
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Heaven Ranking third, the Blood Drinking Sword is the dragon?”

“Heaven Ranking seventh, bloodthirsty lizard?”

“Heaven Ranking Twelve, Lord of Spikes?”

“Heaven Ranking 15th, fire Devil King?”


Qin Shaofeng’s whole body trembled: “Unexpectedly…all of them are Heaven Ranking experts in the Loose Cultivator world?”

While he saw the changes in the crowd clearly, he almost fell into a petrified state.

As you see clearly those people change.

He also finally understood why these people are all from Void Hall, but what they say is the feeling of greed for life and fear of death.

The feelings are all people from the Loose Cultivator world.

If he hadn’t personally contacted them here, I am afraid that as long as these people do not want to be exposed, he would never know the true situation of these people in his life?

“Little Brat, I’ll help you stop these ghosts and corpses for a few breaths, you quickly take the little lord away!” Insect suddenly shouted.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked again.

is it possible that this insect also exists on the Heaven Ranking?

Does it still feel wrong?

The battle strength before insect is clearly much weaker than the Heaven Ranking Loose Cultivator expert he just called out.

Before that many people joined forces to resist these ghost slaves, it seemed that they might be overthrown at any time.

Why does this insect say such a thing?

He was shocked, but he won’t delay any longer.

Luo San’s consumption has been too serious.

Moreover, he chose to come to the rescue, obviously he was trapped. If he wasted time here, he would be stupid.

Don’t think about that many for now.

“Let’s go!”

He hurriedly shouted, and a Poison Pill instantly moved towards because the resistance disappeared, and moved towards the two ghost slaves who had killed them and threw it over.

There was a loud noise.

Luo San directly turned around, and moved towards Poison Pill in the direction of Rapid Speed.

The moment when Qin Shaofeng followed the action.

He suddenly felt a terrifying void strength appear, which made him subconsciously moved towards and turned his head and glanced behind.

I saw all the ghosts and ghost slaves of the shining star position, all of them were briefly suppressed.

Void Power suppresses so many ghosts and corpses slaves, and it is the insect that told them to escape before.

And after the insect played that blow, it lost its previous arrogance.

The whole body is shrinking rapidly.

“Come on, the Void Power that I have left can only suppress them for half of their breathing time. Don’t use which kind of Poison Pill anymore. You must never let those ghosts die.” Insect finished. Become a butterfly-like existence.

He fluttered his wings and landed on the little girl’s shoulder.

“Butterfly, butterfly?”

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes widened suddenly: “You turned out to be the second butterfly in the Heaven Ranking? Isn’t the rabbit just now…”

He feels faint all over.

These two Inhumans turned out to be the first and second existence of Heaven Ranking.

According to the classics he has read, the top three in the Heaven Ranking rarely take action.

Even if someone really wants to challenge them, it’s only the second Blood Drinking Sword in the Heaven Ranking that Long Lang will choose to take action.

Unable to defeat Long Lang, no one can find rabbits and butterflies.

However, in historical records, there are people who have defeated Long Lang.

That seems to be a powerhouse stepping into the void with one foot, and has been able to initially manipulate the void energy.

It’s that kind of cultivation base battle strength. After encountering the butterfly, it was only a face-to-face and it was defeated.

didn’t expect the rabbit and butterfly, who only existed in the legend and seemed to be stronger than many powerhouses in the void, would appear before him in this state.

Furthermore, these two people turned out to be all from the Void World.

There seems to be too much secret in the Void Realm, right?

Thinking about it in his heart, the speed of rushing out is not slow.

The rabbit treats the little girl as more important than her life, but Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care that many.

He just hugged the little girl with his left arm, and his right hand sword was waving frantically.

One knife after another.

There is no shining star powerhouse to stop him, which makes him extremely fast.

Although is so.

After only a very short time, the two still alive ghosts and corpses came with dozens of ghosts and slaves.

“You still have the courage to hunt down?”

Qin Shaofeng’s expression froze, then took out a Poison Pill again, moved towards and threw it behind him.


It’s not a violent explosion.

However, the Void Power contained in the Poison Pill also immediately controlled the poison of corrosion and attacked the three shining star ghost corpses.

“Can’t kill anymore.” The little girl’s face changed abruptly when she saw it.


Qin Shaofeng expression is even colder.

This little girl refused to tell him the secret of her whole body, and she even prevented him from using Poison Pill to kill the ghost slave.

No wonder they are such a large group of powerhouses, they are almost completely annihilated by those cultivation bases but the ghost slaves.

“If you kill again, the means I used to shield the secret will be exposed. The people of Heaven’s Mystery Building will immediately discover the situation here, so that none of us will survive.” The little girl was finally willing to reveal something. .

Her words made Qin Shaofeng’s heart suddenly chill.

It seems that this group of people really have a deep plan!

Not only did that many powerhouse’s life cracking a joke, but even the secrets of heaven have to be shielded, and it seems that I really provoke things that I shouldn’t provoke.

“Then you should always tell me now, who are you?” Qin Shaofeng solemnly asked.

If it were not for a trace of unwillingness, he really wanted to leave the little girl behind.

It looks like a little girl who is harmless to humans and animals.

in the bones is a Human Demon head that is more harmful than Simon Lingzhong.

He is already in trouble, really disgusted.

“You can call me Yaer.”

The little girl finally began to reveal something a little after she lost all the support.

She looks young, but her eyes are extremely vicious.

Breaking out a title, she said again: “Don’t really treat me as a burden. I can return to the Palace of Void in as long as ten years. When the time comes, as long as I want to keep you, even if I am Emperor Ming can’t hurt you a bit.”

“What are you kidding?”

Qin Shaofeng was really taken aback by her tone.

Even though he had already guessed and believed that the little girl’s words should be true, he still couldn’t accept it.

“Don’t distrust me, you will know when you cultivated to Supreme Expert Realm, the cultivation base wants to go further, but it’s not just as simple as cultivation, especially the cultivation of the mind. If you have a guilty heart, the cultivation base will be I was stuck on the bottleneck and couldn’t make any further progress in my life.” Ya’er continued.

Qin Shaofeng naturally cannot understand that many.

Not to mention that he has a system in his body. Even if the cultivation base really reaches that point, it is impossible to see what Ya’er said.

However, what Yaer said still made his eyes sparkle.

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