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Apart from this, he has another idea.

It is precisely because of that kind of thought that he is so impatient.

It was the first time Yun Tianxing faced the illusory shadow, but there was no battle experience at all.

Even if his cultivation base is very strong, Yun Tianxing might not be able to resist a hundred battles.

As for Qi Mu and Qi Xian, he also has no hope.

Qi Tomb’s battle experience is indeed rich, and there are so few opportunities, but the opportunities are definitely not more than him.

Plus he can observe first, and there may be more opportunities than Qi Mu.

Qi Xian, he will not fight, so he is naturally more impossible to pass.

In his mind.

The only person who can pass the level is one person.

That is Qin Shaofeng.

As the Second Young Master of Heaven’s Mystery Building.

He does not want to admit that he is inferior to others.

But he also knows clearly that Qin Shaofeng’s endless methods are not his own.

Even if it is ten selves, plus ten Yuntianxing, it is impossible to beat Qin Shaofeng.

Under the change of this mentality.

Not even he himself noticed, he has begun to show awe of Qin Shaofeng.

Neither want to get too close to it.

But also don’t dare provoke at all.

When the various thoughts in his mind reverberated, he saw that in the open space in front of the defensive great array, the battle had begun.

Yun Tianxing is indeed the powerhouse of the Peak of Tianyue.

Although is he doesn’t have too many Top Level methods. With a Celestial Peak long sword in his hand, wearing a pseudo-diamond costume, he is indeed the first person to fight the illusory shadow.

The battle is also the most intense.


The two brothers Qi Tomb and Qi Xian also fought against two Dao Void shadows.

Instead, it was Qin Shaofeng who should be the first to fight, but became the last one to take action.

Not to blame Qin Shaofeng for being too slow.

It is true that his recovery from the past few days is really bad. At this moment, within the body is still tingling.

This is still with the help of Luo Xingjun medicine pill, otherwise it is absolutely impossible.

His condition is extremely poor.

But I don’t know what the king of Primal Chaos thinks.

He turned his opponent into the same state.

One person and one illusory shadow, they all staggered towards the other person approaching.

When Qin Shaofeng and illusory shadow only have the last three steps.

Qin Shaofeng stopped abruptly.

The illusory shadow also seemed to be stunned for an instant.


Qin Shaofeng raised his hand to cup one fist in the other hand.

It seems that it is really going to be the same sect spar.

illusory shadow immediately did the same thing.

But just as the illusory shadow raised his hands, Qin Shaofeng suddenly slapped a palm, directly dissipating the illusory shadow.

He came into contact with the illusory shadow last, but was the first to end the battle.

In such a situation, Luo Xingjun in the great defensive array trembles all over, almost sitting down on the ground.

“That’s OK? This, this…”

“Qin Eldest Brother deserves to be Qin Eldest Brother, I really admire my Tema.”

Luo Xingjun can be regarded as a person who has seen many scenes, but he also feels a little unbearable under the scene before him.

As everyone knows.

Qin Shaofeng who took action personally.

After one move was successful, he was also stunned.

Others have never really fought against the self, but he is completely different.

In the beginning, it was on the nine leaves and one flower.

Although the id he faced was very similar to the illusory shadow, it also had an id’s own thoughts.

If he had left too many back players, he couldn’t kill him easily.

But this illusory shadow really seems to be just an illusory shadow.

The gap is so large that it is totally unreasonable.

The attention of Qi Mu Qi Xian and Yun Tianxing are still on their opponents. The only ones who really noticed this scene were actually defending against the three people in the great array and the twin pupils of the king of Primal Chaos .

The king of Primal Chaos doesn’t seem to care at all about this scene.

There was not even the slightest fluctuation in the pupils.


The second illusory shadow appeared just three steps in front of Qin Shaofeng.


illusory shadow takes the lead in cup one fist in the other hand bows.

He is actually following my previous behavior?

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but sneered, thought: It seems that I haven’t recovered from the injury. It is really the best choice, and Yao Shenyi should not trigger it on his own.

He immediately retracted Yao Shenyi’s defenses.

Then when the illusory shadow bowed slightly, the palm slap went out.

With such a random palm, he killed the second illusory shadow directly.

“Is this special fighting?”

“Is the king of Primal Chaos releasing water?”

When Qi Zhen and Qi Huang faced the first battle, they still had some psychological resistance.

You can watch Qin Shaofeng kill two illusory shadows without blood.

Look at the three people on both sides of moved towards.

The scene where Heaven and Earth has almost changed color makes them really unable to recognize this battle.


Luo Xingjun trembled all over.

Qi Zhen and Qi Huang don’t understand.

Luo Xingjun saw the most clearly.

He was already good at secret calculations, but how could he not feel that the Yao Shenyi defense on Qin Shaofeng’s body seemed to have been withdrawn.

This is to use the most basic battle method to raise upwards a little bit!

You can imagine it.

If you really continue to fight like this, only a few battles really need to use true ability.

If you fight properly, maybe you don’t need to play real battle strength at all, you can pass the level smoothly.

When he was in the heart secretly, Qin Shaofeng’s third opponent had already appeared.

Compared to the previous two Dao Void shadows.

The moment the Dao Void shadow appeared, it moved towards Qin Shaofeng palm slap.

Look at the look of the take action, it is exactly the same as Qin Shaofeng.

I really want to follow suit a little bit!

Qin Shaofeng sneered secretly in his heart.

But there was no pause in his movements.

The figure dodged suddenly, avoiding the palm of the illusory shadow, and poking towards the illusory shadow with one finger of the left hand.

Since we have to fight from weak to strong, naturally we can’t worry.

Furthermore, in his current physical state, it is not realistic to want to use martial skills that are too strong.

The real battle begins.

illusory shadow But there is no slackness before.

The battle is in full swing immediately.

But it is precisely because of his physical condition that the battle strength of the illusory shadow is also extremely weak.

Even can only use the same battle strength method as him.

This battle method came out.

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed immediately.

He can clearly feel that the illusory shadow is not sure about his current situation, so he will slowly learn according to his current situation.

I have to say, this is a great opportunity.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Qin Shaofeng this finger looks simple, but I use a happy pointed finger towards.

Xiaoyao Sword Art, Xiaoyao Palm, Xiao pointed finger towards.

This is the foundation where Free and Unfettered Gate once stood.

Although it is just a martial skill in the land of shining stars.

But with his cultivation base leveled to the present level, the formidable power of the Free and Unfettered Gate in the Land of Stars is no longer on display.

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