
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This Eminence came to Heaven’s Mystery Building for half a month. You brat is the first person to call this Eminence World Uncle. Trifling the meeting ceremony. Virtuous nephew doesn’t need to be too serious.” Qin Shaofeng still uses aloof and remote. Said it.

Everyone became more curious.

What exactly is 100?

Is it 100 Celestial Crystal?

It seems that Tianjing is humiliating people, so there is less impossible?

“This…how does this work, this is a full 100 hearts, my father is reluctant to give it to me, I can’t take it.” Where does Zhan Cangkong still have the arrogance before?

Weibo is touching.

Even his status is very high.

When he said that sentence, it was equivalent to giving his handle to Qin Shaofeng’s hands.

trifling 100 heart crystal, now Qin Shaofeng really doesn’t care.

Only the compensation he received from the two houses was 2,500 heart crystals. What could be considered if 100 was sent out?

But he thinks so, all the youngsters here!

Just cultivation resources.

100,000 Soul Crystals a year is the limit.

Moreover, Zhan Cangkong can get that many because of the fact that Zhan Cangkong’s father’s cultivation base did not reach Ruler.

But in Void Realm, he is one of Peak’s people, and this has kept the northern sky extremely well.

The annual cultivation resources of other people cannot reach this figure.

100 hearts.

Their eyes are almost red.

“Uncle Qin, Junior Dharma Courtyard……”


Qin Shaofeng seems to be carefree, but his attention is always on everyone.

Seeing that they all plan to find their own spar, where can we wait?

These guys are not Zhan Cangkong.

They didn’t see themselves as unpleasant, or something else, but to rob them from their hands.

But his 1st Step chess has been completed, where else can I give these people a chance?

“You a monk who practices martial strength is good for fitness, where did that many spar ideas come from?” Qin Shaofeng said angrily.

One sentence pushed back the chief First Disciple of Dharma Courtyard who didn’t even have a name to come out.

He sighed deeply: “It seems that I, as an elder, don’t give you a little advice today, it is really unreasonable.”

“Cangkong, my nephew, since you are the first person to ask this Eminence for advice, then this Eminence will come and give you some advice. By the way, please teach you all.”

Zhan Cangkong’s emotions were suddenly pulled back from such a massive meeting ceremony.

He really didn’t expect it.

Qin Shaofeng was willing to fight him even after giving such a large sum of money.

This…what seems to be wrong, right?

He is in the game and momentarily has not been able to react.

The others wake up quickly.

Long Tianyin didn’t deal with Qin Shaofeng a long time ago. There is no need to worry about offending Yunyun. He said directly: “What a cunning brat, he paid for Zhan Cangkong first, and then let him play with you. A play, really shameless!”

Everyone is in the heart and I feel so impressed.

Cangming Young Emperor also had to admit that the Dragon Race Young Patriarch, which once made him very upset, seemed so pleasing to the eye in this brief moment.

“Play your sister!”

Qin Shaofeng does not have the kind of grace that elders really should have.

He went back angrily and said: “Look at the identity of the people present. Apart from this Eminence, how can anyone be bought by money?”

“If you don’t believe me, you can buy someone in the first row and show this Eminence.”

Everyone was silent again.

Before the matter was broken, they all wanted to get such a large amount of property.

But if this matter is said to be broken, if they dare to take it, it is equivalent to selling their own face by 100 hearts.

Let’s not say whether they will see people in the future.

It seems that after they did that kind of thing, they couldn’t even go back home.

Zhan Cangkong finally cleared the comprehension over.

I quickly picked up the storage bag and wanted to return it to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng waved his hand one step before him, saying: “Since someone feels bad, go back first, this Eminence is the same for this Eminence to instruct Long Tianyin and this little fellow.”

Zhan Cangkong knew that the money would not be returned.

I can think about it again, it seems that there is really no need to go back?

After all, he didn’t fight with Qin Shaofeng, let alone any acting, even if someone said something behind his back, he couldn’t splash sewage on his head, right?

“Are you going to fight with me?”

Long Tianyin has long wanted to teach Qin Shaofeng personally.

hearing this, immediately jumped up.

“It’s a fight!”

Qin Shaofeng nodded, said: “This Eminence today is mainly to guide everyone’s martial skills, so you can suppress the cultivation base to the Early Stage of the sky and the moon. Every time the match is over, stop for a few breaths and wait for this Eminence Just explain it.”

Long Tianyin was immediately stunned.

What is it?

You actually want me to suppress the cultivation base, waiting for you to end every trick?

Is this still fighting?

But he changed his mind.

Qin Shaofeng is just the Early Stage of the Earth and Moon, and at most it is not the cultivation base of Rank 2 and Rank 3. Even if his own powerhouse powerhouse suppresses the cultivation base, he will definitely be able to beat him down. .

“Okay, suppress it.”

Long Tianyin jumped out immediately.

His personality is similar to that of Qin Shaofeng nowadays, simply because he is unhappy with the existence of Young Emperor from the bottom of my heart.

When he jumped out, he ignored the Cangming Young Emperor.

“Remember it is a martial skill, it doesn’t matter what martial skill is.”

Qin Shaofeng said, let the endless print appear from the center of the eyebrows.

After everything about him has been changed by the Seven Colors method, the endless seal has no longer been as dazzling as it once was, on the contrary, there is a faint red color.

He gently clasped the endless mark in his hand, covering the faint redness.

“Take action!”

Qin Shaofeng said.

“Take this Young Master 1st move, Long Xiao Nine Heavens!”


Long Tianyin sent a crisp Dragon’s roar from his mouth, and the palm that suddenly slapped over turned into a dragon claw during the attack.

It’s really just the battle strength of the Early Stage of Tianyue.

But the people present, except Qin Shaofeng and other very few people, are all martial cultivators in the Yaoxing position. Can’t you see that Long Tianyin’s claw did not use the Early Stage battle strength of the Heaven and Moon position? full-strength?

Even more strength is used to close the momentum.

They did not deal with it.

But whether it is Dragon Race or Infinite Mountain, they all have a common enemy. At best, Long Tianyin can only lose the face of Qin Shaofeng in public.

“Good martial skill!”

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed and slapped a palm at the same time, but still clearly explained: “Although your move martial skill is good, you can only play 30% of the essence at most. If this Eminence is not wrong, This move is the main attack, but it should contain a change, but you still can’t use it. There are too many weak spots.”

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