
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After that Vincent dressed up as a young man to set an example for everyone, everyone was extremely excited and shouted according to the same routine.

The continuous sound of voices made Long Haoyue and the others’ faces all become weird.

These guys actually thought we were afraid to go in?

Thinking of this, they have a wry smile.

Beside Qin Shaofeng, there are four Blood Race who can be comparable to the powerhouse of the shining star. They are willing to give up the existence of the seven shining star beasts.

The Monster Beast Cave Mansion here may be dangerous, but it will never bring a fatal crisis to Qin Shaofeng.

Their choice is just to allow Qin Shaofeng to get more.

Why did it become scared in the mouth of these people?

What a ignorance!

“These people are all right. We have already come here. Even if we know that there is a mortal danger inside, we still have to check it out. It’s not a good thing to retreat.” Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said the same.

Several people know very well that Qin Shaofeng is determined to take them.

Qin Shaofeng is not the kind of person who cannot see the status quo.

Since he has said this several times, they naturally can’t push it off.

Not to mention.

They did not think about getting inheritance, but it was a good experience for them to be able to meet those strange beasts.

The seven are all brave people, why don’t you want to see it?

hearing this, one after another followed up.


Qin Shaofeng is even more polite.

Following the road that everyone gave way, strode into the white mist of the archway.

People watched them in with their own eyes, and they all sighed in relief.

“It can be regarded as let that brat bring people in.”

“I don’t know if they can come out alive.”

“What bullshit are you talking about?”


“That’s right, this product is full of feces. Some of them must be able to come out alive.”

“Others don’t care, that Qin Shaofeng is the person who is the master of the entire group. Even if other people give their lives, they will definitely escort him out.”

“Yes, yes, some of them must be alive.”

“If they all die inside, then what is the point of us forcing them in like this?”

The condemnation of the film sounded one after another.

The person who spoke before was still a little dazed.

Until I heard the words of the last person, I was completely stunned.

No wonder everyone is condemning themselves. It seems that I really said something wrong. Although I know that Qin Shaofeng entire group enters certain death, no doubt, I can’t say it!

Why don’t you leave yourself a hope?

“pei pei pei, what nonsense my stinky mouth is talking about, they will surely survive, at least one or two people will survive, surely and surely!” That person slapped himself fiercely twice. Shouted.

Everyone is hearing this, and then let him go.

As for entering the archway, the Qin Shaofeng entire group of Monster Beast Cave Mansion, will they really be as worried?

The fact is obviously the difference between Heaven and Earth.

While Qin Shaofeng entire group walked past the archway, Luo San no longer hid and appeared directly beside Qin Shaofeng.

His invisibility is too strong.

Besides, he is still a powerhouse, if there is a Human Race nearby, he can also find out in time and respond to it.

Not to mention, the concealment of his aura on his body cannot be detected by an ordinary person.

Even if it is a powerhouse, he has the confidence to hide it.

Qin Shaofeng noticed his appearance, but just looked back and then moved towards the front.

In this archway Cave Mansion, it is also like a Small World.

The difference is that this piece of world is too small and it’s gray.

The only place that can radiate brilliance here is the farthest place, which seems to be the end of the world, which looks like a palace.

“Antiquity Ominous Beast actually lives in the palace?” Qin Shaofeng looked at Long Xiaoxiao in amazement.

“Don’t ask me, I don’t know.”

Long Xiaoxiao hurriedly shook her head, she was more shocked than Qin Shaofeng.

The scene before her hit her intellectual ability a bit too hard.

“roar roar roar! ”

Roars sounded from afar at the same time.

“Master, my heir was discovered by the alien beast here.” Heavenly Void Insect King’s voice also came into my mind at the same time.

Fogweed! ?

What kind of strange beast is this, who can still find the Heavenly Void?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked and hurriedly said in his heart: “Hurry up and let all your children come back.”

“I have sent them back, I’m afraid that even if they can return, they will lose at least two 3000 offspring.”

Heavenly Void Insect King’s voice is a bit sad, saying: “However, their investigations have some results. There seem to be several Human Races in front of them, and they seem to be divided into three camps and are fighting with alien beasts.”

“If it weren’t for the existence of those Human Races, my children would have lost even more.”

“The strange beasts here seem to have a problem with the bloodline, and the cultivation base should be comparable to the existence of the shining star position, but the battle strength they can exert is only the peak of the sky and the moon, and even worse.” /p>


Qin Shaofeng’s eyes sparkled.

They are all beings comparable to Glory Stars. If this is the case, wouldn’t he be able to obtain Glory Stars from these strange beasts that he can’t even imagine?

Before entering the ruins, the star and moon value he valued most.

After all, this is the root of his upgrade.

But with the insight of the ruins stone wall, he is also full of desire for the star value.

“Go, we will meet those strange beasts.”

Qin Shaofeng greeted everyone excitedly, body flashed, and galloped away in the direction where the alien beast rushed.

For a few breaths, everyone has already seen the existence of alien beasts.

“no! Not good! All, all shining stars!?”

Long Haoyue found a problem with the level of the alien beast, and was immediately shocked.

There is indeed a digital powerhouse around them.

However, the number of strange beasts on the opposite side is too much. At least, it should not be less than fifty.

Not to mention in the depths, there may be more exotic animals.

With the four powerhouses of the Qin Shaofeng subordinate, can they really lead them out?

“Sure enough!”

Qin Shaofeng’s attention is not on the cultivation base of alien animals.

After the Heavenly Void Insect King gave a reminder, he moved towards the bloodline aura on the alien beast.

After a bit of feeling, he immediately understood the problems of these strange animals.

Since Si Beast left behind this group of alien beasts that had hurt the ancient tribes, it was obviously impossible to give them another chance to cause chaos.

These strange beasts look tyrannical and unusually strong. In fact, they only have less than 1% Strength of Bloodline or even lower.

If you really fight, the battle strength that these alien beasts can display is really still a mystery.

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