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“This Eminence inheritance has been completed, this Eminence is gone!”

The Qi Cai Zhenjun really has his personality to the extreme.

He didn’t even have a word to explain. He just gave the inheritance to himself, and it just disappeared.

When he was thinking about it, he realized that Sea of ​​​​Consciousness had also turned red.

It seems that everything about myself has become crimson.

I just observed a moment.

He felt that his consciousness was forcibly kicked out by the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Re-look at everything in the room.

Seeing that the three assassins were still struggling in the restriction world, he immediately activated various martial skills.

Qicai true formula is the thunderbolt thousand flashes.

But after the real transformation, only a Dao Void shadow can be used.

But he can clearly feel that this Dao Void shadow has merged the inheritance illusory shadow he inherited from Primal Chaos.

He can feel that he can only use one of this illusory shadow now.

But this one seems to be the real self.

It seems that in some places, it was more tyrannical than the one he had encountered in Jiuyeyizhihua.

“So…I don’t have to look for nine leaves and one flower anymore?”

Qin Shaofeng Next, I thought about it in the heart.

Immediately, he dispelled this idea.

He can feel it. The Dao Void shadow in front of him must be a fusion of the illusory shadow he got from Primal Chaos with the technique of colorful.

If you can get nine leaves and one flower, and complete the fusion mentioned by Primal Chaos, it will definitely make the battle strength of the illusory shadow soar.

After trying the illusory shadow for a while, he reached out and pointed at the void in front of him.

The void in front of him was suddenly shrouded in a red rays of light.

But the feeling of this sword made Qin Shaofeng stunned again, because in his opinion, this sword was completely the way of using the Heavenly Mystery Sword, but the essence became the Seven Color Sword Art.

The colorful heart revolved, and immediately made him feel the same as when he used the heavenly secret technique.

The difference was that white mist was pierced by a sudden crimson rays of light when he was investigating the secrets this time.

Unfortunately, there are too few piercing places, so that he can only vaguely see the dots, and he can’t make him guess what he sees based on what he sees.

Immediately, Qi Cai Wu Jue and Qi Cai Dao Yin were tried one after another.

I was worried about the change of martial skill, the feeling of strangeness that would appear will not at all appear.

Because the name has indeed changed, but the essence is still the martial skills he had cultivated before, and even Ghost Three Slash can be displayed.

The difference is that today’s Ghost Sanzhan is integrated with the Heavenly Mystery Sword, and added the power of the Colorful Sword Art, making the battle strength far beyond the original Heavenly Mystery Sword Art.

The colorful printing is also an enhancement of the endless printing he used.

After learning about these things.

He just looked at the three people in front of the restriction.

“Heaven’s Mystery Building just sent three people here?”

Qin Shaofeng watched that although the three people were able to blast through various restriction attacks one after another, they could not help but shook the head when they could not find out the real restriction.

Just when he was sighing, a sense of danger suddenly flashed in his heart.

Heavenly secret technique?

Qin Shaofeng immediately discovered the reason for the crisis.

The 8th Layer of Heaven’s Mystery is the Peak level of Heaven’s Mystery Building, and after the qualitative change of the Enforcement of Colorful Art, its true formidable power may be comparable to the 9th Layer of Heaven’s Mystery.

Such a premonition of a crisis is actually normal.

Qin Shaofeng did not detect anything with the secret technique, but he also knew that the 8th Layer secret technique was absolutely impossible.

Since it is a crisis from the heavenly secret technique, it is certainly not easy to get through.

body flashed, he has already rushed into the restriction.

This is where his true trump card is.

Naturally will not give up the restriction and use its strength to oppose the powerhouse of the enemy Void Realm.

Thunderbolt Thunderbolt’s qualitative change is also good.

Not to mention the changes in martial skill.

He is only a ninth-level martial artist, and he wants to rely on this strength to fight the enemy Void Realm powerhouse. It is simply courting death.

Just as he rushed into the immediately in the restriction.

By manipulating the restriction, he saw through the restriction and found that where he was sitting cross-legged, a black short spear appeared.

People coming are still good at sneak attacks?

Qin Shaofeng’s expression suddenly condenses.

If facing the general martial artist, even the existence of Void Realm, he also believes that restriction is not simply manipulating nothingness, or smashing void can be crushed.

However, if this kind of existence is good at long-range attacks, relying on this throwing direction, directly attack him outside the prohibition.

He still can’t imagine whether the restriction can block it.

The room is too small.

If you want to dodge the short spear in the room, the difficulty is not an ordinary one.

Don’t dare to hesitate, he immediately rushed in the direction of the door.

The three Void Realm powerhouses who had already rushed in, found his abrupt appearance, and there was a touch of surprise in his eyes.

Goodbye Qin Shaofeng unexpectedly rushed towards them, the surprise in his eyes was even stronger.

“Did you take the initiative to come and die?”

One person gave a grinning grin, waved the long sword in his hand lightly, and cut it towards Qin Shaofeng.

“Just a few of the rubbish of Stranded Beast’s Struggle, you still want to kill me in my within arrays? It’s funny!” Qin Shaofeng sneered.

Thunderbolt thunderbolt comes out.

No! It should be called Qi Cai Zhen Jue now.

The attacking Void Realm powerhouse, as soon as he stabbed the long sword in his hand, he found that Qin Shaofeng in front of him suddenly turned into a crimson rays of light disappeared.

“How can…people?”

Void Realm powerhouse was stunned.

When he took action, he was worried about Qin Shaofeng’s escape, and directly condensed the entire space.

If it is not in the restriction, there are too many dangers.

If he dared to directly use Force of Void to crush and smash Qin Shaofeng, the restriction will surely inflict him severely first, and he will not rush over.

But he couldn’t think of it.

After he solidified the entire space, Qin Shaofeng still had the ability to disappear from him.

“What kind of array is this, how can attack defense and illusion combine together, and also suppress our Force of Void and the power of nothingness?” The powerhouse of nothingness couldn’t help cursing.

But he didn’t know.

The restriction is indeed full of illusions, but it is the limit to suppress their three people at the same time.

Qin Shaofeng’s actions just now did not use the slightest illusion of restriction.

It’s the teleportation ability after thunderbolt thousand flash changes.

Just a flicker, he has appeared in the courtyard.

With the trifling ninth-level moon position cultivation base, he is simply impossible to be the least opponent of the powerhouse in the void.

So when he came to the courtyard immediately, he was ready to continue the instant movement.

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