
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“You brat, oh…”

Shen Wang’s current situation is not good and he is being watched. Where else would he dare to expose anything casually?

A deep sigh, directly revealing his heart.

“Shen Wang Senior, how have you been after you came to Cangming Realm? It seems to be very good?” Qin Shaofeng asked frivolously.

“It’s okay!”

Shen Wang shook his head.

His contact with Qin Shaofeng is not too small, but he just learned that this brat can be so capable.

The sound of Senior when he first met was enough to leave him speechless.

didn’t expect this brat even pretended to be addicted.

No matter that many.

Anyway, no matter how this brat is done, as long as there is no accident, it shouldn’t be a big loss in the end.

The two really have a deep friendship.

In his current situation, after seeing Qin Shaofeng, he never considered the safety of his couple again.

“Shen Wang Senior, what’s the situation here and what’s the matter with that ruin?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“It is the remains of the Antiquity Ominous Beast.”

Shen Wang explained: “Antiquity Ominous Beast is an existence far beyond any level of star beasts, and it can even be said to be another prehistoric civilization.”

“Unfortunately, it is not our Human Race civilization. We can’t understand their way of life. What can be confirmed is any Antiquity Ominous Beast, which is extremely tyrannical.”

He doesn’t know yet, Qin Shaofeng has already learned from books about the various Ominous Beast Monster Beasts of Ancient Era in the Cangming Realm.

In his opinion, the three existences of Ancient Era may not be called civilization.

After all, his first life memory is on earth.

The view of civilization is completely different from that of Cangming people.

At that time, Antiquity Ominous Beast, Primordial Ominous Beast, and Ancient Monster Beast were listed as the three major civilization races.

In his opinion, it is because of the camp that’s all divided by the war.

To make it clear, it’s just the competition between beasts weak are prey to the strong.

People in Cangming Realm think that it is civilization, so naturally he doesn’t need to explain anything.

gently nodded.

“If it’s putting it that way, the ruins of the beast should be extremely heaven defying, right?” Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed with an expression of desire.

Shen Wang who stared at him felt speechless.

He doesn’t believe that Qin Shaofeng can still make this expression after knowing the situation here, obviously just for some people to see that’s all.

“Although Si Beast is also Antiquity Ominous Beast, it is part of the lowest existence that’s all. Otherwise, the opening of this ruin is not just the people you see now.” Shen Wei shook his head and explained.

Qin Shaofeng knows a little bit about this.

But he couldn’t agree.

According to his understanding, Si Beast’s ability is lightning.

Even though the battle strength of Sibeast is not tyrannical in Antiquity Ominous Beast, it is related to itself.

If you can get lightning inheritance, the harvest may not be bad.

When he was thinking.

A raging sound came from afar.

He looked over subconsciously.

I saw a thick white mist in the valley surrounded by the powerhouses of the two clans.

In the white mist, you can definitely say that you can’t see your fingers.

His eyesight is not weak now.

Just looking at it makes him feel like he can’t see through even a foot away.

“Is that what the Antiquity Ominous Beast ruins looked like when they were opened?”

Qin Shaofeng’s heart is full of doubts and shocks.

When he first came here, he stared at him for a long time.

He can confirm that if there were no such people, he would definitely ignore it.

Not only can these people be sure that it is a ruin.

It has been confirmed long ago that the Master of the ruins is a legendary beast.

It seems that many things in Cangming Realm are not as cognition as he understands.

“It is also the first time I have seen this kind of Antiquity Ominous Beast’s remains opened, but it seems that it should not be wrong.” Shen Wang also looked back.

And the moment he turned his head, the expression in his eyes turned into sadness.

Come with Huang Tianji.

He knows exactly what this line represents to him.

But what can he do?

I hope I can tell him that before I die!

Shen Wang in the heart thought sadly.

“The ruins seem to be opened. Come with us!”

A powerhouse who always surrounds them, suddenly speaks.

Shen Wang hearing this, the expression suddenly became more ugly.

Even Qin Shaofeng has a cold glow flashing deep under his eyes.

It seems that there will be a fierce battle today.

I just don’t know what is going on with Huang Tianji, so he wants to be irreconcilable with himself.

No matter that many, stride followed along.

The eyes of the people present are all over the ruins. Not at all people noticed that a silhouette that is almost illusory appeared silently behind Qin Shaofeng when no one noticed it.

That is to follow Qin Shaofeng so casually.

Unfortunately, many people who looked towards here did not find his existence.

This kind of concealment is really appalling.

“Sir, there seems to be something wrong with the previous Sibeast ruins. If I go in, the cultivation base battle strength may be greatly suppressed. You’d better notify them in advance to Ke Nine Heavens Sir.” Luo San’s sound transmission sounded In the ear.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously looked back.

I saw Luo San swaying half a step behind him.

He couldn’t help being shocked, and the sound transmission asked: “Why did you suddenly run out, but there is a powerhouse in front of you, and you don’t have a top hidden aura treasure. It would be bad if you were spotted by them. .”

“It’s just a few rubbish who are new to the star position.”

Luo San’s mouth crossed an arc of contempt, said with a sneer: “When I was only in the position of the sky and the moon, walking beside the three martial artists of the 2nd stage star position, they couldn’t find me. The existence of the dark night assassin is not as simple as a loud name.”

After being revealed in the academy, Luo San’s demeanor aura seems to be unnoticeable influence.

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being surprised when he heard such domineering words.

There is really no ordinary person who can be imprisoned in endless hell for thousands of years!

The prisoner Li Naling is a former poisonous fairy and the number one figure in the imaginary world.

Mo Ya and Di Shan are also known as the kings of tools and medicine.

Ke Nine Heavens almost became a subordinate of West Celestial Emperor Ximen Lingzhong.

Wang Sheng is studying the existence of the ancient great array.

Now I know that Luo San actually has such a background.

I don’t know if the other Ranger Captains have similar horror origins.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that probability not a ordinary is great!

“If so, then I can rest assured.”

Qin Shaofeng sound transmission, without any pause in his steps.

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