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jade green The dragon king moved instantly.

Go to the hill where snake corpses are piled up, and it breathes green mist, rapidly dissolving the snakes.

Qin Shaofeng is more straightforward.

When everyone thought he was going to study the three kings of snakes, or even pick them from the kings of snakes and so on.

I saw him cut down with a single knife, and took the lead in beheading the green scale snake king.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a green scale snake king of Yuyue position and get 3000 stars and moon value.”

Only 30,000?

Qin Shaofeng was immediately exasperated by the number reported by the system.

This is better than the green scale snake king of Yuyue Peak!

According to the normal EXP acquisition, he should directly win the star and moon value of about 90,000 so that he can directly advance to the rank.

Why is it only 30,000?

That’s too little, right?

Although he was speechless in his heart, he also moved towards the Jade King Serpent with a single knife.

Today’s star and moon value acquisition is different from before.

When it reaches 100,000, it has already capped.

Cut it off with a single blow.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill a yellow-moon jade-top king snake and get 50000 stars and moons.”

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng is upgraded, and the current Rank 1 is in the moon position.”

Only 50,000 for the yellow moon position?

Is my cultivation base insufficient, and Exp Points are suppressed?

Qin Shaofeng thought silently in his heart.

After all, when he killed high grade star beasts several times, similar things happened.

Thinking in his heart, but he is not idle.


“I had a breakthrough?”

He suddenly laughed: “haha, didn’t expect to kill two snakes, and both can break through, hahaha!”

In the sound of laughter, he slashed towards the last Scarlet Rose King.

One cut.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng, kill the Scarlet Rose King of Yuyue, and get 30,000 stars and moons.”

Qin Shaofeng’s laughter is still not over.

Others don’t know what he experienced during this laughter.

The only thing they can do is roll one’s eyes to him.

Who knows how long your brat has been stuck in Peak Peak?

Enlightenment of mood, once breakthrough, what is there to be excited about?

Luo Tian Yang and Qi Bai were full of doubts while contemplating.

When the brat killed the blood wolf before, didn’t the cultivation base just break through several steps?

Are those few breakthroughs all false?

Or to say…He has other secrets that we haven’t understood?

What’s the matter with the cultivation of brat?

Qin Shaofeng squatted down without even turning his head.

Take out three small bottles and start to take poison from the three big snakes.

His movements look cautiously.


While he is doing this, thought: open the system interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Rank 1 Eternal Moon Rank (30,000/20,000)

Star position: mark martial artist (white)

Martial arts: illusory star spirit (7th order)

Star value 100/0

Martial body value: 880/5000

Ghost marks: 6-32

martial skill: Three ghosts, thunderbolt thousand flashes, heavenly secrets, Supreme Void Dafa, endless seals

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Golden Core: 10,000 /10,000

Star and moon value: 182000/200,000

Innate Skill: illusory true spirit, god and devil spirit book

Sea of ​​​​Consciousness: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luo Tian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

A piece of data suddenly appeared before his eyes.

The movement in his hand remains the same, but a look of sadness appears deep in his eyes.

According to the previous upgrade EXP.

His star and moon value should be stored up to 100,000.

The total amount of the star and moon value is only 18,000 left. Even if the final amount is obtained, it is not enough to level him up to Rank 3.

On the other hand, the martial arts value may only be more than 800.

It seems that in the next period of time, we will have to find a way to hunt the star beasts again.

Trifling is still in the stage of unable to move a single step in the Cangming Realm.

He confirmed his situation.

Only then did you put away the character interface and quickly collected the snake venom.

Put away the jade bottle with snake venom.

He finally put out a long breath and said: “It’s all done, but I don’t know if my Heavenly Void can break through to the yellow moon position.”

“Heavenly Void? Is it called Heavenly Void?”

Long Xiaoxiao belongs to the class of Xueba.

When she saw the jade green dragon king, she was already full of curiosity.

Since the matter has been resolved, she naturally can’t help it anymore.

“Well, the name I named it, is it handsome?”

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew what she was asking, so he said with a smile loudly: “Although this guy is a little different, but after all he has been with me for a few years, he can always help me, so I naturally want to get it A handsome name.”

This sentence directly puts a bet on Long Xiaoxiao’s mouth, who wants to continue to question.

Didn’t you listen to this guy?

His name is jade green, and the dragon king is different.

If he knew the species, he wouldn’t say that.

She not at all thinks too much.

After all, she can be said to be a schoolmaster, and she knows a lot about all kinds of knowledge.

Existence she doesn’t even recognize.

Really unimaginable, Qin Shaofeng will know what it is.

Although that is Qin Shaofeng’s pet.

Not long.

The jade green dragon king swallowed Snake Mountain clean, turned around and swallowed the three snake kings.

The moment the devouring ends.

The aura on the jade green dragon king finally slowly changed.

“Have you finally reached the yellow moon position?”

Qin Shaofeng looked at the clean mountain col, and couldn’t help but smile wryly: “It’s really hard for you, this little fellow, to improve, come back!”

He lifted his left hand.

I saw the jade green dragon king returning to his feet once again soaring into the air, wrapping around his wrist.

Returned to the jade green bracelet that everyone had just seen.

What makes them even more speechless is that after the jade green dragon king turned into a bracelet, even aura disappeared, as if he really became a dead thing.

Long Xiaoxiao said silently: “You snake is really…”

Before she finished speaking, she saw a scene that made her choked even more speechlessly.

I saw the aura on Qin Shaofeng’s body was also rapidly decreasing.

In the blink of an eye, it turned from the aura of Rank 1 in the cosmic moon position to the aura of Rank 2 in the wild moon position.

Qin Shaofeng even hit several punches in the air in a row.

Then take out the ghost song of the sword.

“Ghost Slash!”

In the burst of shouts, a knife slashed out in the air.

The formidable power of this blade is indeed tyrannical.

They have seen Qin Shaofeng swing the knife many times, and they can naturally feel that the formidable power of his this blade has undergone a qualitative change.

Unfortunately, when Qin Shaofeng took action, the cultivation base aura radiated from his body was still the Rank 2 Desolate Moon.

Even Luo Tian Yang and Qi Bai, who were curiously observing, could not feel any difference.

Immediately, the aura of cultivation base breakthrough appeared from Qin Shaofeng.

Rank 3, Rank 4, Tier 5…All the way to Rank 1.

After that, aura converged again and returned to the Rank 2 Desolate Moon.

“I have been out to fight for so long, and it’s time for my cultivation base to break through. Rank 2 is in the wild, hehe.” Qin Shaofeng laughed.

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