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Once Qin Shaofeng takes an action, his attention has been completely focused on the opponent.

The gap between his current cultivation base and the clear sky is indeed huge.

But he also has complete confidence.

Battle experience is just one aspect.

His martial skill is also not comparable to that of a sunny day.

A ghost cut take action.

It looks like just a martial skill that has undergone some changes.

Actually, his move incorporates so many martial skills he knows.

The Ghost Three Slash and the Heavenly Secret Sword in the Seven Color Sword Jue, and the Instant Movement Technique in the Seven Color Sword Jue.

Anyway, no one will see the reason for the Ghost Three Slash he is currently performing.

He will naturally spare no effort.

The successive teleportation makes it appear to outsiders that it is really a special ability in his martial skill.

He even merged the id from the inheritance of Primal Chaos.

Among dozens of phantoms, what appears is not just him in the instant movement, but also his self who is constantly in the instant movement.

With such a falsehood, he believed that even Master Jiechen would be impossible to see.

“Qin Shaofeng, do you really think you have some special attainments in martial skill, you can really cross so many realms to fight this Young Master?”

Cang Qingtian suddenly released a laugh.

The aura of Celestial Wuxiu immediately flooded the battlefield.

“Cang strength of Heaven, first sword, sword cut!”

After Cang Qingtian felt the pressure that Qin Shaofeng brought to him, he directly displayed full-strength.

Celestial Wu Xiu really cannot control Power of Space.

But after Wu Xiu Realm reached the shining star position, he was already able to easily control some Power of Heaven and Earth.

Not to mention that he has reached the limit of the star position, Celestial!

The dramatic fluctuations of Power of Heaven and Earth.

Qin Shaofeng, who originally had the upper hand, was cut in half by Cang Qingtian and the sword and the person at the moment the sword intersected.

“This, this…”

The dragon sky was speechless immediately.

Do these people in Endless Mountain want to see Qin Shaofeng die?

Should be impossible?

As he was thinking about it, he saw another cold glow appearing from behind the clear sky.

It turned out to be another Qin Shaofeng take action.

“How is it possible!?”

When Cang Qingtian smashed Qin Shaofeng with a sword, he already knew that what he was killing was only a Dao Void shadow.

But feeling the threat coming from behind, he couldn’t help but exclaim.

As Cangming Young Emperor.

His battle experience is not as good as Qin Shaofeng’s, but he immediately took out a shield for defense.

Such defensive treasures cannot be counted as those stipulated by them.

A moment of defense with a shield in one hand.


The fierce attack shook the strength, leaving the left hand holding the shield slightly trembled on the clear day.

“It is indeed very powerful, but with this battle strength, you are still not qualified to be compared with this Young Master.” Cang Qingtian roared.

Qin Shaofeng’s bizarre battle method really made him extremely angry.

Can be in the moment of roaring.

He felt a more terrifying strength emerge from the shield in his hand.


Another attack came.

Relying on the cultivation base of the shining star, the trace of Power of Heaven and Earth he controlled suddenly exploded.

The horrible vigor suddenly moved towards all around and escaped.

Although the people present, the weakest cultivation base is also the powerhouse.

But under this terrifying wind, I feel a little on the verge of collapse.

“Is that brat really just a ninth-level moon training base?”

“How could his battle strength be so tyrannical?”

“It looks like it has far surpassed ordinary Tianyue Wuxiu, right?”

“I would also like to know how he deceived Young Emperor’s eyes just now, take action sneak attack Young Emperor.”

“Is that really Divine Grade martial skill Divine Grade martial skill?”

“How is this possible?”

“His martial skill is at least Heavenly Rank or higher. Maybe, maybe…”

There was a burst of discussion.

But no matter how surprised their words were, or how many guesses they were, they couldn’t tell why.

Qin Shaofeng’s martial skill and battle strength are far beyond their imagination.

And while their exclamation is still not over.

Qin Shaofeng’s another cut has already come.


Three swords in a row made the clear sky subconsciously back a few steps.

As for the shield he took out at random, a slight crack has appeared due to Qin Shaofeng’s three attacks.

“no! Impossible, although this Young Master’s shield is not up to grade, it is also a Heaven Level defense equipment. Even if the martial arts of the Yaoxing position, it is impossible to cut cracks in three ways.” Cang Qingtian exclaimed.

When he exclaimed, Qin Shaofeng didn’t hesitate at all.

Kill Na at the end of the knife, and the endless mark on his left hand has been slapped out.

Yes, it was just a cut.

One shot after triggering three combos.

As for the exclaim of the clear sky.

Qin Shaofeng is naturally more impossible to give him an answer.

According to normal circumstances, even if he chops 30 knives and 300 knives one after another, it is impossible to crack the shield.

But in his attack, he incorporated the power of the space sky map!

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