him, is the real don’t give face.

Even shameless things can be done in person.

This makes him reluctant.

“If someone can really do what Master Juechen said, it’s okay, but I’m afraid that someone will say something to each other.” Endless Red Moon laughed.

Her laughter is very cold, so cold that it makes people feel like they are entering a cold winter.

However, her beautiful face looks so plain, she looks like a little girl who doesn’t know the world and smiles.

This huge difference made everyone stare in amazement.

This seems to be too terrifying, right?

Master Juechen finally fixed his gaze on the face of Emperor Cangming: “Cang donor, do you have any opinion on this poor monk’s ruling?”

“Let’s go!”

The Great Emperor Cangming knew that staying there today would have no effect, so he simply retreated.

“The Great, don’t things just leave it for today?”

A Void Realm powerhouse from the Cangming army hurriedly came to the side of Emperor Cangming and asked.

“Of course you can’t forget it.”

The Great Emperor Cangming gritted his teeth and said: “This group of bastards are really good plot against. First use the major event to reduce the size, and then let Qi Huanshang take out the common people’s order to suppress the emperor.” /p>

“Knowing that the emperor is impossible, stop here, and then let powerhouse take Qin Shaofeng away, so that even if the emperor wants to continue to pursue it, he can’t find the main plotter, so let’s use those monsters to pressure him.”

“The emperor admitted that their calculations have succeeded, but what about this?”

“The Great, what should we do? Continue to send people to hunt down Qin Shaofeng?” the Void Realm powerhouse asked.

“Since Juechen Old Bald Donkey speaks in person, if we still do it blatantly, it would be to deny the old Bald Donkey face. The old Bald Donkey’s anger is more terrifying than the four bastards of Endless Mountain.”

“We can’t be aware of it, so let people do it in secret.”

“Zi Bingning is not in the endless mountain, but it is impossible to escape from the Cangming Realm, and mobilize everyone to find, especially the small and medium-sized influence of the endless mountain generation.”

“In addition, activate the powerhouse in the Loose Cultivator of Cangming Palace. As long as you find the whereabouts of Qin Shaofeng, kill without mercy!”


Void Realm powerhouse said respectfully.

“Apart from this, let your people speed up the preparations for the banquet of the emperor, and advance the banquet of the emperor to half a year later, when the time comes, I will let all the races in the world have the acknowledge allegiance.” Cangming the great emperor shouted.

“The Great, Heavenly Dao near Heavenly Dao Fruit. The wind is too strong. I wonder if the subordinates can invoke some secret influence?” asked the Void Realm powerhouse.

“No, that’s what the emperor uses to do more important things. If it can be used, the emperor will be angry with these bastards today?” Emperor Cangming said angrily.

“Subordinates understand.”

Void Realm powerhouse has an expression of disappointment in his eyes, saying: “In any case, at any cost, the subordinates will certainly bring Heavenly Dao Fruit back to the emperor within a year.”

The Great Emperor Cangming said: “Cangyun, do it for the emperor. When the emperor crosses this last half step, he will definitely be the first to help you enter the Heavenly Dao Realm half step.”

“Many thanks the Great, the subordinates will arrange all the matters.”

The Void Realm powerhouse Cang Yun respectfully retreated.

This person’s name is Cangyun.

It is the Corps Head of this Cangming army, Void Realm Peak Realm powerhouse, and it is also the life and death brother of Cangming the Great Emperor Cangluo.

Apart from this, he has another identity.

That is the mysterious Deputy Palace Lord of Cangming Palace, who is qualified to mobilize everything in Cangming Palace on the surface strength.

The other side.

Lian Cangming University Imperial Capital has left, and the influence of all parties will naturally not stay too much.

Even Qi Huaanshang, the Palace Lord of the Zunxian Temple, left with the large army.

He left so quickly, even faster than the others.

Master Juechen did not stay much either.

Finally, the lowly cried Buddha number, took the powerhouses of all parties he personally invited to leave.

Make the endless mountain lonely again.

Sighed in relief.

The four people of Ximen Hongyue also left one after another. After continuing the seclusion, some of the silhouettes in the sky seemed so maverick.

In the sky, there are still two parties.

One party naturally ‘helped’ Qin Shaofeng’s Blood Race.

On the other hand, they are from Daxitian.

The overwhelming majority of Daxitian people have been sent back by Ximen Tianxin.

However, Ximen Tianxin took a few powerhouses from Daxitian and stayed there, but he didn’t move.

“Two people, the matter of our endless mountain has been resolved, and the two can leave on their own.” Wu Endlessly looked at the two people who are absolutely impossible to count as friends, and said with a gloomy expression.

“Since the endless Old Ancestor has ordered the Expulsion Order personally, then we won’t stay here anymore, let’s go!” The Emperor Blood Race greeted Blood Race.

They came abruptly, and left quickly.

As if they came here, really just to help Qin Shaofeng.

Blood Race does not have that many nonsense.

Ximen Tianxin was impossible and left.

Until the endless gaze turned towards him, he cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Master Wu, Tianxin came today, not to help Emperor Cangming to oppress the mountain.”

“Oh? So, are you here to help us today?”

Xian Xian Mu’s eyes were full of anger and laughed: “Ximen Tianxin, you don’t need to be so kind, old man is not qualified to own your Great Western Heavenly Emperor this Martial Nephew, hmph!”

Since Ximen Tianxin had no malice, he would not care about these things.

Although he was once the owner of the endless mountain.

But he is very clear about his character, he has no problems in combat, but his diplomatic level is very poor.

Since Ximen Tianxin has something to say, let him talk to endless Canglan.

The endless walk is also free and easy.

Change to normal.

The Master’s house is chasing guests first, and then in this manner, Ximen Tianxin has long lost the face to continue to linger.

Now it’s not working.

Seeing that endless Canglan obviously replaced the theme of endless chaos, he quickly said: “Brother Canglan…”


Endless Canglan also interrupted him, saying: “I can’t afford to call you the elder brother of the Great Western Heaven.”

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