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“Among those people, some of them are from the Old Ancestor.”

“When they arrived, they naturally went to the Old Ancestor of Heavenly Sage.”

“These are nothing but the problem is here.”

Luo Star Monarch found the impatient color in everyone’s eyes and explained: “Among those people, there is a devastatingly beautiful beauty who was also seen by Huang Luoan, First Young Master of Huang Family.”

“Although Huang Luoan is the Huang Family First Young Master, he is similar to Zun Xiandian and has no inheritance rights. He is also a lecherous bastard. He even asked me for help several times.”

“If it’s an average person, that’s all, it’s the person from the Old Ancestor, and when I persuaded him to give up, he even broke with me.”

When Qin Shaofeng heard this, he had already opened wide.

didn’t expect that Luo Star Monarch almost got in.

Nothing but.

Luo Star Monarch didn’t know. He should be thankful now that his fear of death saved his life again.

“Later, after I went out and went back, I heard that several of them playboy pampered young masters were going to make trouble one after another.”

“In order to suppress them, Old Ancestor personally received that girl as disciples.”

“On the surface, it seems to be suppressed, but I can be sure that the fact is definitely not as calm and tranquil on the surface.”

When Luo Star Monarch said this, his face became heavy: “Although I don’t have the same vision as Eldest Brother, I can’t see where the problem is, but I can be sure that there must be a problem. And it must be the tranquility before rainstorm.”

When everyone heard him say this, they had already cleared the comprehension.

After all, they all have almost the same guess.

“Everyone must have guessed it too.”

Luo Star Monarch gave a wry smile and said: “I am similar to your guesses, but I have previous understanding as a basis. I can tell you clearly that there must be a major change in our Heaven’s Mystery Building, otherwise the Old Ancestor I would never do such a thing.”

“As for the Old Ancestor…”

He fell silent suddenly, speechless for a long time.

But he has said enough.

Everyone can imagine what he wants to say later.

But the more so.

The more they think about it, they don’t understand. After all, the Old Ancestor is one of Heaven’s Mystery Building Three Great Old Ancestors. How could Luo Star Monarch father let this happen?

Heaven’s Mystery Building is there. It can be said that everyone knows how to calculate the secret of heaven.

This kind of thing happened in Heaven’s Mystery Building, and it is most unbelievable.

“It seems that you really have a huge problem with Heaven’s Mystery Building, and the secret dinner at this time seems to be very interesting.”

Qin Shaofeng can’t see anything wrong on his face, said with a smile: “Star Monarch, my current cultivation base is enough to walk the rivers and lakes, and I’m going to go to the heavenly banquet to get acquainted with all the heroes. I don’t know if you can give May I lead the way?”

“No! Can’t go!”

Luo Star Monarch immediately shook his head into a rattle, and said: “Although there are many people in Heaven’s Mystery Building who have the sky shielding method, there are still many people who can be measured by me.”

“I have calculated immediately when I got the news that there will be a terrible disaster at the Heaven’s Mystery Feast, and Heaven’s Mystery Building common disciple will at least fall one third.”


Qin Shaofeng three people exclaimed together.

Among them, apart from Qin Shaofeng who is somewhat prepared, the others are not mentally prepared at all.

It’s just the Zunxian Temple with the name of Peak influence, and no one dares to make trouble.

It happens that even the influence that really stands in the Peak of the Cangming Realm, and the Heaven’s Mystery Building, which can easily don’t dare provoke, will be so turbulent at the banquet of heaven in the near future. Where can they be? Imagine?

It’s horrible!

However, these words still came from Luo Star Monarch, which naturally made them even more unimaginable.

“Heaven’s Mystery Building is going to be so turbulent? Then I have to go over and take a look.” Qin Shaofeng seemed to look like a lively scene.

Essence, Qi, and Spirit of Luo Star Monarch collapsed all at once.

This one is too good to join in the fun, right?

Even he didn’t have the guts to go back, this one must go to join in the fun?

As everyone knows.

If Qin Shaofeng doesn’t go, the excitement will not start!

“Qin Eldest Brother, Heaven’s Mystery Building is too dangerous, let’s not go?” Luo Star Monarch asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, if there is any accident at that time, as long as you are willing to continue to follow me, I guarantee your safety.” Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

He made this promise not without purpose.

Luo Star Monarch is, after all, the biological son of Luo Tianji, the poster of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

If Luo Tianji doesn’t recognize him.

It’s okay to protect it yourself.

After all, this time the Heaven’s Mystery Building is in chaos, only he and Heaven’s Mystery Building are fighting. No matter who wants to make Luo Star Monarch survive, it is obviously not too difficult.


Luo Star Monarch couldn’t help but hesitate.

It is true that he is afraid of death.

But he also had to admit that after going to the base camp of his own home in Heaven’s Mystery Building, it seemed that it was not too difficult to survive.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng’s seemingly insufficient cultivation base.

In fact, the various methods are limitless.

There are two reasons. He wants to die in that turmoil. It seems that there is really no possibility.

“Since Qin Eldest Brother has said so, then I will be responsible for bringing Qin Eldest Brother there.” Luo Star Monarch took a deep breath.

What Qin Shaofeng gave him seems to be wrong, but to him it is already very much.

Not to mention that he still wants to stand in the same boat with Qin Shaofeng.

If you don’t even agree to this trivial matter, it would be too unreasonable.

Qin Shaofeng wants to turn his face off, then he will not even have the qualifications to beg.

“Since we are ready to take an adventure in the past, let’s prepare quickly. Brother Qi Mu will help us arrange the flying boat. Let’s go there.” Qin Shaofeng said.

“Qin Eldest Brother, shall I go with you too?” Qi Xian said suddenly.

His sudden opening made Luo Star Monarch’s eyes widened.

Luo Xingchen admitted that he was afraid of death.

But in his cognition, Qi Xian, the second generation ancestor of playboy, would only be more afraid of death than him. How could he suddenly make such a request?

Too weird, right?

“I don’t have the energy to protect that many people. You should stay here first. If you have the opportunity in the future, I will take you to the world.” Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

His words sounded normal.

However, Qi Xian’s attainments in observing words and colors, I am afraid Zun Xiandian plus Heaven’s Mystery Building Two Great Influences, can not be compared with him.

He can faintly feel that Qin Shaofeng’s words seem to contain some other emotions.

It’s not that I can’t protect him, but that I don’t want him to go to this muddy water.

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