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“Well… Brother Qin, since we have found out, shouldn’t we go and take a look?” Ruan Zhen Fairy asked unbearably.

She was talking immediately, and saw that Qi Mu had turned her head and made a silent gesture to her.

Ruan Zhen suddenly messed up in the wind again.

“Senior Sister, what’s the matter with them?”

“You are obviously kind, but they treat you like this, or let’s go there to see the situation first?”

“Just, don’t go with these people who don’t know how to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex.”

Fairy at Immortal Palace, the spiritual cloud brought by Ruan Zhen, once again began to feel unhappy.

There are some screams like this. The so-called have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex sound like they do speak for them.

It sounds like Qin Shaofeng or Qi Mu.

The Lingyun Immortal Palace girls except Chu Ruan Zhen are almost the same as the imprints of Qi Xian from a mold when she was a child.

Being called Fairy all the year round, it seems that even they have forgotten what they are.

Qin Shaofeng has no time to waste on these girls.

He didn’t even turn his head, and continued to look forward little by little.

A short thirty-mile journey.

He also spent 30 minutes deliberately speeding up.

As they approached where Shen Jun and Liu Kaishan were exploring, they suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Incited by that strange feeling, he unexpectedly made him within the body, the pink cloud of void power that belongs to Ya’er, suddenly fluctuating.

Immediately, the force of nothingness was triggered on its own.

I saw a bloodshot, almost undetectable force of nothingness suddenly surge up in his meridian, and finally it acted on his eyes.

The force of emptiness was enforced, and he immediately saw a completely different world from before.

The front is huge zhang wide, and I don’t know what the scary traces are.

There are countless various aura connotations in the traces, and it seems that a kind of strange light spots are formed under the aura of the existence that left that trace.

The fusion of countless points of light turned out to be a huge array.

Qin Shaofeng is sure.

After reading that many books in Infinite Academy, he has never heard of such an array drawn by this weird aura.

Perhaps only the ancient beasts that leave this trace can have this special ability, right?

Thinking of this, he immediately opened the space ring presented by the Palace Lord Qi Huaanshang.

This is the first time I have probed the contents of this space ring.

The first thing that came into view was the heart crystal.

Although there is only one piece, it is the real heart.

The difference from his other two heart crystals is that this one has a strange veined pattern carved into it, which seems to magnify the energy of the heart crystal thousands of times.

Besides the heart crystal, there seems to be some kind of aura circulating, which completely suppresses the heart crystal so that the energy of the heart crystal will not be lost.

Behind the heart crystal is 10 soul crystals, and the same situation exists above the soul crystal.

He can imagine.

As long as he dispels the aura circulating in the outer circle of the heart crystal or soul crystal, even his current cultivation base can be used.

Behind the two crystal stones that have been changed by special means is 100 Defensive Talisman and 100 Offensive Talisman urns.

Its formidable power level seems to be more powerful than what Yaer gave him.

He just thought so, so he said that’s all.

After all, there is a problem with Ya’er’s cultivation base. Naturally, it is impossible to give a talisman that is stronger than Qi Huashang’s.

There are also hundreds of pill bottles.

He even saw from the front of these pill bottles a porcelain bottle with the words “Tian Ying Dan” attached.

Under the Tianyingdan porcelain vase, there is a piece of paper on which a line of itself is written.

There are not many words on it, it is the medicinal herb that has disappeared, the only thing in the world, the only one in this temple.

The other is the cornerstone of various types of arrays. Almost every cornerstone of great array has hundreds of sets.

The value of the items in this space ring alone is so high that it might be enough to buy three or five influences that are known as the same level as the Zun Xiandian.

From this, we can see how much Qi Huanshang expects from his career.

Even the former Zunxian Temple has the same level as the endless mountain, Heaven’s Mystery Building, Yunxian Temple, Spirit Jade Immortal Palace and other places.

Now it’s just Peak influence, and it’s completely impossible to challenge those Overlord influence.

Influence grading, Cangming Realm is not at all so clear.

According to Qin Shaofeng’s understanding, it’s not that they don’t want to divide, but the gap and background between various influences are too indescribable.

There is therefore only a subtle distinction.

Cangming Palace is today’s first influence, and underneath it are the Void Hall, Bodhidharma Temple, Daxitian, Beitian, Heaven’s Mystery Building, Infinite Mountain, Yunxian Mountain, Lingyun Immortal Palace, Kunjia Space Several major Overlord influence.

Further down is Peak influence. Zun Xiandian has been too low-key in recent years, and only a few emerging influences have a faint feeling of keeping pace with them.

But where is the background of thousands of years, especially the emerging influence that can catch up with the millennium?

Although the classification is like this, those Overlord influences are due to the existence of the Zunxian Temple. Under the lapse of time, they are gradually called Peak influence.

And the Level 1 of Zun Xiandian is called first-class influence.

There are many names, but the relationship between strength and weakness is really difficult to say.

Perhaps if the Zun Xiandian is also listed as Overlord influence, such a name will not appear on the day when it started?

Furthermore, it is like the Four Elephant Sects, and it is called the third-rate influence.

The implication is also very obvious. Simply means the existence of rateless.

“Which of you knows how to arrange an array?”

Qin Shaofeng looked at the things in the space ring and thought for a while, then asked everyone moved towards.

“array? Qi Jin and Qi Rang understand a little bit, but they were all dispatched by me.” Qi Mu’s face suddenly became difficult to look.

His gaze couldn’t help but moved towards the Fairy at Lingyun Immortal Palace.

In an instant, everyone bowed their heads in shame.

Their cultivation base is indeed very high, but they are relatively young. The pursuit of martial arts makes them feel that there is no end to them. Where can there be time to delve into the array?

Just as everyone was at a loss, a somewhat unconfident voice rang from behind Qin Shaofeng.

“That…Qin Eldest Brother, if it doesn’t work, or, or, let me try it?” The voice was unconfident to the extreme.

The people who were at a loss, but also moved towards him and looked over.

Especially Qi Mu, who thinks he knows his brother best, almost glared his eyes.

“You, are you here? You know array?” Qi Mu called out almost hysterically.

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