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“The ghosts and our Human Race have irreconcilable hatred. Since they are going to engage in those Human Races and alien races, even if we don’t save people, we have to check the situation at least.” Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice.

Luo San just didn’t want him to take risks.

For what Qin Shaofeng said, he naturally has some ideas, and he agrees.

“Let me take a closer look.”

Luo San won’t say more.

He has seen Qin Shaofeng do too many miracles with his own eyes. No matter how he feels that he is going to courting death, he will not have too many psychological fluctuations.

After all, Li Naling has entered the void realm.

What kind of crisis they really encounter will not cause them to die.

Divine Consciousness observes more closely.

This thorough investigation.

Luo San’s face became heavier.

Just the ghost slaves wrapped in the outer circle of the battlefield, the least number can reach several millions of giants, layered on top of each other, like a sea of ​​ghost slaves, simply cannot see the edge.

And at the core of the man who has been shrouded in endless ghosts and corpses.

The situation of those dozen people can finally be clearly detected.

“Divine Consciousness? Human Race powerhouse has discovered our situation.”

An old woman who has never participated in the battle suddenly speaks and glances moved towards all around.

As far as I can see, there are only endless ghosts and corpses.

She just frowned slightly, and Divine Consciousness had already moved towards the distance to explore the past.

“Can I finally have a helper again?”

A dozen people or people who are desperately fighting with ghosts and corpses, all have expressions of excitement on their faces.

A young man who was supposed to be in white clothes, but now has been infested with his own blood into a scarlet, hurriedly asked: “Lao Ji, how many powerhouses are here, are they coming to support?”


“It is saved, we are finally saved.”

“It seems that Heaven didn’t abandon me, as long as I can go out alive, I must be irreconcilable with Cangming Palace!”

“Our Void Hall has been unstable in foreign affairs for so many years, and the bastard of Cangming Palace still refuses to let us go.”

One by one, the Human Race aliens scolded.

The scolding became louder and louder, making that old Ji’s face more gloomy, and suddenly coldly shouted: “I will shut up all of them to the old woman. There are only two people coming, one Celestial powerhouse. A Little Brat with only the Peak of Huangyue.”

Everyone trembled, and the hope that had just risen was shattered.

The two-person lineup in the mouth of Ji Lao.

It’s a rare thing to be able to run through the easy-to-enter breakthrough.

I’m afraid the two people just want to see their excitement.

Don’t say it’s help.

I’m afraid that if it is the ghost slaves, if they fight back, the two will run away in a hurry, right?

If you really have the guts to come in, it won’t play a role!

When these people fell into despair again.

Luo San from the outer circle of the ghost and corpse slave group finally ended the investigation, said solemnly: “Those who were surrounded by ghosts and corpses should be people from the Void Hall. If you forcibly intervene, you might be hated by Cangming Palace.”

“Cangming Palace? Void Hall?”

Qin Shaofeng’s face instantly became gloomy.

When things go to these two giants, he really doesn’t have the guts to mess around with sex.

“Luo San, you know the situation of the Void Hall, if we take action to help, is it possible that the Void Hall can be our help?” Qin Shaofeng still couldn’t help asking.

As long as he grows up in the future, I am afraid that Da Xitian and Ximen Lingzhong are all enemies.

After all, he has no friendship with Cangming Palace.

According to his opinion, if the feeling of rescue at this time can be remembered by the Void Hall, it must be beneficial to him.

As for the hostility of Cangming Palace, he didn’t take seriously.

After all, his identity will be completely exposed in the future, as long as his future father-in-law talks to Cangming Palace casually, Cangming Palace will definitely become his enemy.

Study for a year is not for nothing.

He still knows the general situation of the entire Cangming Realm.

The most powerful is naturally Cangming Palace.

But when it comes to the most low-key influence in the entire Cangming Realm, Ranked 1st is the Void Hall, followed by the Bodhidharma Temple, which has always escaped the world.

Nowadays, it is a great thing to be able to have a good influence.

“It’s hard to say, after all, it’s been more than a thousand years.”

An awkward look appeared on Luo San’s face and said, “Although the Void Emperor was violent, he was also very principled. It can even be said that the entire Void Realm is stable. The Ruler powerhouse on top of the digital Supreme Expert exists. It’s because of that imaginary emperor.”

“Although I still hate him, I can’t say too much against my heart.”

“Thousands of years have passed. If the Void Palace can inherit the principles of Void Emperor, our take action will be absolutely beneficial and harmless, otherwise it will definitely not be beneficial.”

“After all, the Void Temple is no longer good, and if they become hostile to us, we will definitely not get the slightest benefit. Instead, we will offend Cangming Palace.”


Qin Shaofeng made a decision immediately.

He believed that Luo San was true.

After all, he has seen too much in books.

In addition, the Void Hall today clearly has a lot of problems. At this moment, by providing timely help, the possibility of getting the Void Hall friendship must be great.

“There is a corpse slave and three corpses that can break your defenses, but the only ghost leader who may be able to do something with you and me is only the idle corpse leader. If the corpse does something , I am responsible for stopping it for you.” Luo San immediately began to talk about the information he found.

“Okay, go!”

Qin Shaofeng immediately took out the ghost song of the sword.

At the same time, I passed a message in the moved towards Fan Mansion: Prisoner, help me prepare ten Poison Pills without your aura. They must be Poison Pills capable of poison to death.

He asked for it quickly, but Li Naling sent out the Poison Pill even faster.

In the blink of an eye, ten Poison Pills with void strength have been quietly sent out.

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth was slightly raised, and immediately followed Luo San moved towards the group of ghosts and corpses to kill him.

How powerful is Luo San’s battle strength?

With his sprint, he immediately lifted a large swath of ghost slaves into the air.

More ghost and corpse slaves are directly turned into powder in the strength of this flying off. This is the huge gap in cultivation base strength.

Qin Shaofeng only needs to follow him and rush to kill.

Wearing a Yao God clothing.

There is even a Divine Weapon ghost song in his hand, which makes his charge speed fully able to keep up with Luo San.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a ghost slave of the Yellow Moon and get 10,000 stars and moon points.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a ghost slave of Xuanyue, and get 100,000 star and moon points.”

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