
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Qin Shaofeng, this is a battle, this is a dignified battle, can you still point your face?”

Cang Qingtian was almost kicked by Qin Shaofeng’s severed son again, and suddenly roared out in anger.

I can’t bear it!

This guy simply does everything in order to prevent himself from breathing.

I’m afraid that even if the gangsters fight, they are not as cruel as him, right?

His shouts did not delay Qin Shaofeng’s attack at all, but made the attack even sharper.

Aren’t you afraid of my grandchildren?

That’s right!

Qin Shaofeng kicked out again.

At the same time, another combo came.

“boom~ boom~ ……”

The series of attacks made Cang Sunny simply not know what unknown to resist first.

Even after his cultivation base reaches Celestial.

The astral qi formed by his own cultivation base aura is also enough to help him resist many attacks.

But when his mind was upset.

body protection astral qi defense is not as strong as before.

Qin Shaofeng punched it again and immediately exploded it.

Cang Qingtian was shocked.

Immediately we must reconsolidate body protection astral qi.

“Stop children and grandchildren!”

Qin Shaofeng’s burst of shouting sounded again.

It is the moment of preparing to condense body protection astral qi on a sunny day.

Another psychological fear made him resist subconsciously. Where is there time to gather body protection astral qi?

Anyone who is not careful, but it is the end of the offspring!

This bastard is too shameless!

As everyone knows.

When Qin Shaofeng hasn’t crossed, in the video I used to scan, I saw a founder of XX boxing.

What people pay attention to in fighting is that they don’t emphasize the rules and morals.

As long as you can defeat your opponent, monkey steals the peach, cross-eyed, and severed feet are all light.

You can take whatever you have. Phlegm attacks, screwdrivers, and scissors are all the best weapons.

This person-to-person transmission is not easy to take action, once an action is taken, it will be ruthless.

This is such a character. He can’t remember his glorious record, he just remembers that he has never lost.

His current battle is completely at a disadvantage.

If he doesn’t use any tricks, even if he takes out all the trump card abilities, he is absolutely impossible to be a Celestial powerhouse opponent.

Naturally, he has to take advantage of the opponent’s lack of battle experience, and when he doesn’t know how to fight back, he can just kill him.

While taking advantage of the sunny day to resist the next set, his pair of Iron Fist immediately greeted the sunny face.

crackle, ping pong pong!

A series of bombarding sounds sounded.

It was just a blink of an eye, before it was still a breeze~ The surviving Young Emperor had turned into a pig’s head in the blue sky.

Cang Qingtian finally realized that he was fooled, and was about to scold subconsciously.

But when he looked up, he was scared to cry by Qin Shaofeng’s actions.

Even the words he was about to export suddenly changed: “Qin Shaofeng…no! No! I, I admit defeat!”

It’s not monkey steals the peach, it’s not cross-eyed, and it’s not that it’s not to cut off one’s feet.

It is the thick phlegm that Qin Shaofeng now remembers to use now.

With a click, Tian Qingtian screamed directly.

However, although his screaming sound was timely, he could not stop Qin Shaofeng.

Because of his mouth, directly…


The clear sky suddenly vomited a rustling sound.

“Qin Shaofeng loses battle strength in the sunny day, this battle, Qin Shaofeng wins!”

Master Juechen’s voice sounded in time.

At this moment, there was absolute silence.

The silence lasted for a long time.

At a certain moment.


A sound of uproar resounded through Nine Heavens.

Which one is not a high-powered cultivation base, this subconsciously exclaimed, Qin Shaofeng actually feels that his eardrum is about to be shattered.

Those who exclaimed, didn’t notice it at all.

“How could the outcome of the battle be like this?”

“Young Emperor is a Celestial powerhouse!”

“Qin Shaofeng is too shameless, right? How can we fight in this way of ruffians and hooligans?”

“Cheating! This is clearly cheating!”

“The result of this battle is problematic. It is clearly that brat won by shameless means. Simply can’t be counted.”

“Yes, how can the outcome of such a battle convince the public?”

“That brat is such a shame to my martial arts, we should be severely punished!”

The emperor Cangming brought the most people.

One after another next moment when the sound of surprise sounded, those people forcibly turned the voice away.

When I went to the end, it was completely changed.

In addition, those who want to hold Emperor Cangming’s thighs completely changed the sound of surprise.


Master Juechen’s Buddha horn resounded again.

Qin Shaofeng, who was being targeted by everyone, clearly saw some of the loudest people suddenly covering their ears and screaming.

Even the people who followed the booze were all pale.

He didn’t feel the slightest feeling.

Obviously, this is a punishing method specifically aimed at those clamoring by Master Juechen.

It’s in his favor anyway.

He is naturally happy to watch the fun.

“Cang donor, are you dissatisfied with the result of this competition?”

Master Juechen doesn’t even bother with the existence of trivial ant.

Of course, those existences are just like ants in his eyes.

At least now Qin Shaofeng can despise them, but I have to admit that these people are only trivial ant in the eyes of a few people such as Master Juechen.

“For whatever reason, defeat is defeated, this emperor has no objection.” Great Emperor Cangming could not yell like other people.

Such an answer made the master nodded very satisfied, saying: “Since the donor has no opinion, then this poor monk announced that the two sides will compete against the endless mountain and win.”

“From today onwards, the Cang donor shall not use any excuses to attack the endless mountain again.”

“As an account of Heaven’s Mystery Building, the donor can make a request that is not excessive to the donor Qin.”

“many thanks Juechen master.”

The Great Emperor Cangming cup one fist in the other hand and said: “Since there is a master of Juechen as a safeguard, this emperor will naturally not talk about too harsh conditions, but Heaven’s Mystery Building is in a miserable situation now, Qin Shaofeng must give an explanation.”

“Qin Shaofeng, you hand over the purple ice, and then abolish Martial Dao. Today’s affairs are all over.”

“Man of the endless mountain, prepare for battle!”

Qin Shaofeng’s response was very simple, just a loud shout, then moved towards Juechen master cup one fist in the other hand: “Master, is this a condition you mentioned?”

The moment he prepared for the word exit made everyone nervous.

Even the face of Master Juechen changed.

But he simply didn’t expect that Qin Shaofeng’s enquiry would directly suppress the anger he had just appeared.

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