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“The Young Emperor is here too?”

As if he found a life-saving straw, Mr. Lu Family immediately shouted aloud and quickly greeted the people coming: “Heaven’s Mystery Building Lu Family Lu Zhengchun has seen the Young Emperor.”

“Lu Zhengchun, why are you not called Duan Zhengchun?”

Qin Shaofeng interrupted Lu Zhengchun again at the right time.

He used to love watching TV dramas.

The fame of the flower-hearted Prince is great, and he naturally has a familiar feeling.

Anyway, he is now playing a super playboy.

And when I still wanted to interrupt them, I naturally dared to say anything.

“Duan Zhengchun? Who is that?”

The Cangming Young Emperor didn’t come late on purpose, but after hearing the report from the person monitoring Qin Shaofeng, he always felt something was wrong.

Only this kind of accident will happen.

In his opinion, no matter what kind of person Qin Shaofeng is, he should give him some face for the Young Emperor of the Cangming Realm.

That’s why they spoke just now when the two elders didn’t know how to decide.

He absolutely did not expect that Qin Shaofeng would have such an attitude.

“It’s just a womanizer.”

Qin Shaofeng stood up slowly, holding cup one fist in the other hand in the slightest insincere, and said: “Endless Little Feng has seen Young Emperor nephew.”

Quiet, the audience is deadly quiet.

Even Long Tianyin, who always looked at Qin Shaofeng very uncomfortably, was completely silent at this time.

The Cangming emperor today is the co-master of all races in the Cangming world.

Even if they are proud of Dragon Race, they still have to give some face to Emperor Cangming on the surface.

He can imagine.

Even if his father is here, I am afraid he would not have the courage to call out that nephew.

Although it is true according to seniority, it is the same.

It happened that he thought that even his father would not dare to do something, but this brat was said in front of so many people.

This attitude almost frightened him.

What our proud Dragon Race wanted to do, something we couldn’t do for some reason, was actually done by this brat in front of so many people.

Simply… an idol!

Long Tianyin just thought of this and shook his head hurriedly.

That brat is my rival in love, how can I regard him as an idol?

Long Tianyin thought in the heart.

“The world… my nephew?”

Cangming Young Emperor trembled all over, because Qin Shaofeng’s ‘World Nephew’ became stuttered.

“Didn’t I call your nephew the right?”

Qin Shaofeng looked at everyone suspiciously, and said: “The Lord of the Mountain of Endless Mountain is my Eldest Senior Brother, and my Eldest Senior Brother seems to be older than the emperor in age. There seems to be nothing wrong?”

Everyone suddenly fell over.

Even for physical reasons, the Old Ancestor, who sits on the main seat facing everyone, is the same.

“This brat… is really not an ordinary madness, is that the reason for seniority?”

Tiansheng Old Ancestor said to himself that didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

At this time, the entire banquet hall of the heavenly secret banquet was full of silence. Although his voice was not loud, it also spread to everyone’s ears.

The young well-known figures of influence from all parties are all subconsciously nodded.

Even Long Tianyin is no exception.

That’s the Young Emperor of the Cangming Realm. How can you compare seniority to others?

“Can’t talk about seniority? Why not?”

Qin Shaofeng turned his head curiously, and looked at Old Ancestor, the saint of heaven. The expression in his eyes fluctuated significantly. He retorted, “Although the seniority of my martial arts is not easy to discuss, we are all Human Race, and we are both People who have migrated from the Void Realm should naturally be a family that loves each other.”

“Since we are all a family that loves each other, why shouldn’t we talk about seniority?”

“Or is it that our endless mountain is not qualified to be a family with Cangming Palace?”

He spoke again, and again let everyone down.

Who specializes in the family you love?

Long Tianyin couldn’t help laughing even more.

He admitted that in Human Race, people who are not my race must have different opinions.

But he also knew clearly that the hatred between Human Race really made him unable to understand.

In his opinion, many Human Races are counted with their Dragon Race family members, and they cannot be counted like this with other Human Races.

But this brat is so unobstructed.

But he is, after all Dragon Race Young Master.

Even though he has a playboy temperament, he knows that it is not the time to laugh, so he hurriedly coughed to cover up the laughter.

He didn’t know.

In the world where Qin Shaofeng once lived, the name of a certain group was ‘family in love’.

But when the number of people in an overwhelming majority family increases, the number of people who really know each other becomes very small.

After all, there is no saying that the world is cultivating. The girls who get married may all be here, so how can they get so close over time?

Even more often, weird news.

Distant relatives are not as good as neighbors, and sometimes it is more than just a statement.

He just borrowed it casually.

“Tian Yin Little Dragon, don’t you think what I said is wrong?”

Qin Shaofeng would not ignore Long Tianyin’s laughter, and said: “According to our Human Race, your age is a bit younger than me, but we are still the same generation…”

“no no no! Little Dragon, I admit that seniority is not enough.” Long Tianyin quickly retorted.

He doesn’t know what Qin Shaofeng is going to do.

But I also know that as long as Qin Shaofeng’s mouth is good, it will eventually be a prelude to a trap.

In the past, he could not care about it, but now he dare to follow, that is to show that standing on the thief boat of Qin Shaofeng, together suppress the seniority of Cangming Young Emperor.

They also want to do that at Dragon Race, but they really don’t have that strength!

On the world, not everyone can be as fearless as Qin Shaofeng.


Qin Shaofeng scratched his head.

Just as Long Tianyin sighed in relief, he blurted out again: “The Young Emperor’s nephew is the nephew of this Eminence according to seniority, but after all, he is the Young Emperor. Yes, but God Yin…”

He deliberately made the ending sound very long, so that everyone present almost came out.

This item is clearly intended to take advantage.

Even to let Long Tianyin speak out in person, really shameless!


Long Tianyin spoke several times, but he couldn’t make a sound.

But he also reflected it in time and jumped up abruptly, angrily roared: “You are Human Race, we are Dragon Race, you and I are not a shit and loving family.”

“pu! hahaha……”

Cangming Young Emperor burst out laughing suddenly.

His status is indeed high, but he has to admit that what Qin Shaofeng said is true.

He was wondering how to deal with Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn’t expect Qin Shaofeng to point the finger at Long Tianyin, and could even make Long Tianyin angry with such a sentence under flustered and exasperated.

It’s really refreshing!

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