
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Although you have temporarily obtained my 1/10000th nihilistic source, you can’t use it at will. According to your current cultivation base, you can use it once a month at most, and only half a tea time.” p>

“If you can’t end the battle within half a cup of tea, or escape smoothly, you will fall into a weak period of at least ten days. At that time, to the ordinary person, you are just the meat on the glued board.”

“And my inheritance has already begun. You need to let me absorb once a month until I absorb my nihilistic origin.”

When Ya’er introduced her nihilistic origin, there was no worry at all.

As if I didn’t want to let her absorb it back.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but think of the memory in his Sea of ​​Consciousness. It seemed that it was a similar situation, right?

Ya Er looks young, but she is more cunning than herself.

She doesn’t leave behind, I’m afraid the fool will not believe it.

“What do you mean by letting me use that trace of nihilism right now and take you and Luo San directly to escape?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“Not for the time being. The price I spent for this inheritance is not what you can imagine. Even if the lucky guy can come and pursue it, it will take at least tea time to find us.”

“And where we are now is still the area monitored by Heaven’s Mystery Building, you pull a bit of Source Power, and all the enforcement is up to speed. We need to rush out 5000 miles before you can use that trace of Source Power.” Ya’er said.

Qin Shaofeng immediately followed the method she said to act.

The pink cloud seems to be a good thing, but Qin Shaofeng also knows that it is definitely a time bomb.

He can use it to get some benefits from it.

Similarly, it is very possible that his life has been controlled by Ya’er.

He is now even more unable to leave Ya’er to escape for his life alone.

Only a trace of nihility is incorporated.

Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that after the third level of Heavenly Void skill, the strength to control the void was increased.

As if the whole world is under my control.

No! Perhaps it should be said to be under surveillance.

The source power of nothingness he obtained is too little. I’m afraid it is as Ya’er said. Only when the strength of the entire cloud is displayed, can he briefly use the powerhouse battle strength of nothingness.

According to Ya’er, he immediately used that trace of Source Power to speed.

He seemed to lose weight in an instant.

Just thoughts move, the speed turned out to be a geometric multiplier increase.

It seems to be the strength of body protection.

next moment, Source Power of Nothingness is finally fully integrated into him.

The world in his eyes suddenly changed dramatically.

It seems that the entire void is a part of his body. It only needs a single thought to make the void collapse, or other more terrifying changes.

But in the memory he got, Void Realm’s ability is very fuzzy.

“Luo San, go!”

Under the control of the void, Qin Shaofeng directly turned into a powerhouse in the void, able to see all the trajectories of Luo San’s battle clearly.

As soon as the thought moves, the void is under his control, leading Luo San into the sky.

The void suddenly twisted.

He did get the Void Realm battle strength temporarily, but his eyesight was not enough. He just felt that there was a flower in front of him, and he had gone to a peripheral zone of the continent.

Aura of the powerhouse of the ghosts and corpses has no idea how far he has been thrown away.

“10,000,000 li in an instant, didn’t expect you to master the source of nothingness for the first time, and you can achieve this level, yes, very good.” The tension in Yaer’s voice finally disappeared.

“Thousands, 10,000,000 li?!”

Qin Shaofeng exclaimed.

At this speed, even when he was in the pinnacle of the land of shining stars, he still couldn’t even think about it!

“The ghosts and corpses can no longer track us, immediately converge Aura, and we land.” Ya’er instructed.

Qin Shaofeng knows how serious the consequences of using the source of nothingness are.

He didn’t dare to display too much.

As soon as his mind moved, he took the two of them to the ground, reducing the Source Power of nothingness.

Within the body, the endless pink faded instantaneously and turned into that pink cloud again.

Unspeakable painful sensation suddenly appeared from all over him within the body.

Hurry up inner vision.

The body that appeared in his eyes was already covered with cracks, like a porcelain doll that might break at any time.

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