
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Since everyone has no opinion, let’s start standing in line!”

“The person who agrees with the arrangement of this Young Master to go to the left, but disagrees with the arrangement of this Young Master to the right.”

“Of course, after all of your teams are over, there will be a ten-sentence canvassing session on both sides. I believe this can achieve the most fair notarization.”

“Look, this Young Master is democratic enough, right?”

After Qin Shaofeng said the rules, he spread his hands to signal his fairness.

The way he expressed helplessness in this way also made the common disciple sighed in relief.

None of them are fools.

Naturally not knowing, Qin Shaofeng impossible is holding Qi Mu and Qi Xian.

But they really need that reason.

Qi Jin, Qi Rang and Qi Beiying three people hearing this, immediately left their team and moved towards the left.

Yun Tianxing three people don’t understand what Qin Shaofeng wants to do.

But they are not idle either.

The three people move together, moving towards the left.

No matter what Qin Shaofeng wants to do, they believe that as long as Qin Shaofeng is offended, their fate will be very miserable.

The two sides soon stood in their respective directions.

Just like Qin Shaofeng’s previous guess.

The only people who really chose to follow his arrangements were Yun Tianxing, the most sober.

As for the others…

It doesn’t matter what the others are doing.

Qin Shaofeng already not in treats them as adults.

I and the others created the magical great array to test the canyon, but these people forcibly snatched it away.

Now, I want to help them out.

These people even want to follow them, follow them like moths, and then use full-strength to snatch them.

Such assholes or dregs are no different from ghost slaves in his eyes.

If this is the case, what is the pity to kill?

“Both of you have ten sentences to get votes. Prepare your words, and then start to get votes!” Qin Shaofeng didn’t know when there was a dog’s tail grass in his mouth.

The grassroots are stuck in your mouth, how you look like a little ruffian.

It’s just a dog’s tail grass.

Even if the Zun Xiandian took the initiative to ask for trouble, the person who was always paying attention to him, he did not at all care.

“All the people from the Wolf League, roll over to this Young Master!”

White Wolf simply yelled out loudly without any thought: “A bunch of bastards, you guys eat Laozi and drink Laozi, and even the cultivation resources are Laozi’s. At this time, you want to betray Laozi? “

This guy really deserves to be the son of a bandit.

Even if you haven’t experienced the days of bandits, this opening is arrogant.

Yun Tianxing and Xiaoyao Zui, both of the influence Young Master of the same party, both twitched fiercely.

Even they have seen the outbreak of White Wolf.

That was when the first dead appeared shortly after they came here.

When someone started fighting for corpse, White Wolf couldn’t stand it and went violently.

I thought they were already prepared.

But when I heard this kind of curse that was worse than a hooligan again, he was shouting out like a catchphrase, and he was still a little weak.

“White Wolf Young Master, we really live in the wolf league, but who of us is not working extremely hard for your father and son?”

“Every time you have the best resources, your father and son will enjoy it. If you have the most beautiful girl, your father and son will enjoy it first.”

“Now it’s this time, are you going to force us to die?”

The people of the wolf league really broke out.

The person’s opening seemed to detonate a powder keg.

Angrily roared another person: “White Wolf, you’re so fucking pretend to be a damn person, you are fancy to my Younger Sister, when I asked me to give my Younger Sister to you, why didn’t you think of giving me some favor Come to see me if you are going to die now?”

“Mom! This is not a wolf league. If you dare to let us go to death, you believing or not I will strip you alive?”

“When exploiting us, I never knew it would benefit us. We need someone to die before they come to us. I really want to kill this bastard first!”

“It would be a shame to be slaughtered. Anyway, we can’t live anymore. I saw that brat is white and fat, and I don’t know how it was playing.”

“Yes, that’s right, let him cool first, then cook him to fill his stomach.”

One after another, words full of banditry came out one after another like cannonballs.

Don’t say that Yun Tianxing and Xiaoyao, both well-educated, both felt trembling all over, and their hairs started at all.

Even the seventy people coming who are now in the same camp with those people have taken a few steps back subconsciously.

As a background of high grade influence dísciple, when did they hear such words?

It really deserves to be the influence with the predecessor of the bandit.

It’s really… too much horrible.

Silence, silence.

The silence lasted for a long time.

Yun Tianxing and Xiaoyao Zui looked at White Wolf again.

They finally understood why White Wolf was more fearful than them.

It’s really not without reason!

What kind of guys are the Wolves?

“Shut up to Laozi!”

When they were still trembling with fear, a roar of rage was the first to resound.

Everyone moved towards the direction where the sound came from.

I saw that Qin Shaofeng’s face had become extremely hideous, and the endless anger seemed to have burst out.

But what he was doing made everyone feel shocked.

Because Qin Shaofeng, after that many swear words destroyed his peace of mind, turned out to be just moving towards the group of people that he had previously held in his mouth.

The group of people found his movements and thought he was going to do something.

But dog’s tail grass is just a grass after all.

Qin Shaofeng also didn’t have the power to run qi and blood, so when they were about to retreat, they saw the dog’s tail grass only flew out two meters, and it had already moved towards the ground and fell.

Everyone is sighed in relief.

trifling Rank 1 Xuanyue rank cultivation base only.

It seems that this brat only looks very hanging on the surface, but in fact it is just an embarrassment.

I was extremely angry, but I didn’t dare to move towards them take action.

But what none of them found out was.

The grass roots should have been moved towards the dog’s tail grass they fell, but the hairy tip moved towards them.

It’s just a weed, who would take a closer look?

It can be changed but it is in this brief moment.

The moment the dog’s tail fell to the ground, the entire sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and the cold wind moved towards the group of people whizzing away.

The complexion of Yuntianxing and the others changed suddenly.

They really didn’t expect that Qin Shaofeng’s take action turned out to be so without a hint.

The change happened so suddenly.

More than 70 people in the restriction array have even greater changes in their complexions.

Because they have already noticed with horror that they can’t see Qin Shaofeng and the others, even Yun Tianxing and the others.

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