
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Senior !”

Ximen Bingning exclaimed.

Seeing that she was about to step forward again, she hurriedly shouted: “Don’t come near!”

Ximen Bingning subconsciously stopped.

And the appearance of this scene in front of me brought the endless condensate and endless text responsible for the response here also approached.

Their cultivation base is close to Indistinct.

Even endless Ning and Wu Jian are the same level cultivation base.

But they all know that even if the two of them work together, they are absolutely impossible.

The scene before them almost shocked them.

“Bing Ning, what happened to you, did the Old Ancestor move anything on you?” Qin Shaofeng eagerly approached a few steps and shouted.

“Master? No?”

Ximen Bingning looked back now.

She seemed to want to come closer again, scared Qin Shaofeng quickly took a half step back, and hurriedly said: “Don’t get close to anyone, please speak clearly before speaking.”

“I, I, I…”

In Ximen Bingning’s eyes, tears suddenly appeared.

The performance is so difficult and weak that everyone is dumbfounded.

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth twitched slightly, and said: “If it weren’t for the Old Ancestor to put something on you, how could you become like this?”

The anger in his heart has gone to the extreme.

Just when he wanted to break out.

“Little Junior Brother, don’t worry.”

Intermittently opened his mouth and interrupted him, saying: “The ability of this girl is not something that Zhang Chongguang can get. If I am not mistaken, this should be a magical ability to protect others from approaching, and take action At least half a step Heavenly Dao.”

“What? It turned out to be a half-step Heavenly Dao?”

Qin Shaofeng suddenly trembled all over.

The so-called concern is chaos.

The kind of him back then, since I was also a victim anyway, the idea of ​​why not eating her has already disappeared.

But even so, he can’t tolerate his own woman and can’t be touched by himself.

“How could this happen? Who did such a thing?” Qin Shaofeng hated gnashing teeth.

Wu Jin Ning and Wu Jin Wen watched this scene, but they didn’t know how to speak.

Especially the endless text, and even more subconsciously glanced endlessly.

He can believe it.

If Hentai Ning promises to be with him one day, but this happens, he will go crazy.

The atmosphere in the cabin living room suddenly became depressed.

As if in the living room, it has become a gunpowder keg with burning leads, which may explode at any time.

“Little Junior Brother, in my opinion, if this happens to the younger brother and sister, it may not necessarily be a bad thing.” Wu Jian said again, calming the atmosphere a bit.

“How to say?”

Qin Shaofeng looked at him.

“Although the situation on my younger siblings is weird, I can see that it is a self-protection mechanism for younger siblings, as long as you don’t want to have physical contact with her…”

“No, it should be said that as long as you stay one meter away from her, you will basically be fine, and you don’t need to worry about her being hijacked by who in the future.”

The only downside is the same.

The distance of the protection mechanism is too limited. If the enemy just uses Void Power to kill her, the protection mechanism may not be triggered.

Qin Shaofeng’s emotions only eased slightly after listening to the endless words.

How can he not see this?

But such a bowl of fragrant meat has been brought to my mouth, and I can still see and not eat. How uncomfortable is this?

Although I couldn’t eat before, at the very least, there was no problem with hugging and hugging.

Now I don’t have to think about anything.

wait a minute!

Hug and hug?

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something.


He went to Heavenly Secret City and saw the scenes after Simon Bing congealed, and they flashed in his mind one after another.

Thinking about that, his face suddenly became weird.

Because he remembered clearly.

Not long ago.

When he gave the defensive treasure Qi Yao had given to Ximen Bingning, he had been within half a foot of Ximen Bingning.

There was no attack at that time?

And that defensive treasure is used to prevent Ximen Bingning from being succeeded by some interested people.


Is it…

Qin Shaofeng’s tiger body trembled.

His face suddenly turned pale.

As the so-called power fan.

He had ignored this incident before.

The change in Ximen Bingning’s body turned out to be that he personally begged to come over, and then personally bestowed him on Ximen Bingning.

Up to now, I also personally cut off the happiness at my fingertips.

How absurd is this special?

“Little Junior Brother, do you remember anything?”

Watching the changes in his expression constantly, he seemed to ask him casually.

Among the people present, apart from Ximen Bingning, where are there any shallow people?

They all saw it clearly.

There is a faint smile in Wu Jian’s eyes.


His previous that sentence was not random talk, but really meant something.

What is going on?

A thick doubt appeared in even the eyes of Endless Nether.

When Qin Shaofeng gave Ximen ice condensation anti-gauntlets section, he was in the seamless air-conditioned room, but he didn’t know at all.

The only person who really knows the outside world is actually only one person.

“Think, I remember.”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes have turned into a gray color, and he sat down on the ground.

“Little Junior Brother, what happened, how could there be that kind of weird existence in the younger brothers and sisters?” Hentai Nether asked again.

“It’s me, I gave her…”

Qin Shaofeng’s voice is shaking.

“Is it you?”

Ximen Bingning also asked suspiciously.

“It’s really me.”

Qin Shaofeng smiled bitterly and said: “Before I went to Heavenly Secret City, but didn’t expect it to go so smoothly, so a special existence in Zun Xiandian said that he wanted to help me refining a defense treasure I agreed directly.”

“After I went to Heavenly Secret City, I also gave you personally. Did you forget?”

Ximen Bingning suddenly remembered that incident.

Thinking about this, she immediately cleared the comprehension.

After all, Qin Shaofeng met her at the time!

“Then, what should we do now, shall we go find that person?” Ximen Bingning asked.

“No, not yet when the time comes.”

Qin Shaofeng understood the cause of the matter, so naturally he lost his previous anger.

After he calmed down again, he immediately thought about the situation on Ximen Bingning’s body.

“According to the news I have received, the person who wants to get you this time should be the son of Emperor Cangming, Young Emperor Cangming.”

“Even the Heavenly Saint Old Ancestor was planted in his hands.”

“After we return to the endless mountain, although there is a great possibility that it will be safe, it is not necessarily true. Let’s wait for our cultivation base to improve a bit!”

Qin Shaofeng said with tears in his heart.

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