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The distance between Zunxiandian and Heaven’s Mystery Building is not too far.

But between the two, there is a terrifying inland Dead Sea. All creatures flying to the Dead Sea will fall, and then die in the Dead Sea.

They had to choose a detour for a while.

Although is so.

Most of a day later, they have also come to the gate of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Compared to other mountain gates Qin Shaofeng has seen.

The gate of Heaven’s Mystery Building is too ordinary.

Heaven’s Mystery Building Headquarters is actually located on a mountain with an altitude of up to 100 meters.

Maybe it can no longer be called a mountain.

Because this mountain was obviously cut off by the powerhouse, and then reconstructed on top of it, and became the giant Great City they see now.

Heavenly Secret City!

Tianji is the name.

Even if there is no huge city wall, it is not the existence who dare to trespass.

There are even very few people patrolling the city.

Even if this warship is the existence of the Immortal Palace, it is not qualified to fly over Heavenly Secret City.

Just when it came to the foot of the Heavenly Secret City mountain, the ship had stopped.

The strange Celestial powerhouse personally sent them off the ship, and cupped his hands and said to the two of them: “The Palace Lord’s order is to send them both, then I won’t stay. If it’s Young Master Qin When you want to leave, you have to trouble Luo Young Master.”

Luo Star Monarch readily responded.

But deep in his eyes, there is always a hint of worry.

He is very confident that his calculations are correct.

Will the chaos in Heaven’s Mystery Building affect him?

Now that the battleship of the Palace of Immortality is about to leave, doesn’t it mean that something really happened to Heaven’s Mystery Building? He doesn’t even have the ability to escape?

The idea just flashed in his mind, and he greeted Qin Shaofeng to head towards Heavenly Secret City.

As soon as you enter the gate of Heavenly Secret City, it seems that some people have heard of their arrival.

The streets of Heavenly Secret City seem to be like a mirror. If his cultivation base is not strong enough, I am afraid that he might fall down just by walking on this street.

The houses on both sides are more like masterpieces of powerhouse move mountain and collapsing sea.

It seems that it has been a long time.

But it is still as smooth as a mirror. Although there are vendors and pawns on the side of the road, the clothes on the body are all plain gray.

It seems that this is the distinction within Heavenly Secret City.

Heaven’s Mystery Building or guests can wear colored clothing.

Qin Shaofeng was observing the situation in Heavenly Secret City.

Two groups of dozens of people quickly ran over from a distance.

In the blink of an eye, they were already surrounded.

“Luo Star Monarch, didn’t expect you to come back, and you also brought back the culprit. Are you planning to ask our two families to apologize?” one of them shouted.

Although the other group did not say anything.

You can see the fiercely complexion on that face, obviously it has the same purpose as these people.

The attitudes of the two groups of people immediately stunned Qin Shaofeng.

No introduction is needed.

He can also see that these two groups are obviously people from Heaven’s Mystery Building Huang Family and Lu Family.

But even if the two of them are Heaven’s Mystery Building Peak family.

Who is Luo Star Monarch?

That’s the son of the owner of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

The actions of these people are almost equivalent to committing the following!

Moreover, in Heavenly Secret City, just and honorable doing this kind of thing in full view, is it possible that they want to rebel?

“This Young Master will naturally explain this to the Law Enforcement Hall. It is not necessary for your two to stop me here, and this is a distinguished guest invited by this Young Master. You are not qualified to clamor here. !” Luo Star Monarch was even more popular.

Similar things happened several times not long ago.

But Two Great Influences are somewhat convergent.

But this time I did too much.

If he can bear this, he won’t have to hang around in Heaven’s Mystery Building in the future.

“Guest? Really interesting, hahaha……”

The man laughed wildly: “Luo Star Monarch, you killed my patriarch direct descendant offspring for this brat. We may not be able to treat you, but you really think that you can take this brat away safely? “

“Huang Tianhua, you are just a dog in the Huang Family, you dare to talk to this Young Master like this?” Luo Star Monarch was furious.

“Good, good, what a bastard brat, dare to insult me, Heaven’s Mystery Building Protector in public, but the old man doesn’t care about you.”

“people coming, take that brat for me!”

Qin Shaofeng can’t tell what Huang Tian’s glorious eyebrows are. What qualifications does he have to become a Protector of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Sure enough, it was not unexpected.

I saw Luo Star Monarch suddenly widened his eyes, and pointed at him in astonishment: “You…what did you just say? You can become my Heaven’s Mystery Building Protector because of your little ant. ? Which guy with no eyesight sealed it?”

He dared to say this, but not without self-confidence.

After all, he knew clearly.

Huang Tianhua once stolen Heaven’s Mystery Building martial skill and sold it out.

Based on this one alone, Huang Tianhua has been impossible to gain a foothold in Heaven’s Mystery Building all his life. Even in the position of Huang Family, it is only possible for Huang Family Elder to have his father.

He really isn’t afraid that such insults will reach anyone’s ears.

“You little bastard dare to insult the old man so much. You are really mad at the old man!” Huang Tianhua seemed to jump up angrily.

Immediately, he shouted to everyone behind him: “Why are you still here? Do you really want to see that little bastard piss me off? Hurry up and take down the brat, let’s leave right away!”

The people behind him started moving.

One by one, the cultivation base aura burst out, and it seemed that they didn’t care about the Luo Star Monarch who was specifically blocking Qin Shaofeng in front of them.

There is even one, if you dare to continue to stop us, we dare to knock you to death.

Luo Star Monarch is a smart man, how can he not see it?

But when he was at this, he couldn’t give in.

After all, he is in full view, and if he avoids, he will definitely leave a name.

On the contrary, the people of Huang Family dare not kill themselves.

If you really hurt yourself here, he really has the initiative.

“Luo Star Monarch get out of the way, otherwise they may accidentally kill you.”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyesight is not comparable to Luo Star Monarch.

Luo Star Monarch could only see that the group dared to hit him.

Qin Shaofeng can faintly feel that the real goal of this group of people does not seem to be themselves.

He is just a cover for them.

What they really want to do is to kill Star Monarch by mistake.

This, this, this…

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being a little confused.

He came to Heaven’s Mystery Building. His original plan was to become an enemy of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

Why does it look like it has become here to help calm the chaos of Heaven’s Mystery Building?

What and what is this special?

“Qin Eldest Brother, don’t worry, they haven’t killed my courage yet.” Luo Star Monarch still spoke confidently.

But as soon as the words were spoken, he had already changed.

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