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“Is this bad?”

Qin Shaofeng’s face became very strange.

This sub-host, because of his name, directly defaulted on a huge debt of 12,000 Celestial Crystals.

Is he not afraid that he will not admit it in the future?

Thinking about it.

Since he understands the role of Xinjing and Soul Crystal, and he wants to help Li Naling and the others, he will naturally not give up this heart.

“Senior, I don’t think I should be in arrears anymore. After all, I am going to stay in this land of experience in the first half of the year. There are still many things to buy, and I am still too far away from using Heart Crystal.” Qin Shaofeng said with a bitter smile.

The sub-host glanced over him, and then he was relieved.

In his eyes, Qin Shaofeng is still the cultivation base of the yellow moon. As a powerhouse, he can faintly feel the hidden feeling of the cultivation base.

However, at the age of Qin Shaofeng, there is indeed a gap between Heaven and Earth from Void Realm.

Believe that Dean has given him this heart crystal from the endless text, and this is not the intention.

Think about it.

He just nodded and said: “Since the little friend’s words are for this purpose, the old man will personally visit the main building for the little friend. If the little friend has anything to buy, you can ask me directly The waiter will buy it for you.”

“Many thanks to Senior.”

Qin Shaofeng cup one fist in the other hand Thank you.

The sub-host does not delay time.

The cultivation base aura burst out, and immediately rushed out of this city.

Only relying on their Yanyun Building in this city, they still can’t get more than 9,000 Soul Crystals, and the matter must be reported to the main building.

Since I got the promise from the sub-host, Qin Shaofeng is also welcome.

He seemed to be the sub-host of Yanyun Tower, and he gave orders one by one.

An hour soon passed.

The sub-host has not returned yet, and Qin Shaofeng has no money in his hands.

A direct order was issued to the shopkeeper of Yanyunlou.

The big shopkeeper personally set aside the money and asked the waiter to bring a space ring to the major restaurants arranged by Qin Shaofeng and buy all the food.

I have to say that this is just a small city, and it is within the influence of Yunxian Temple.

The waiter in Yanyun Tower ran errands personally, and immediately made the shopkeepers of those restaurants feel frightened with their legs weak.

They didn’t expect it before.

The little Brat who energetic and bustling came to ask for food, was able to order the people in Yanyunlou.

is it possible that that person turned out to be from Yunxian Temple?

They dare not ask more, and the waiter at Yanyun Tower also dare not say much.

Qin Shaofeng really asked for a lot of things.

After waiting for the big one hour again, the waiters who went out to buy other things came back.

Qin Shaofeng put everything away directly.

Wait for nearly an hour again.

With the appearance of several tyrannical auras, I saw the sub-host and the other two. The cultivation base should have reached the Celestial powerhouse.

“This should be little friend Qin Shaofeng, right?”

The person speaking is the central person of the three people, and his identity is obviously the highest.

Qin Shaofeng nodded said yes.

The man said: “old man Yun Yi, Elder, the outer hall of Yunxian Hall.”

“I have seen Yun Yi Elder.” Qin Shaofeng cup one fist in the other hand again.

“No courtesy.”

Yun Yi laughed so coolly and said: “Since it is Xiaoyou Qin in person, the old man is just curious and wants to come over and take a look. Don’t be nervous.”

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, when did you see that I was nervous?

My Senior Brother and Senior Sister, which one is not Supreme Expert?

Seeing you, Elder, the little outer hall, am I nervous?

It’s really cracking a joke.

Even if your cultivation base is not weak, it is useless. You probably don’t know it. It’s just outside the door of your Yanyunlou, but there are two Guardians of mine who can kill you easily.

His Jianghu EXP is more profound than Yunyi.

Yun Yi didn’t know what he was thinking.

Looking at him not say a word, I thought that Qin Shaofeng was scared, so I immediately took out a storage bag and handed it to Qin Shaofeng, saying: “Since it’s the first time for Qin Xiaoyou to do business with us at Yanyun Tower, old man Naturally, I can’t treat my little friend badly.”

Qin Shaofeng took the storage bag and opened it for viewing.

“There are nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine 18 Soul Crystal, ten thousand crystals, and the extra is that we made a friend in Yanyun Lou.” Yun Yi smiled.

Qin Shaofeng has also counted, and it is indeed the number he reported.

“That’s a full two thousand Celestial Crystals, and the other things I bought before were all money from the expensive building. I’m afraid it will make it difficult for the owner to do it directly, right?” Qin Shaofeng seemed shy. Said.

“Trifling is more than two thousand celestial crystals, can’t be considered at the worst thing.”

Yun Yi said with a smile: “even more how, we also got the Heart Crystal and two Soul Crystals from the transaction between Yanyunlou and the little friend. Although the value is average, the Heart Crystal and Soul Crystal are not available. The thing, even if I know it, I won’t say anything.”

“Then many thanks.”

Qin Shaofeng cup one fist in the other hand thanked him, and said: “Since the transaction is over, I am also anxious to get there for cultivation as soon as possible, so I won’t stay here any longer and leave.”

“Go, go!”

Yun Yi smiled and waved his hand, but didn’t leave much.

He really didn’t know what Qin Shaofeng asked people to buy, but with the powerful Divine Consciousness, he felt that the bleeding from the sub-buildings here was not serious, so he wouldn’t care too much.

“The main host, this is more than two thousand Celestial Crystals. Our loss is not small!” The sub-host waited for Qin Shaofeng to leave before asking.

“What is this loss?”

Yun Yi’s laughter was not like the affinity he was just now, but rather cheerful, he said, “If you’re not worried about doing too obvious and not taking a penny, or even giving him some money for nothing, you can’t be considered for doing business. You have to take a long-term perspective.”

The sub-host was stunned.

He didn’t know that Yun Yi’s identity was not just as simple as what he just said.

Another layer is the identity on the bloodline.

He is the nephew of Dean Yuncheng in Unzen College.

I heard about Qin Shaofeng, he had already used Sound Transmission Talisman to ask Yuncheng on the way over.

The news he got almost frightened him.

The brat who seems to have a cultivation base less than the Late Stage of the month in front of him is even qualified to speak to Wuwanwen in an even posture.

It is also able to search for the heart from endless texts.

Such a person, no matter how young he is, no matter how low his cultivation base is, he must never engage with him.

Not to mention, the Yunxian Temple and Infinite Mountain are in their honeymoon period.

To offend Qin Shaofeng, that would be grossly unwise.

Qin Shaofeng would naturally not know what they said.

I am looking forward to the cultivation of the land of ghosts as soon as possible. I got everything and quickly moved towards the city and rushed out.

There are three powerhouses overseeing the Yanyun Tower, and Ximen Lingzhong will not take him away directly in the city.

Shortly after leaving the city gate, a Dao Void empty aura took him into the air.

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