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The same shout rang out again.

The Master Juechen, who was already a little hesitant, also looked subconsciously in the direction of the sound.

I saw that Emperor Blood Race held an identical order for common people in his hand.

“Cangluo-kun, if there is no this common life order, how would this emperor stop fighting with your Human Race 1,000 years ago?”

The Emperor Blood Race raised his brows: “Now that your Human Race has established a stable foundation, you can’t come to tell the Emperor?”

“It turns out that the effect of the Common People’s Order is just that.”

Phoenix Clan Elder, who accepted the invitation of Master Juechen, also sighed deeply.

He didn’t say anything at all, but his deep eyes made people look like something palpitating.

The common people’s order once used to stabilize the clansman’s heart can’t even hold one person.

And just to protect this person’s cultivation.

“The effect of the common people’s order will not be invalid, but what Qin Shaofeng did is really too much, and he is still a member of our Human Race, please don’t interfere with the two.” Cangming Emperor cup one fist in the other hand said.

He already knows that his plans today have been wasted.

But even so, he is impossible to stop there.

Speaking of this, he bent down slightly.

They are all suspended on the same horizontal line, whether the Emperor Blood Race or the Master of Juechen, naturally they couldn’t see the weird expression flashing in his eyes.

“The effect of the common people’s order is just this, the emperor can’t intervene?”

Emperor Blood Race hearing this laughed: “Cang Luo Jun, are you cracking a joke with Ben Emperor?”

The Great Emperor Cangming retracted and made a move, but his eyes flashed with a very ruthless expression and whispered: “Naturally, he won’t crack a joke. Since the emperor wants to…”

Before the voice fell, I saw several space fluctuations, and Qin Shaofeng was immediately enveloped.

“Asshole! Sneak attack!”

Long Cangqiong was originally near Qin Shaofeng.

But after Qin Shaofeng had just played, he was overwhelmed by surprise and had already come near the endless mud.

He couldn’t imagine that Emperor Cangming, dignified, would engage in sneak attacks.

This happened too suddenly.

Even if he wants to rescue now, it is too late.

Lightning between flints.

The space around Qin Shaofeng has shattered.

Everything is so thunderous that no one can react.

It was Qin Shaofeng, and didn’t expect that this would happen.

Dignified Emperor Cangming, even engage in sneak attack?

It’s over, my life is over!

When Qin Shaofeng was thinking about it, he saw that the surrounding space had been completely shattered.

Yes, but, but…

After all the space around him was shattered, he still didn’t feel that he was affected.

Even the consciousness is clear.

How could this be?

He can be sure that this is definitely not his own defense.

“The dignified Emperor Cangming, turned out to be just an unbelievable caution, funny! It’s funny! hahaha…”

A sound of arrogant laughter reverberated in the entire film of Heaven and Earth.


The Great Emperor Cangming was really so angry that he almost exploded.

He came today, and it can be said that he is fully prepared.

But when he arrived, there were changes again and again, which made him frustrated one after another.

It’s better now.

Even the last trump card he prepared was resisted.

Where can he not be angry?

“It’s a person, of course it’s a person, not some kind of bastard, hahaha…” The laughter was still arrogant.

As everyone watched, I saw Qin Shaofeng’s silhouette suddenly disappeared.

What followed was a silhouette enveloped in the rich Demonic Qi.

The silhouette is so vague that it is impossible to see his face clearly.

“Cangluo-kun, don’t you want to kill this brat?”

“Then chase and kill, hahaha…”

When Shadowman laughed wildly, it turned into a black glow and rose into the sky.

“Take him to this Eminence!”

The Great Emperor Cangming called out loudly.

In fact, there is no need for him to tell.

The defensive front formed by the people he brought was originally in the sky.

It was the countless defensive fronts of this powerhouse. When the black shadow rushed past, dozens of people seemed to be absorbed into dried corpse by some special ability, and fell directly.

The black shadow doesn’t even look at the fallen people, and soars toward the higher part of the sky.

“Catch me! Anyway, take down the guy who dared to snatch people in front of this Eminence!” The Great Emperor Cangming roared.

“Respect Order!”

The unaware army replied at the same time.

The sound is neat and tidy, as if it came from one person.

In an instant, they were ready to hunt down.

But when they were about to move, they discovered that the sky had turned blood red at some point.

A round of scarlet full moon has appeared in the high altitude.

The whole endless mountain is blowing a real cloudy wind under the red moon sky.

The blowing of the yin wind made them feel sad from the heart.

“What happened, why did I suddenly feel like crying?”

“I suddenly remembered my fallen wife.”

“Mother, mother, father, child unfilial…”

In a blink of an eye, there was still a neat army formation, and at this brief moment, Qi Qi was in grief.

Countless shining stars powerhouse, even weeping.

“Who, dare to stop my Cangming army!?”

“Bold thief, don’t quickly put away your spells!?”

The sound of one after another loud shout came out from the Void Realm powerhouse in the army.

As long as the cultivation base exists above the void.

Even if you can’t completely resist it, you can suppress some of the feeling of grief and take out the weapons one after another, as if you are about to take action.

“The Cangming Army? hahaha……”

“It’s really shameful to be thrown at home by the name of Cang Ming, you lackeys.”


“The three Senior Sisters are right, this dog stuff, all damn it, jié jié jié!”

Four voices resounded in the air at the same time.

Just hearing the sound, everyone’s face has changed.

The expression of Emperor Cangming changed drastically. He immediately shouted: “Endless muddy, can’t you not afford to lose in Endless Mountain?”

“Can’t afford to lose, yeah, we can’t afford to lose at Endless Mountain.”

The endless chaos also laughed loudly, as if raging flames were burning in his eyes.

A cold glow appeared in his hand.

He looked at the Master of Juechen, said solemnly: “Master of Juechen, I’m really sorry, we can’t afford to lose in the endless mountain, we have no words to believe in the endless mountain, and our endless mountain does not even recognize the common life order , Hahaha……”

“Okay, well said, if you can’t afford to lose, then count as our Blood Race!”

The Emperor Blood Race also laughed wildly.

But he is not like a loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain, like an endless muddle, which directly turns into a Dao Void and rises into the sky.

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