
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Shaofeng can’t bother to think about the changes in martial arts value.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him.

His silhouette moved in a flash.

It was nearly 10 meters away, and it was over in a blink of an eye.

“Ghost Slash!”

The ghost song of the war sword danced in response.

The two gale wolves also seemed to feel the changes in their bodies, and a touch of sadness appeared in their eyes.

Just a moment of lag, the battle is enough to be qualitative.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a gale wolf of Yuyue position and get 5 points of strength.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a gale wolf of Yuyue position and get 5 martial arts points.”

Two identical system voices sounded in my mind.

Yuyue is Peak, and he has only five martial arts points.

Qin Shaofeng mourned in silence.

It seems that if you want to get 5000 martial arts value, the difficulty is still not an ordinary one!

The four gale wolves who only had the ability to fly him were all destroyed.

He doesn’t have time to think about it.

In case Long Haoyue and the others really rush over, then it will be in trouble.

thoughts are revolving.

He hurriedly changed into an ordinary sword, silhouetted like electricity, and quickly wandered through the gale wolf pack.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player”

“System Prompt: Congratulations…”

“system prompt ……”

The sounds of system seem to be in series.

Trifling is just a hundred gale wolves.

Qin Shaofeng does not need to care about their attacks, as long as full-strength take action is enough.

The war knife slashed wildly with one blow.

In just two breaths, his feet are already covered with corpse.

The battle happened too fast, too fast.

At this time, Long Haoyue and the others are still waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Never thought of it.

A blink of an eye.

Qin Shaofeng actually got everything done.

There are indeed 60-70 gale wolves over there who are attacking Qin Shaofeng.

According to Qin Shaofeng beheading speed.

Those gale wolves, seem to be unable to support even a few breaths, right?

“This…what happened to this?” Lu Liu said in shock.

His tracking ability is very powerful.

But the battle strength is among the people, but it can compete with Long Xiaoxiao, and they are the weakest existence.

Faced with the gale wolf pack that made him feel helpless.

He couldn’t believe what he saw before him.

“It’s no wonder that when we tracked him, we still needed him to wait for us to come. If he didn’t wait for us, we wouldn’t be able to catch him.” Long Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly.

“The battle strength of this brat is really weird.”

Long Haoyue couldn’t help but shook her head: “His cultivation base has just reached the cosmic moon position. I can’t imagine that when his cultivation base reaches the yellow moon position, I will still not be his opponent. “

Zhang Ye, Ren Tiankuang, Shen Jun and Liu Kaishan bitterly laughed one after another.

They are all well-know figures in their respective influences.

Watching Qin Shaofeng’s battle with their own eyes, they still feel full of powerlessness.

Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base is indeed very low.

Really let them face it, really don’t know how to start.

An invincible defense.

Plus that many unpredictable and mysterious means.

The difficulty of defeating it is not as simple as you think.

The current Qin Shaofeng may not be able to cross the horror gap on the cultivation base to hurt them, but they now feel helpless.

“In this experience, our mission is really just to help him, but for us, it may not be a good experience. Everyone also seizes this opportunity to experience as much as possible. Cultivation progress, go up!” Long Haoyue once again opened the mouth and said.

They really wanted to help Qin Shaofeng before.

But when he saw Qin Shaofeng’s wolf beheading gale like cutting melons and vegetables, he really didn’t have that idea anymore.

Qin Shaofeng’s speed is naturally extremely fast.

In order to prevent Long Haoyue and the others from coming over to compete with him, he used his speed to the extreme.

When the conversation between several people ended, he had also completed the battle before him.

Until these are all done.

He just started harvesting the available materials from the gale wolf.

Long Haoyue watched his actions and said: “Everyone should pay more attention to their own progress in this experience. Let’s go, let’s help him harvest the available materials from Gale Wolf.”

The seven rushed over.

One after another took out the knives and started cutting.

But their eyes are still from time to time moved towards Qin Shaofeng.

The more they watched, the more frightened they became.

This brat looks harmless to the people coming, but the battle strength can be tyrannical to that level.

Even the hundred wolf packs led by Gale Wolf King of Xuanyue cannot take a few breaths in his hands.

It is really unimaginable, if this brat is a full strength outbreak, it will show how terrifying battle strength.

The material is harvested.

Qin Shaofeng directly said to several people: “Let’s go ahead, there is an Iron Back Grey Bear on the ground and moon, when the time comes, I need your help, and the final harvest will be given to me. That’s it.”

The seven looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, and they really couldn’t understand what he was going to do.

Since it is he who wants to come over to experience.

He should be in charge of the main battle, and he should be looking for an existence close to his cultivation base.

How can I still find the Iron Back Grey Bear in the moon position?

They were puzzled.

But no one asked anything more.

After all, they have just made a decision to find the trouble with Iron Back Grey Bear, which is also a good thing for them.

Everyone hurried to the past immediately.

The battle soon opened again.

The difference is that Qin Shaofeng did choose to look on the wall this time.

Long Haoyue and the others deserve to be the first team in the autumn hunt, and his personal battle strength is extremely powerful.

The seven obviously often join forces.

Now that we work together, the strength of the battle demonstrated can be compared to seven people who are not an ordinary.

Iron Back Grey Bear is a super defensive power existence.

Although is so.

Under the joint efforts of the seven, it took only a cup of tea time to take it down.

Qin Shaofeng is responsible for the final harvest.

A slashed down.

The increase in martial arts value did not satisfy him.

Only 300.

Not to mention the ten-fold increase compared to the star and moon, there is not even 5x.

But whatever you say.

300 is also a hundred times stronger than the previous point.

His motivation immediately improved.

Tens of thousands of Heavenly Void bugs are responsible for finding the way, so that they simply won’t stop.

A group, one, two.

Qin Shaofeng kept giving orders.

The seven have also begun to understand why Qin Shaofeng is so powerful.

Fight like this.

They just lasted for a short period of time, and they felt exhausted.

Think about the consecutive days of Qin Shaofeng’s autumn hunting.

Almost they are inferior and cannot look up.

“Even the people from Heaven’s Mystery Building went to the ruins. It seems that the ruins should be almost opened.” Qin Shaofeng took the materials handed over by the crowd, but frowned and muttered to himself.

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