
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“How many times have I told you, slow down, do everything slowly, don’t worry.” Qi Xian immediately began to teach.

Ge Fatty scratched his head in a naive manner, and said, “Isn’t it because I was too excited to see the two majesty?”

After he finished speaking, he smiled sly.

This smiling face made everyone speechless for a while.

Especially the Luo Star Monarch three people, I can’t believe what they saw with their eyes.

The dignified second generation ancestor, a well-known playboy.

It turned out to be this reaction because of such a subordinate.

It’s just incredible.

“The two highnesses and everyone’s guests have been to the ruins for so long. Obviously, they are tired and hungry. I have prepared food and drinks for everyone. Let’s go to the flying boat, and I will arrange the sailing for the warship. “Ge Fatty continued.

In front of Qi Xian, he is obviously like Chief Steward.

Everyone happened to be just as he said.

White Wolf and Xiaoyao left, and Luo Star Monarch asked Zhou Zecheng and Luo An to go to the flying boat of their Heaven’s Mystery Building and take people to the Zunxian Temple as guests.

He followed Qin Shaofeng and the others and boarded the battleship of Zunxiandian.

Such a move has clearly proved his current position.

Zhou Zecheng and Luo An didn’t ask much.

They left as requested by Luo Star Monarch.

Qin Shaofeng entire group boarded the flying boat immediately, and saw three huge tables in the cabin.

The table is already full of banquets.

They were also not welcome, and strode to the table.

Ge Fatty only then left each minding their own business.

It didn’t take long before the warship set sail.

A shining star powerhouse pilots the warship himself.

As soon as they were satiated and satiated, they had already arrived in the Sky City of the Zunxian Temple.

I don’t know if there are any commands on it.

The battleship came directly to the main island, and Ge Fatty greeted everyone to get off the battleship.

As soon as he exited the cabin door, Qin Shaofeng was stunned by the scene before him.

They are not only on the main island, but also directly in front of the temple of Zunxiandian.

Palace Lord Qi Huanshang seems to have received news of their return.

At this time, he personally took someone to wait outside the warship.

The ruins are opened once every thirty years.

This is the first time Brother Qi Mu saw such a grand occasion.

Everyone quickly got off the flying boat.

But before they could speak, they heard Qi Huanshang’s voice.

“Don’t be stunned here, go, let’s go back to my temple and talk about it.” Qi Huanshang took the initiative to greet everyone.

It is the first time that Luo Star Monarch has received such treatment, and can’t help but accept his incompetence.

Qin Shaofeng can faintly guess some things.

He followed the most indifferent.

The temple of the Zunxian Temple seems to be made of some kind of strange metal. Although there is no sense of gold and jade in glorious splendor, it contains a certain tyrannical array aura.

He just glanced at it casually and stopped thinking about it.

After all, the former Zunxian Temple is one of the Peak influences in the Void Realm.

This city in the sky is an existence brought from the Void Realm from the Immortal Palace, and the power contained in it is so powerful and terrifying that it should be true.

He wants to understand something, I am afraid it is impossible.

The temple is divided into many palaces.

Under Qi Huaanshang’s personal leadership, they naturally came to the main hall.

Qi Huanshang let them sit down one after another.

Only then asked Qin Shaofeng: “Little Brother Qin, I don’t know what you can gain from this trip?”

After all, he has paid that many, and it is true that he is anxious.

“Naturally, I have gained a lot.”

Qin Shaofeng said with a smile: “I have obtained the inheritance of Primal Chaos. Although it feels a little messy now, I believe that in a few days, I will be able to smooth it thoroughly and give it to the Palace Lord. An answer that is not too satisfactory.”

“Oh? Why are you not satisfied?” Qi Huanshang was taken aback.

“Because there should have been a few imperfect inheritance, but because of some problems in Junior, Xian’er and Qi Mu did not get one. Isn’t it imperfect?” Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

“They also got the inheritance from bomb disposal?!”

Qi Huanshang jumped up suddenly.

But just in a flash, he calmed down again, said with a smile: “Whether they can get it is their own chance, but the old man really didn’t expect, and their two disappointing brat can also Go to this step, really lost self-control.”

“Palace Lord must not say that.”

Qin Shaofeng quickly said with a smile: “Xian’er is now a real Void Array Master, and his battle strength has reached a normal level. This has helped me a lot.”

“Good, good!”

Qi Huanshang was overjoyed.

The effect of such a young Void Array Master is no worse than the perception of the hand.

Not to mention that the Array Master is his biological son.

Where can he not be excited?

In order for Qin Shaofeng to get Primal Chaos inheritance, he really paid a lot.

But in the same way, his gain is definitely a terrifying number.

“Little Friend Qin, you straighten out the inheritance the past few days. If you need anything, you can just come and tell me.” Qi Huanshang happy said with a smile.

He was very satisfied with the two great harvests that he was not sure about once.

“I need a quiet room, the past few days, it is best not to let anyone disturb me.” Qin Shaofeng said.

“This is nature, what else do you need?” Qi Huanshang said with a smile.

“Help me take care of Long Haoyue and the others.”

Qin Shaofeng thought for a while, then said: “I also agreed to straighten out the income and write it out, let Luo Star Monarch also study it, and let him rest here for a few days.”

“This is not a problem.”

Qi Huanshang laughed and said with a smile: “The main temple on the left is just empty. You can go to the main temple on the left to sort out your thoughts. There is absolutely nothing in the three main temples except the old man. People dare to do everything they want, and no one will bother.”

“many thanks Palace Lord.”

Qin Shaofeng got up to cup one fist in the other hand, and immediately took off the space ring.

“No need to pick it up.”

Qi Huanshang immediately said: “Since the old man prepared these things for you, he never thought about taking them back.”

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback.

Qi Huanshang Palace Lord didn’t even ask himself, how much did it consume?

Thinking that most of the things have already been used.

How many things are left, I believe Brother Qixian will also tell Qi Huaanshang.

He simply reported Cup one fist in the other hand and said: “If this is the case, then I will go there first. After I have a good sleep, I will immediately start preparing to organize my thoughts on inheritance.”

“No problem.”

Qi Huanshang watched him go, and only then let Luo Star Monarch, Long Haoyue and the others find a place to rest.

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