
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

It has only been a few breathing times since the battle began.

One after another powerhouse behind the Great Emperor Cangming has already joined the battlefield one after another, as if to encircle the endless chaos.

It’s a pity that the cultivation base reached their this Realm.

The difference in battle strength cannot be made up by the number of people.

Even though there are already five people taking action behind the Great Emperor Cangming, they are completely at a disadvantage when facing the endless chaos.

“Old Ancestor is very powerful.”

“It’s not that the endless mountain is stronger than other influences. How can he be so powerful?”

“I heard that Heavenly Secret City was destroyed by a few people from the endless mountain and part of the Dragon Race.”

“Why is the endless mountain, which is rumored to exist on the same level as Heavenly Secret City, so powerful to be so unscientific?”

“This is different.”


“Heaven’s Mystery Building is just too terrifying, if they move first, they can almost reach the invincible Realm, but they are passive and strong, and hard strength naturally cannot be mentioned on equal terms with the endless mountain.”

“The Overlord influence that has been hidden for thousands of years is really beyond my imagination!”

Among the many Top Level influences watching the battle, one after another discussion sounded one after another.

They can come here, obviously they can prove their human strength, simply not the Long Family to which the endless mountain belongs, etc. can mention on equal terms.

The most basic point.

Although they also have the title of an affiliate.

But what they are doing on their own land is not yet in the turn of the Overlord influence to dictate.

Only this kind of influence is qualified to be wooed by Emperor Cangming.

But they can run rampant on their own territory. The real Top Level battle strength is far from being able to mention on equal terms with Overlord influence.

Even today’s Zunxian Temple is precisely because of this, it has not been able to enter the ranks of Overlord influence.

“Endless muddy, almost done.”

The Great Emperor Cangming looked at the manpower on his side that was clearly on the verge of defeat, and couldn’t help but stop the battle in the air.

“The old man hasn’t slaughtered your trash son yet, how come it’s almost the same, or is there no difference between what your dignified Heaven and Earth said and farting?” Hentai laughed.

Although he said that, his figure also appeared in the void 100 meters behind.

Wu Jin Hun still looked at Emperor Cangming from afar, but did not continue to speak.

“The emperor admits that you are a senior, but this emperor is the co-lord of the Cangming Realm. Please be merciful to the predecessors,” Cangming said.

“Now know to be merciful?”

Wu Jin Hun laughed loudly: “Cang Luo Jun, what are you planning to do today for summoning so many people to my Endless Mountain, and you want the old man to be merciful?”

“The old man really doesn’t know, what exactly do you damned bastard consider your face.”

The expression of Emperor Cangming suddenly became gloomy, “Endlessly muddy, this Emperor knows that your hob meat is very capable, but you’d better not use it on this Emperor.”

“The old man really can’t speak well when facing something that is not a thing!” He sneered endlessly.

The few short sentences during the conversation between the two also made the faces of the people who were called to the influence of all parties become more and more weird.

But the same is true. Their fear of the Lord of the Endless Mountain is getting stronger and stronger.

“Endless muddy, this emperor won’t talk nonsense with you anymore.”

The Great Emperor Cangming saw that Wu Jin Hun couldn’t say anything good, so he simply said: “What did you Wu Jin Shan dísciple Qin Shaofeng do in Heavenly Secret City? I believe you should be very clear. Today you only have to hand over Qin. Shaofeng, everything is easy to say.”

“Finally don’t pretend to be 13 with the old man?

Endless laughed loudly and loudly: “My Martial Nephew is standing over there. If you have the ability, just come over and pick up people, what’s the point of nonsense?”

He really is such a decisive person.

But he was talking about letting Emperor Cangming take people.

Endless Canglan waiting for the endless mountain generation dísciple, is standing in front of Qin Shaofeng at the same time as the endless fluent words are spoken.

Take action one after another.

These weapons are all Divine Weapon.

The so-called Divine Weapon means that you need to be in the hands of the cultivation base powerhouse above the real shining star to play the real formidable power. It’s not that simple.

The moment the Divine Weapon appeared, it has already turned into light and shadow, and it seems to be space fuse together, you can fight with it with space strength.

“Endless muddy, do you have to fight?”

The eyes of Emperor Cangming are still gloomy, but if you look closely, you can find that the depths of his eyes are like a pool of stagnant water.

As for the gloomy surface of the eyes, it is more like a deliberate disguise.

“War, why not fight? hahaha…”

It was not endless muddy that followed the words of Emperor Cangming, but a bloodthirsty laugh.

Amidst the laughter, dozens of Blood Races with outstretched wings have appeared in the void of the endless mountain.

“Blood Race!”

“Why is Blood Race here to blend?”

“That seems to be the Emperor of Blood Race. Isn’t he worried that we will rush in and destroy the strongest existence of their Blood Race?”

The discussion sounded louder than before.

The order of Emperor Cangming is fine.

It’s nothing more than an endless declaration of war.

They are all contradictions within Human Race.

Or those who are obviously mingle together with the people of the endless mountain, but have not yet expressed their views on Dragon Race to intervene, they will not feel so shocked.

This is Blood Race!

second only to the human race enemy of the ghost slave.

“Blood Emperor, this is a matter between our Human Race. What are you Blood Race doing here?” The face of Emperor Cangming was really hard to look.

“The emperor came here, naturally because of the emperor.”

The Great Emperor Blood Race laughed a few times and said: “Cang Luo Jun, your ambition of wild wolves is already well known to everyone. Now that you have set out your cart to deal with the endless mountain, the endless mountain is naturally us Friends of Blood Race.”

“What did you say?!”

The expression of Emperor Cangming began to change at Rapid Speed.

With the intervention of Blood Race, he wants to accomplish the set goal today, which is almost impossible.

Everything has two sides.

Blood Race’s interference may not necessarily be a bad thing, it depends on how he should use it.

The Great Emperor Cangming pondered a little, his eyes seemed to have a flame, and he looked towards the endless chaos: “The endless chaos, please give me an account of the blood race.”

“Blood Emperor, tell me your real plan!”

Wu Jin Hun had already asked the Emperor Blood Race before he could finish speaking.

The things that Emperor Cangming can think of, he can naturally also think of.

If rumors about the Blood Race spread to the endless mountain, their thousands of years of reputation would be truly ruined.

“The emperor is naturally here to fight injustice.”

The Emperor Blood Race still has a smile on his face, as if he is really a righteous man.

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