
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


Ke Nine Heavens took a turning point, holding a sword and blazing a new trail from behind.

Luo San stretched out his hand this time, grabbed Qin Shaofeng and rushed towards the outer circle.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t need to continue to work, so that their speed directly increased to an unimaginable level.

After more than an hour, they returned to the edge.

Luo San took the tent that Qin Shaofeng took out and installed the tent in a blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng quickly took out some food.

He didn’t have the mind to eat, so he got into the tent and fell asleep.

Said it was a day off.

He slept for two and a half days before finally waking up.

Two months of uninterrupted killings, even he was very unbearable.

When he walked out of the tent, he saw that many corpses had appeared outside the tent.

In a place not far from Ke Nine Heavens and Luo San, there are even two ghost slaves lying down.

“You finally woke up, come first and kill the two Heavenly Moon Ghost Corpse Slaves.” Ke Nine Heavens smiled.

“How long have I slept, did you get two more ghost slaves?” Qin Shaofeng’s face appeared astonished.

“Two and a half days.”

Luo San replied for him.

Two and a half days, two ghost slaves?

Qin Shaofeng’s heart suddenly moved.

He suddenly realized that Ke Nine Heavens and Luo San took him with him, but it seemed that they could not display full-strength.

Just thinking about it, he has another plan in his mind.

I’m not in a hurry to speak now.

He went up to kill the two ghost and corpse slaves one by one, then took out the wine and vegetables and got up with the two gorgeous oneself.

As soon as he was full of food and drink, a voice rang from his Sea of ​​​​Consciousness.

“Little Feng, see if there are other people around, my cultivation base has reached its limit, and it will be a breakthrough soon.”

The voice came from Li Naling in Fan Mansion.

“Is it a breakthrough?”

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed immediately.

Since learning about the role of Soul Crystal, he has sent nine thousand Soul Crystals into the fan house.

But didn’t expect that Soul Crystal’s role can really be so huge.

“Uncle Ke, please help me see if there are other powerhouse probes around.” Qin Shaofeng said quickly.

Ke Nine Heavens also heard what he said that sentence breakthrough.

Most recently, he saw too many breakthroughs from Qin Shaofeng. Hearing this naturally understood that the person who wanted the breakthrough was not Qin Shaofeng.

Ke Nine Heavens immediately started Divine Consciousness.

Qin Shaofeng did not pause at all.

While he ordered to go down, he asked Heavenly Void Insect King to dispatch all its descendants.

The whole piece of Heaven and Earth was immediately covered by them.

Enough tea time.

“Safe around.”

“No problem.”

Ke Nine Heavens and Heavenly Void Insect King gave him the answer together.

Qin Shaofeng stopped hesitating and immediately opened the fan house.

Li Naling walked out of the fan house.

She immediately promotes to mid-air, and the horrible strength fluctuates. I don’t know how far away Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi is, all moved towards her rushing over.

In the city not far away.

“What a horrible sucking strength!”

“Someone has a breakthrough to Supreme Expert Realm!”

“Who is it, who is breaking through?”

One after another, an exclamation sound rang from the ghost Holy City.

More than a dozen silhouettes rose to the sky.

These people are all powerhouses of Void Realm, and they moved towards Li Naling’s breakthrough at a glance.

“It turned out to be in the land of ghosts?”

“Which Celestial Peak powerhouses have recently entered the land of ghosts?”

“Recently, there seem to be a few people, but before they went in, the cultivation base seemed to be very calm. There should be a few years before the breakthrough?”

“No matter that many, it is the powerhouse of our Human Race anyway.”

“Go, go and take a look!”

One person proposed to speak, and everyone disappeared.

As the powerhouse of Holy City, they don’t need to go to Formation.

Nothing but.

They moved towards the same time they came here.

Above the people of Qin Shaofeng, an old silhouette appeared first, and a wave of hands shrouded the entire void.

Instantaneously disappeared.

Almost all their actions appear at the same time.

Although is the powerhouse in the void can walk on shatter void, and its speed is comparable to instant movement.

When the dozens of powerhouses in the void came, all they saw was nothing but nothingness.

“No? Why not?”

The faces of a dozen people suddenly became hard to look.

It stands to reason that from the average person breakthrough to the Supreme Expert Realm, one would like to know the whole world.

Why did this one disappeared instead?

Besides, the crazy absorption of Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi has just begun, and the breakthrough person can never leave so quickly.

In other words…

There are cultivation base powerhouses above the Void Realm. After discovering the changes here, they were forcibly taken away?

“This… how could this be?”

“Does the person at the breakthrough want us to discover, or is it because of his special identity?”

All powerhouses are thinking about it.

The excitement in their hearts has long since disappeared. They just secretly look forward to it in the heart. The person at the breakthrough must not be the existence of the demonic path!

If a demonic cultivator that has hatred with Human Race breaks through, it may not be a good thing for the entire Human Race race.

While they are still worried.

In the high altitude above the sea, the horror absorption begins again.

Just such a short time.

They have truly penetrated into the ocean.

The breakthrough of Celestial powerhouse, although the absorption strength is terrifying, it is not enough to spread the breakthrough aura to the land.

The powerhouse in the void that brought them forcibly is naturally Ximen Lingzhong.

Ximen Lingzhong manipulated the void, so that even though they were all in midair, they still seemed to be stepping on the flat ground.

Qin Shaofeng looked at Li Naling who was passing through at high altitude, and then looked at Ximen Lingzhong who came to him at some unknown time, holding a ghost king in his hand, and said: “Lingzhong Uncle, what are you? What time did you get the ghost king?”

“Two days ago.”

Ximen Lingzhong said: “You brat are so brave. Although Poison Fairy has been missing for a thousand years, her record 1,000 years ago too terrifying, if it were discovered by those in the city, it would be very bad. “

“How did I know that Celestial breakthrough aura is so scary?”

Qin Shaofeng even choked silently.

“Forget it, you kill the ghost king first, and leveled the ghost pattern to the silver pattern level.” Ximen Lingzhong shook his head, and didn’t dwell on this issue.

Qin Shaofeng’s eyes suddenly flashed.

The ghost king is on the verge of death.

Naturally, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill him with a single blow.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a ghost king in the void.”

“System Prompt: Player Qin Shaofeng ghost pattern upgrade, currently the silver mark martial artist.”

“System Prompt: Because Player Qin Shaofeng kills enemies with too much level difference, the system is calculating…”

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