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A group of snakes has more than two hundred poisonous snake corpse.

Suddenly, Wu Shuang’s pretty face turned pale.

She didn’t expect anyhow, Yun Lan still has such a killing move in her hand.

And now Yunlan hasn’t really taken an action yet.

Who knows what kind of existence she can come up with?

“Red Demon Snake, the thousandth poison on the Cangming Poison List.”

“The Cangming Drug List only has a thousand quotas, but any one that can be on the Drug List is extremely terrifying existence.”

“Although the Red Demon Snake is only the last, and there are only two hundred poisonous snakes, it is not an existence that ordinary people can contend with!”

“My cultivation base is about to reach the position of Xuanyue, but if I encounter such a group of poisonous snakes, there is only one way to escape.”

“Can you escape?”

“I’m all the cultivation base of Rank 4 Xuanyue, and you must be careful when you encounter this stuff!”

People around discuss spiritedly get up.

The classification of Cangming Realm is extremely strict.

However, if these levels are compared with some extremely poisonous things, they cannot be viewed in the general sense of level.

Just as Yun Lan managed these red demon snakes.

Just as Qin Shaofeng invited Luo Tian to raise the three large snake groups, they are all in the same situation.

The difference in numbers is huge.

But the difference in the level of the snake king is not too big. The difference between Martial Dao and Martial Dao is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

It’s just a nest of poisonous snakes.

Let any person in Long Haoyue’s team be able to sweep away.

But there are thousands of jade-top king snakes, but they only think that escape is the same thing.

The level remains unchanged.

If the poisonous snake is replaced by the only snake in the top ten of the poison list, if the same number of snakes appear, even the Supreme Expert standing in the Peak of the Cangming Realm is reluctant to provoke it easily.

“I do not have a star beast corpse in the position of the wild moon, but this group of snakes is enough to resist your corpse.” A flat smile appeared on Yun Lan’s face.

There is only a smile, but no smile.

When Yun Cheng saw this, he couldn’t help but glance at each other.

Found the expression of calm and composed endless text.

He just said: “Since the number and level of the star beast corpse taken out by the two major academies are close, the number of star beasts placed on the ground by both sides offsets.”

“It was offset?!”

“Why did this happen, did you lose?”

“Why doesn’t Dean speak?”

“You lost like this?”

The faces of the students at the endless college became hard to look.

The competition between the two major colleges has reached this level, and most people have obviously forgotten something.

Yun Lan is not like most people.

She even heard some surprise shouts and cheers at Yunxian Academy, but she didn’t hear her, saying: “Since that blood wolf is your first killing move, then take out the second killing move as well. Up.”

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Whether it is the cheering of Yunxian Academy or the sigh of endless Academy.

All the sounds disappeared, all moved towards Wu Shuang and looked over.

This little girl who only has a ninth-level barren moon position, even has a killing move?

I saw that Wu Shuang didn’t intend to continue to take the star beast corpse at all, but moved towards the endless college Low Level class and returned from the lineup.

At the same time, he said: “I am talking about us, not me.”

“This blood wolf was killed by us together. I can say that I have the least effort. You don’t have to put all your thoughts on me.”

A hundred thousand people from the two colleges fell silent.

What does this mean?

Meng Na simply didn’t work hard. If you don’t rely on you, who else can you rely on to compare with Yun Lan who has not taken out a corpse?

“Oh? What is your next trump card?”

Yun Lan was also very confused by what she said.

She still remembers Wu Shuang saying that the five of them only captured 95 star beasts, and now they have all taken out.

Then the trump card that may overturn all this in the end, what should it be?

Don’t say she couldn’t think of it.

Among the 100,000 people present, the one who can think of it absolutely can be counted on one’s fingers.

More part of the people, not that they didn’t think of that possibility, but that they couldn’t believe it anyway.

“Why are you in a hurry? Did you forget that we came out six people?”

Wu Shuang has returned to the team, with a weird smile on his face, and said: “Yun Lan, don’t forget, I’m just Vice Captain of our endless college representative team, our Captain has not returned yet, you What are you worried about?”

Everyone fell for a while.

The disdain of most of the 100,000 people, the atmosphere made all the four people behind Wu Shuang tremble.

Even Ye Leng and Nie Xuanxing are in love.

Ye Leng asked softly: “Wu Shuang, are you crazy? That brat may have a very high background, but his cultivation base is there, how can he get more than Yun Lan?”

Although she lowered her voice, many people still heard her.

In an instant, this question spread to everyone.

“Are they looking forward to the brat in the rank 1 barren month?”

“Are you crazy?”

“Trifling Rank 1 is just the ant of the cultivation base of the deserted month. It is not bad to be able to walk out alive in Yunling without following the team. You still want him to do a killing move?”

“I heard that brat has a very good defensive garment.”

“That brat was just because the college asked him to make a meat shield for the team. That brat had an awkward relationship with Director Luo and asked to walk alone for a while after entering Yunling.”

“I think that brat is looking for a place to hide and dare not come out, right?”

“It seems…it is possible.”

The discussion of the two academies resounded once again.

Rank 1 in the wild moon position to compete with the fifth-order cosmic moon position, and it is the team Captain’s Yun Lan to win, isn’t this courting death?

A look of contempt also appeared in Yun Lan’s eyes.

Although their team distributes corpse according to their output.

The problem is that her cultivation base is the highest, and naturally she has the most harvest.

And because of the snake group problem.

She didn’t want to carry it by herself, nor did she want other people with weak cultivation base to perform, so she swapped the space ring with snake corpse and Li Xian’s space ring with star beast corpse.

As a result, there are more than two hundred star beast corpse in her space ring.

Only relying on the ant brat of Rank 1 barren moon position, even want to compare yourself?

I’m just kidding!

They didn’t believe it one by one.

Dean Yuncheng, who stood in the distance watching this scene coldly, couldn’t help but moved towards side. The endless text said with a smile: “It seems that Little Brat has some ability to make that The girl is so convinced.”

“I think she is just looking for a last reason to comfort herself.”

The endless text hearing this laughed in a low voice.

Don’t look at what Yun Cheng said nicely, but in fact he was putting pressure on him.

But would he really not believe in Qin Shaofeng?

He is also setting Yun Cheng.

But this sentence not at all lowered his voice, and when he said it, everyone in the two colleges was shocked.

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