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With the passing of time.

The Endless Mountain still looks like the bustling scene it once was.

But some caring people still notice some abnormalities.

In the City Lord Mansion of Everlasting City, all powerhouses in the Voidland seem to have been summoned to Everlasting Mountain.

It seems that even the powerhouse of the endless college has disappeared out of thin air.

The endless mountain dísciple, which was almost never born, has actually received an unprecedented order.

Because my endless mountains have been closed for too many years.

Most of the dísciples on the mountain have forgotten how to navigate the rivers and lakes.

From now on, both Inner Disciple and Outer Disciple of Endless Mountain will have to enter the rivers and lakes immediately under the mountain for a one-year experience.

This command is confusing.

The endless mountain disciplines still strictly followed the order and left.

But everyone doesn’t say anything.

But I kept muttering in my heart: What is the mountain owner doing? Is there any major event going on in the endless mountain?

The idea in their minds is quite conjecture.

But I don’t know.

This kind of thinking by them is really true.

They didn’t even know that when the inner doors and Outer Disciple left one after another, another order was quickly issued.

All Core Disciple go out for experience.

If it is normal for Inner Gate and Outer Disciple to go out for experience, Core Disciple also goes out for experience, but it’s not right.

On the other hand, Outer Disciple, the inner door, has already left, and naturally no one can know this.

Soon, there was another group of dozens of people silently on the endless mountain.

Not long after they left.

A sound of dragon’s roar has already resounded in the distant sky.

“Endless chaotic, old dragon, I heard that my ineffective son is a guest in your endless mountain, shouldn’t he leave now?” Dragon’s roar is from Dragon Race patriarch.

No need to wait for anyone’s answer.

Another dragon hidden sound resounded from Tianlian Mountain.

Five Clawed Golden Dragon appears in the air.

“You this bastard is really in the endless mountain, people clearly belong to another, why do you want to stay in the endless mountain and not go back?” Long Cangqiang angrily roared.

“Father, I am now the Honorary Disciple of Endless Mountain.”

Faced with father, Long Tianyin didn’t see any weakness, and said: “Although I know I don’t have any chance, I still don’t want to leave.”


Dragon sky knot.

When the two father and son were arguing, an old voice seemed to sound directly from their ears.

“Since I have come to My Endless Mountain, why do I still have to show in the air, do you want countless people to watch?”

The voice is full of mockery.

But whether it’s Long Tianyin, or Dragon Race patriarch, the expressions of their complexions become serious immediately.

“Dragon Race belongs to, immediately follow this patriarch into a human form and go to the endless mountain as a guest.” The dragon sky moved towards Yigan Dragon Race ordered.

With an order, hundreds of Dragon Race turned into various men~women and women moved towards the endless mountain and fell down.

The powerhouses of the endless mountain have long been attracted by these movements.

One after another came out of each room.

But when they moved towards those Dragon Races and took a look, they turned back again.

They are indeed all gathered here.

But even they themselves don’t know what they are doing here.

The arrival of so many powerhouses at Dragon Race clearly indicates that something will happen.

But they are also very self-aware.

No matter what happens, they only need to follow the command line, and everything else has nothing to do with them.

“Dragon Cangqi, our endless mountain has no place for so many of you to rest, let them disperse on their own!” endless Canglan finally appeared.

Also there is the Great Elder of the endless mountain, the Second Elder…and the others.

“What are you old bastard doing, why are there only a few people left in Endless Mountain? It seems that something shouldn’t be right?” Long Cangqiong’s cultivation base can naturally feel the desertedness of Endless Mountain.

Endless Canglan fiercely gave him a white look and said: “Don’t tell me, you don’t know the emperor’s order of Lord Cangluo.”

“Cangluo-kun? What order did he give?”

After learning about his son, Long Cangqiong rushed over immediately with the Dragon Race powerhouse.

He really didn’t know what command Cangming the Great Emperor Cangluo gave.

“You really don’t know?”

There was a strange wave in the eyes of endless Canglan, and said: “Due to the matter of Heaven’s Mystery Building, Lord Cangluo found an excuse to deal with our endless mountain. The great emperor has been issued to let all influence come to our endless mountain. “

“What? What does Lord Cangluo want to do?”

Long Cangqiong’s face suddenly appeared look of shock.

Before this, he really didn’t know that such a thing happened.

Dignified Emperor Cangming, because of a problem with one influence, he wanted to attack another influence.

This is too unimaginable.

“No matter what you think, our current endless mountain has really reached the cusp of the storm. We must be fighting already not far. If you are here for Long Tianyin, you can take him away now.” Canglan said.

This incident is the matter of their endless mountain.

His Endless Canglan will not force Dragon Race to help because of Long Tianyin’s kindness.

Not pedantic, but his arrogance as the lord of influence.

Long Cangqiong’s expression suddenly changed.

He seemed to be thinking about it for a long while.

Looking at him following his gaze moved towards Long Tianyin.

Four eyes face each other.

Looking at the decisive color in Long Tianyin’s eyes, he immediately shouted: “Endless Canglan, do you think my Dragon Race is a timid existence?”

“Although I don’t want to interfere with your Human Race.”

“Kun Cangluo did this. Obviously, there are other reasons. If my Dragon Race retreats after learning about this, what face will I see in the future?”

His words are even more arrogant.

But as long as you are not a fool, you can hear the meaning in the words.

He is ready to intervene in the matter of Endless Mountain.

“I hope your actions will not harm you Dragon Race.”

Endless Canglan sighed deeply and said: “According to the information I have received, among the influence of our Human Race cream of the crop, Yunxian Palace, Lingyun Immortal Palace, Void Hall, Heaven’s Mystery Building and Daxitian has all fallen into the hands of Lord Cangluo one after another, and Lord Cangluo clearly sees our endless mountain as the next.”

“What? Is your news accurate?” Long Cangqiong exclaimed.

A look of shock appeared in Long Tianyin’s eyes.

Because he doesn’t even know about it.

“The person who said this has to believe it, so I think this news is reliable.” Endless Canglan took a deep breath, replied.

Dragon Race and the powerhouses, although they have all received orders to disperse.

But their relationship with Human Race influence is not as good as imagined. Naturally, it is impossible to know where to rest in the endless mountain.

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