
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


A crisp sound, accompanied by the painful cry of a young girl, rang in the circle of countless ghosts and corpses.

“Stop, you stop!”

Ya’er just got hit, and shouted: “We are now in the siege of ghost slaves. Even if Celestial martial arts open the way ahead, there will be some ghost slaves who can take timely action attack…”

Ya’er hadn’t finished speaking before she closed her mouth.

Because when she was talking about there, she saw with her own eyes a ghost slave who was in the position of Heaven and Moon really stretched out his paw.

But Qin Shaofeng just turned around slightly, using his own back to resist the blow.

Just heard a ‘ding’ sound.

Qin Shaofeng’s body didn’t move at all, but the ghost slave of the moon was sent flying out that day.

“Yao Shenyi, you…you bastard!” Ya’er became even more calm.

She has clearly realized that she really said something wrong.

This Little Brat who is saving her is not an ordinary person, and will be frightened by a few words of her own, but is using old fox methods.

I’m just a little girl of four or five years old now, which makes Qin Shaofeng really consider her a little girl.

The palm just now really hit her little ass.

She is four or five years old, but her mind is not at all!

This slap almost made her vomit blood.

“Huh? You were arrogant just now? You dare to threaten me?”

Qin Shaofeng smiled darkly: “I make you arrogant, I make you threaten me.”

“bang bang bang bang…”

One after another loud voice sounded one after another.

Anyway, it’s just playing a four or five-year-old little girl, Qin Shaofeng will not have any psychological burden.

However, after consuming the last trace of battle strength, the butterfly that fell on Ya’er’s shoulder was completely shocked by the scene before her.

Should I be mistaken?

The young master is…

How dare that Little Brat?

Dare to fight the young master…

Looking like 1,000 years ago, when Old Master was alive, he never beat the young master like this?

“Ahhh! Don’t fight!”

The little girl can’t bear it anymore, “Little Brat, how dare you treat this Eminence like this, after you believe or not this Eminence cultivation base is restored, let you not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death?”

“Believe, you are the daughter of the Void Emperor of the last generation. Now you are the Supreme Expert of Void Realm Peak. Wouldn’t it be easy to kill me, simple?” Qin Shaofeng smiled softly.

Anyway, he was also missed by Ya’er. Even if he didn’t fight this meal, he would be threatened by this little girl in the future.

Broken the jar, can this little girl really kill herself?

She is her life-saving benefactor.

Furthermore, she just made a promise and talked about Supreme Expert Peak powerhouse’s mind-cultivation work.

If he doesn’t charge some interest first, then he is not Qin Shaofeng.

Ya’er’s voice could not be transmitted to other people’s ears because of the suppression of the void, but Qin Shaofeng’s words made Luo San who opened the way in front of him so scared that his jaw almost fell.

The four or five-year-old girl that Qin Shaofeng was holding in his arms turned out to be the daughter of Emperor Xu Miao reincarnated?

Besides being spanked by Qin Shaofeng?

This, this…

Luo San felt like he was going crazy.

It should be noted that once, he was just an unknown killer in the Subordinate of the Void Emperor!

“You, you…you can’t do this, I won’t threaten you anymore, can’t you stop threatening you?” Ya’er finally realized that she was facing a hob meat.

She, as an adult, can’t stand such a beating!

“You said this yourself, don’t say I threaten you in the future, hehe!” Qin Shaofeng laughed in a low voice.

All of a sudden, Ya’er’s lungs were blown up.

I have never seen such a bastard.

Death to have no shame’s hob meat!

She scolded fiercely in the heart.

“The cultivation technique you just mentioned, seems to show me true or false, right?” Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.


Ya’er is about to die of anger, where is willing to send the cultivation technique?

But just as she said what she said, Qin Shaofeng raised her right hand again.

Qin Shaofeng is wearing a Yao God clothing.

Even most of the ghost corpse slaves chasing after him were unable to hurt him within a single stroke, and these ordinary ghost corpse slaves were even more helpless.

Qin Shaofeng chose to be a coward to escape, making Ya’er really have no choice.

“I didn’t lie to you!”

Ya’er is really subdued: “Heavenly Void Old Ancestor’s cultivation technique, we can’t cultivation, how can I have the whole book, the whole book is hidden somewhere in our Void Hall, only I know it. You don’t have to worry about being ruined by my Eldest Brother. As long as my cultivation base is restored and I regain the position of the Palace Lord, I will give you the entire copy immediately.”

“You still want to use me?”

Qin Shaofeng has been plot against her hard enough and is always on guard.

“I didn’t want to use you, but I really can’t take it out now!” Ya’er was about to cry.

Qin Shaofeng can see that she really can’t get the whole copy now.

But does he really need the whole book now?

“Then tell me everything you know now.” Qin Shaofeng threatened immediately.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, the right hand was raised again.

Just raising the right hand, a ghost slave has moved towards his arm and bit it off.

Qin Shaofeng seems to have not seen the same.

Yao Shen is clothed.

The moment the ghost corpse slave bit it, it was blown out by the power emanating from Yaoshen’s clothes.

“Give it, I give it!”

Ya’er is really going to cry.

Why did I choose such a to have no shame hob meat?

I would rather let the power of the Yao Shenyi be constantly consumed, and even threaten myself, what else can I do?

She closed her eyes suddenly.

When I opened it again, I met Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

Countless messages instantly invaded Qin Shaofeng’s mind.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng won the 1st-layer of Heavenly Void, and consumes 10,000 stars.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng won the 2nd Layer of Heavenly Void, and consumes 10,000 stars.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng won the 3rd Layer of Heavenly Void, and consumes 10,000 stars.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng Martial Evolution is currently Heavenly Void Moon Spirit Rank 6.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng Innate Skill evolved, currently Heavenly Void True Spirit.”

The changes in martial arts and illusory True Spirit immediately made Qin Shaofeng feel the aura of the illusory world more clearly.

Even he has a vaguely stranger feeling.

It seems that there is another space beyond the real world.

Perhaps not a space, but an illusory space.

Everything is a space made of illusory, seemingly true and seemingly illusory, which makes people feel unpredictable.

It’s just a vague feeling.

But he is very convinced that as long as he can successfully cultivate Heavenly Void, he seems to be able to enter the illusory space.

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