
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qi Xian is also that’s all, after all, the name of playboy has already resounded through the world of the Ming Dynasty.

But Luo Star Monarch is completely different!

Luo Star Monarch deliberately concealed him, making him like the second son of the most ordinary poster.

Although he has no glorious deeds, he is also an extraordinary young man.

But he is such an extraordinary person.

It can even be said that they can rank in the top three in this line.

The only people who can be compared with him are Qi Xian and Yun Tianxing, who are like Qin Shaofeng little brothers, obediently and honestly behind them.

None of them are ordinary persons, so it can be seen that Luo Star Monarch is totally willing.

“Myself Qin Shaofeng, I have seen everyone.” Qin Shaofeng arched his hands casually.

Behind him stood two little brothers with such weight. Even Yun Tianxing from the Yunxian Temple didn’t dare to be disrespectful at all, and quickly cup one fist in the other hand in return.

“Young Master Qin, cousin tomb, Young Master Luo, what does everyone think we should do now?” Yuntian Star Lord asked.

He seems to be the most normal of the crowd.

But how hungry he is now, only he can know.

If he didn’t know that there were problems with everything he could eat here, he might not be able to suppress the horror and hunger in his heart.

Luo Star Monarch didn’t even react at all after hearing his question.

The tomb of Qi also moved towards Qin Shaofeng and looked over: “Little Feng, this should also be an Illusion Array, right?”

“I am afraid it is not that simple.”

Qin Shaofeng gently nodded, strode towards the canyon, and shouted at the same time: “Shen Jun went to see what the plants in this canyon are all about.”

His order was given, and a scene that shocked everyone suddenly appeared.

I saw two Qi Zhen and Qi Huang, and they all followed out.

It seems that they have already become part of the team called Shen Jun.

Qin Shaofeng also took out a set of array cornerstones of the magical great array.

“Zhou Zecheng and Luo An, guardian Qi Xian, arranged the great array.”

Qin Shaofeng left this sentence, and he strode towards the canyon and walked out: “I will look around in this canyon. If you are all right, you will protect Qixian’s formation, and some people will go to Shen Jun explained clearly the situation here.”

He is exactly the attitude of the superior.

Even if anyone here has a higher cultivation base, it seems to be the same.

Such a proud attitude immediately made Yun Tianxing and the others wide-eyed.

What happened just now, this brat dare to give orders to everyone?

Who does he think he is?

Qin Shaofeng simply ignored their gazes and just strode towards the canyon.

Although Qi Mu understood it.

Koruo Star Monarch follows closely and seems to be constantly investigating the situation, saying: “Qin Eldest Brother, this canyon is indeed full of horrible crises. It seems that even if it is void the powerhouse comes here. There is no possibility of escape.”

“So serious?”

Qin Shaofeng’s emotions were also strained by his words.

“I can’t figure out the specific situation, but I can be sure that I just said that the crisis here will only be more terrifying than all the crises we have encountered combined.” Luo Star Monarch said confidently.

They are not at all walking too far now, and their voices are not hidden at all. Naturally, they are clearly heard by everyone around them.

Everyone’s face suddenly became difficult to look.

Is this dangerous place here?

“Using your heavenly secret technique to the maximum, don’t worry about consumption. What I have here is to help restore the medicine pill. Must find out all the problematic places in this valley.” Qin Shaofeng ordered in a deep voice.

Yun Tianxing was deeply nodded and said: “Qin Eldest Brother can rest assured, even if there is no recovery medicine pill, I will definitely find out all the problems here.”

He promised, and he controlled Luyao to start computing together.

Under the control of Lu Yao, he still has his own thoughts.

But he can’t control his body at all, and he doesn’t even have the ability to say something.

At the most, the eyes are rolling around.

The color of hatred is clearly expressed.

Yes, so what?

It has no effect at all.

The two began to calculate with the secret technique at the same time, and suddenly the secret honey of the canyon was exposed a little bit.

Qin Shaofeng’s right to speak, but it also made the eyes of everyone around him bulge, and multiple chins appeared.

Until Qin Shaofeng and the two left.

Yun Tianxing asked in shock: “Cousin, who is the Young Master Qin? How can he order Luo Star Monarch like this?”

“He is just my friend.”

Yun Tianxing shrugged said with a smile.

Such an answer is exactly the same as no answer, which immediately made Yun Tianxing helpless.

The other side.

Seeing that Qin Shaofeng actually gave Qi Xian the foundation stone of the array, Qi Jin frowned.

Simply, regardless of whether Qi Xian has already started the formation, he strode over.

“His Royal Highness, this array is the existence of the void, should I arrange it with you?” Qi Jinzhe asked kindly.

After all, he is the dísciple of Zun Xiandian, and he can’t say anything that suspects Qi Xian’s ability is not enough.

“Trifling is just a great array, I can do it myself.”

Qi Xian’s answer made everyone’s mouth grow up again in amazement.

Qi Jin has made a lot of achievements in what is really annoying.

But even he didn’t dare to say such a thing.

That is the great array of Void Realm!

Don’t say that I dare not say that easily.

He can be sure that if he is in charge of the formation, it will not be able to be successfully deployed without three or five days of research.

We Zun Xiandian, this playboy Little Young Master, how dare to say such a big thing?

While he was surprised, he saw Qi Xian arbitrarily arrange the foundation stones of the array.

That casual look, it’s like doing it casually.

“Cousin Hyun is actually able to line up?”

Yun Tianxing’s gaze was also attracted by the movement here.

I found out that my cousin was treated as trash, and I couldn’t look at the trash, and even threatened to build a great array of void by myself. I was shocked speechless for a while.

How long has it been since then, how come he has become so great?

A Qi Xian who can build a great array of voids alone, four Heaven’s Mystery Building Peak powerhouse, Qi Tomb and the others.

There are so many lineups that he has to focus on, how can they all surround the young man named Qin Shaofeng.

Isn’t Qin Shaofeng just Rank 1 cultivation base?

What is going on here?

Yun Tianxing felt that his cognition of the three outlooks was refreshed by the scenes before him.

And during the moment he was thinking.

Qi Xian is already under the stunned gaze of Qi Jin and the others, and has easily and freely constructed the magical great array.

The situation in this canyon is obviously not destroyed by the magical great array of a Void Realm.

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