
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Void Realm! This is the Void Realm I have been looking forward to for a thousand years, ha ha ha…” A sound of wild laughter resounded through the entire ruined world.

It was a man in ragged clothes with long and tousled silver white hair.

The whole body is covered with black Demonic Qi, making it impossible to see his true face clearly.

Vaguely, there seem to be countless blood-colored thread veined patterns all over the body.

It seems to be still shining with a little blood light.

It is precisely because of the existence of rays of light that people can faintly see those little threads.

The person’s cultivation base just broke through.

terrifying aura seems to be able to suppress the entire void and bow your head.

He stood in this ruined void, as if he was the only Ruler in this void.

Not far from that person, there is a man with a more difficult situation.

Looking at it, this man was originally the one who fought with the Supreme Expert in the void.

But because of the breakthrough of Supreme Expert in the void, he can no longer stand with him.

On the opposite side of them, there are seven ghost kings.

This ruined world is the place where Qin Shaofeng and the others once lived.

After more than a year of Peak Battle.

The land of the shining stars has long been invisible.

The two who resisted the seven ghost kings for a full year are the two of Jun Zhan and Ximen Lingzhong who chose to stay.

In a year, has Jun Zhan suffered more than once?

Without the terrifying battle strength of Ximen Lingzhong, he might have died tragically many times.

But even Jun Zhan couldn’t think of it.

Ximen Lingzhong, who voluntarily chose to stay, turned out to help him break through with the pressure of the seven ghost kings.

“You actually broke through to the void?”

The complexions of the seven ghost kings also changed drastically.

Exist as Peak of the ghost clan.

Their original battle strength, simply don’t care about the existence of the void Realm.

But 1,000 years ago, in the war of the Void World, they had suffered extremely serious injuries.

The thousand years of suppression afterwards made their injuries worse.

And Ximen Lingzhong also not an ordinary existence, which made them fight for a whole year.

The seven kings of ghosts didn’t expect even more.

Their spare no effort not only failed to kill Simon Lingzhong, but instead made him complete.

“Simon Lingzhong, are you using our pressure breakthrough?” A ghost king roared.

“Is there anything wrong?”

Ximen Lingzhong laughed wildly: “Old Guys, do you still think you can kill both of us? hahahaha…”

His laughter became more and more arrogant, making the face of the seven ghost kings more and more ugly.

“Simon Lingzhong, what if you break through, is it possible that you think you can defeat us with your strength?” The ghost king coldly said.

“Why should I defeat you?”

Ximen Lingzhong smiled: “Although the seven of you guys have horrible injuries 1,000 years ago, they are also called Undying and Inextinguishable. Now that I have broken through, I don’t have that many leisure time. Play with you.”

“Do you want to escape?” Another ghost king roared.

His voice was just uttered, and it was stopped by the ghost king who spoke first.

Ximen Lingzhong seemed to have heard nothing.

He coldly said: “I really can’t help you a few after the breakthrough, but you can’t help me in the same way. You are hurt, and I still have my own business to do. If you must fight me If you go down, I will not refute your face.”

“No, let’s go!”

The ghost king who spoke first said.

“Wrong, I am leaving.”

Ximen Lingzhong laughed heartily and said: “This Little Brat still wants to stay here, and I will come back at any time. I also need someone to leave me a clean place here.”

The expressions of the seven ghost kings all became weird.

Will a cultivation base be as good as their Human Race?

Isn’t it just staying with yourself and the others?

They just thought for a while, and then they withdrew their thoughts and said: “We can only promise you, within 1000 years, we will not take the initiative to kill that Human Race.”

“Millennium, enough, ha ha ha!”

Ximen Lingzhong burst into the sky with a loud laugh.

His speed is definitely countless times faster than Streamer.

Just a blink of an eye.

He has gone above the endless ocean.

Sea star beasts are generally indisputable to creatures on land.

But they are not kind.

The war between starfish and beasts in the ocean is definitely more cruel than terrestrial creatures.

It is precisely because of their existence that each land in the Cangming Realm is completely and perfectly divided.

Generally, when there are no terrestrial creatures, the sea is always calm.

But when terrestrial creatures appear, they will directly be hunted and killed by them.

It is said that 1,000 years ago when the Human Race descended.

A Phoenix Clan powerhouse was besieged and killed by a starfish when it was heading to an island.

Since the advent of Human Race.

Between each island, the Supreme Expert team has established a Teleportation Array.

Flying over the ocean has become an ancient term.

But on this day, it finally appeared again.

Countless sea star beasts discovered his appearance, and the entire ocean immediately began to boil.

Countless sea star beasts skyrocketed one after another.

As long as all those capable of spatial flight are shining star beasts.

In the Human Race race, although there are many such existences, they are also impossible to appear in large-scale random places.

But the sky above the ocean at this moment is densely packed.

As if the entire void was shrouded in starfish.

“A group of miscellaneous fish even dared to block the way of the old man, and they all let the old man die!” Ximen Lingzhong roared.

He waved his hands.

The void seems to become restless in this brief moment.

endless void In just a moment, it turns into an endless blade, instantly cutting the starfish to pieces.

Slices of blood rained down.

Ximen Lingzhong’s speed has not been reduced at all.

On the contrary, as the number of killings increased, the black Demonic Qi surrounding his body was also increasing frantically.

“This is the strength of the void, hahahaha!”

“Simon endless, don’t you mean that I only have the right to stand in front of you when I reach the void?”

“The old man is now a real void, I am coming back, I am back to find you, ha ha ha…”

“Daxitian, Daxitian!”

Ximen Lingzhong’s roar quickly flashed past the place where the blood rain fell.

In just half a day.

He has already crossed the ocean where the star powerhouse will fly half a month even if it is not blocked.

Ximen Lingzhong looked at the defense Formation further ahead and laughed loudly: “Cangming Realm, I Ximen Lingzhong is back, ha ha ha!”

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