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Many weird existences made Luo Tianji and the others think that they had already walked out of the forest.

It is precisely because of this that several days and moons are in the peak powerhouse and die in the forest.

Luo Star Monarch’s attention is all on Qin Shaofeng.

He not at all noticed.

When he was speaking, the expressions of Qi Mu, Qi Xian and the others had become weird.

Looking at these narrations alone, how do they feel so similar to their experience at the first level?

But in the forest, it is clear that these messy restrictions are all merged into one.

Qin Shaofeng’s heart is slightly sighed in relief.

He is afraid of messy changes. Since it is just a flexible application of restriction, it shouldn’t be a big problem if he doesn’t realize it.

“It seems that all the dangers here have evolved from the restriction.”

Qin Shaofeng muttered to himself, letting Luo Star Monarch, who was observing him carefully, heard the voice, was taken aback.

restriction? what is that?

Why have I never heard of this term?

“Luo Young Master, among the five of you, is there anyone with a good Investment Ability?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

Luo Star Monarch immediately moved towards a few people around him and took a look.

The people who can walk with him alive are all people with excellent cultivation talents, and they are also people who have cultivated heavenly secrets to extremely high levels.

Where is there time for such a person to learn what to investigate?

“You find two clever people who are responsible for protection.”

Qin Shaofeng shook his head helplessly, and said: “Little Liu, Qi Zhen, it is still up to you two to explore the way, and two people sent by Luo Young Master are responsible for the protection.”

The two did not answer, but they had already taken the lead in moving towards the desert ahead.

Luo Star Monarch was taken aback.

He didn’t seem to have such prestige in the previous team, right?

In just one sentence, did you let the two of you go out and do the death-death thing?

Since the people at Qin Shaofeng and Zun Xiandian have moved.

He, who came to ask for help temporarily, naturally couldn’t be left behind, and quickly greeted the two of them followed along.

“Others go!”

Qin Shaofeng waited until Lu Liu and Qi Zhen, who were walking in the front, left before speaking again.

Qi Huang still had no one to greet him, so he went out first.

Immediately, it was Zhang Ye.

Afterwards, Zhang Ye and Ren Tiankuang guarded both sides of Shen Jun.

Long Xiaoxiao and Liu Kaishan, who was still limping while walking, ended up with Long Haoyue and moved towards the front.

Luo Star Monarch was once again taken aback when he saw this, but immediately, a brilliant light appeared in his eyes.

No wonder, no wonder!

No wonder they can get here with such a lineup.

This kind of cohesion, I’m afraid Palace Lord of Zun Xiandian personally led the team, is it only this?

Following such a team, even if their cultivation base is weak, I believe that the probability of going out alive will greatly increase.

“Yellow Libra, Lu Yao, you two will protect them in the past.”

Luo Star Monarch ordered immediately.

The two people he greeted were different from the two before.

Huang Family and Lu Family are Great Family in Heaven’s Mystery Building, and these two people are also the pampered young masters of the two.

If it weren鈥檛 for Qin Shaofeng three people left here, he would also be impossible to let two pampered young masters take charge of protecting others.

“The two of them don’t have to go.”

Qin Shaofeng noticed that the two were preparing to move, and immediately stopped: “They are only responsible for finding weirdness. The danger is not great. With Qi Huang, there is any danger in It shouldn’t be, let us follow! “

As he spoke, he already moved towards the front and walked over.

Luo Star Monarch three people are all pampered young masters.

They really want to inherit, and they are more concerned about whether they can go out alive, which makes Luo Star Monarch’s previous statement thoroughly revealed.

They are not just like the Fairy of Lingyun Immortal Palace who are unwilling to do.

On the contrary, after Qin Shaofeng up to Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao, he actually took the two of them personally to start measuring the situation along the way.

The words in the mouth are continuous, all of which are roughly calculated by them.

Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation of heavenly secrets is not profound.

But he is always doing a little calculation, and comparing it according to the intelligence spoken by Luo Star Monarch three people.

For an hour, everything was extremely safe.

“Qin Eldest Brother, are we too unreasonably worried, or how could there be no crisis for so long?” Qi Xian couldn’t help but ask.

As soon as he asked, Qi Mu fiercely glared at him.

Even the Star Monarch three people who joined their team temporarily didn’t have the slightest impatience, but his younger brother took the lead in speaking, which really made his face a little bit uncomfortable.


Qin Shaofeng’s complexion changed suddenly.

He was thinking about the same problem before, but he was not sure, and even had some gratification that there was no danger.

But Qi Xian鈥檚 question immediately made him feel that his mind was distracted.

This question immediately dispelled the secret joy in my heart.

“Young Master Qin, what happened? According to the heavenly secret guidance, it seems that there is not at all crisis?” Luo Star Monarch asked in confusion.

“The problem is big!”

Qin Shaofeng’s expression has become extremely solemn, and he hurriedly shouted: “Luo Star Monarch, you are investigating the situation for Brother Qi Mu, and you two will call the others back immediately.”


Luo Star Monarch was taken aback.

When he just wanted to ask for and so on, he saw that Qi Tomb was already moving.

It has long been seen that Qin Shaofeng, a temporary team, has a very strong execution ability, but I did not expect it to be so powerful.

Even Qi Tomb, who is obviously the tallest, is so obedient.

He didn’t dare to delay the slightest, so he immediately caught up.

When the two moved, Qin Shaofeng also moved.

He immediately took out a set of illusion-breaking great array cornerstones and said: “Qi Xian, set up an array!”


Qi Xian immediately took over the foundation stone of the array.

The conversation between the two immediately caused Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao to cast curious eyes.

“Voidland great array?!”

Seeing the level of the cornerstones of the great array, the two cried out in exclamation.

Qi Xian took over the cornerstone of the array, as if he had changed himself, as if he didn’t hear their voices.

After a little thought, the formation has already begun.

After a short while, the two called all the others back.

The crowd gathered next to Qin Shaofeng again, and seeing Qi Xian who was rapidly deploying, Long Haoyue immediately greeted everyone to rest.

There is no danger along the way, and they are the ones who are responsible for the most exhausted exploration.

Luo Star Monarch stared at Qi Xian who was arranging the great array of void, his eyes almost stared out: “Brother Qi Tomb, Qi Xian is actually a master of void array?”

“Not long after the promotion, silence, the great array he arranged is almost at the end.” Qi Mu said indifferently with a smile.

This was the first time he described his brother like this in front of outsiders.

The joy in his heart really made him want to laugh wildly.

My brother is finally not a waste.

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