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Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care if they have any thoughts in their minds.

He called out the order, and he has already moved towards the forest.

The place where I participated in the autumn hunting this time is also a rolling mountain.

If these mountains are alone, someone will definitely give him a good name.

It can be biased.

This mountain range is next to the terrifying Skylark Peak vein, so although it also has a name, it is not mountain range, but Yunling.

Yunling is not small.

At least larger than many mountain ranges that Qin Shaofeng has ever seen.

But within the Cangming Realm, it’s hard to say what level it belongs to.


Since it is a mountain range, he can’t help but equate with the Forbidden Martial Forest.

This mountain range is not small.

Will there be a forbidden force in it?

Or to say.

To what extent can the forbidden force in it reach?

He seems to be in his chest.

In fact, she is a little nervous.

After all, this was his first battle in the Cangming Realm.

This battle is very different from when he was in the Cangming Realm.

At that time, he was directly born in the Forbidden Forest, and he could rely on crushing some small creatures to improve his cultivation base.

It’s obviously unrealistic now.

Everything, we have to wait until we get in.

Thinking in his heart, he has already stepped into the mountain range.

Just as he thought.

There is a more or less forbidden force in any mountain range in the land of the shining star.

Cangming Realm is obviously no exception.

Only speaking, the suppression of Forbidden Forces in Yunling is too shallow.

Like these young martial artists who came out of the academy, the suppression after coming in is not very difficult to deal with.

It’s no wonder that the college would make this kind of decision.

“Captain, what are we going to do next?”

Wu Shuang seemed to see that he was full of strange emotions towards Yunling and asked.

“Try to find a few star beasts first.”

Qin Shaofeng is indeed a little nervous.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced large and small battles, and he will not be frightened by the small tension.

I gave a casual explanation before continuing: “I don’t know Meng Na’s ability. If a star beast appears, Chu Yao will take Tang Haohan and Zhang Mu to entangle him, and Wu Shuang and Qilong will try to punish him Kill.”

He seems to be explaining, but he has already used actions to exclude himself and Meng Na.

When he came to Cangming World, his cultivation base battle strength was suppressed.

Eyesight is impossible because of any changes in external circumstances.

He could tell from Meng Na’s words and actions that she was not interested in this gambling fight.

It’s even less likely to follow the team.

This point is very similar to myself.

Naturally, he will not direct Meng Na indiscriminately.

The faces of the five Wu Shuang suddenly became ugly.

They previously recognized the position of Qin Shaofeng Captain, but they wanted Qin Shaofeng to do their best.

We didn’t expect anyhow.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Qin Shaofeng wanted to use Captain’s identity to escape.

If so.

Then let him do Captain hair dryer?

“What about you Captain?” Qilong asked.

Qilong is the weakest cultivation base among the five.

But when it comes to explosive power, he is the strongest one.

In addition to his strangeness with Qin Shaofeng, he is naturally the one who disagrees with Qin Shaofeng the most.

“I am acting on my own.”

Qin Shaofeng seems to have heard nothing.

He said solemnly: “I can’t always accompany you, so I have to arrange something for you before I leave the team, let’s go!”

The five Wu Shuang were dumbfounded.

What is this saying?

What does it mean to arrange for us before you leave?

Do you really think you are awesome?

All five are not angry.

But Qin Shaofeng gave them a very special feeling.

They also want to see what Qin Shaofeng can do.

So after Qin Shaofeng said this remark, they closed their mouths one by one with curious eyes.

I want to see, why do you arrange for us!

The eyes of the five people are sharper than the other.

Obviously, I was holding that breath.

Qin Shaofeng never looked back, but took them deep into the forest according to his EXP in the forest.

It didn’t take long before they had encountered the first star beast.

This is a wolf-shaped star beast.

Wolves, are not considered weak among the star beasts.

In other words, it should be considered extremely strong.

But wolves are social animals.

The appearance of just a lone wolf immediately made Qin Shaofeng happy.

I was about to find a star beast to practice hand skills, didn’t expect such an existence specially ran out.

Isn’t this a gift for him?

Lone wolf?

When I speak, I seem to be very aloof.

But actually?

Why does a lone wolf become a lone wolf?

Either he was eliminated in the wolf pack, or he couldn’t keep up with the pace of the wolf pack and was thrown out.

Of course.

This statement may be somewhat wrong.

However, in this clan of star beasts, it is no longer possible to calculate according to the commonly used wild beast knowledge.

Regardless of the existence of this lone wolf.

What can’t be changed is that this lone wolf is definitely not too strong.

“This, this is… the blood wolf?”

While Qin Shaofeng was still thinking, he heard Wu Shuang’s voice coming from behind.

Blood wolf?

What is it?

The naming ability of Cangming World is so scumbag?

Or, the lone wolf they are facing, who has not yet exploded into an imposing manner and influence, is actually weak enough to scum?

It’s not that he hasn’t consulted the knowledge of star beasts this year.

His vision is really too high.

The books that I have surpassed are almost all Star Beasts such as High Level, as well as Star Beasts that are advantageous for him to upgrade.

Not at all has seen the existence of blood wolves.

“What is a blood wolf? Why haven’t I heard of it?” Qilong looked at it suspiciously.

“Blood wolf can no longer be regarded as a simple star beast. Naturally, you will not see it in the star beast books you read.”

Wu Shuang’s voice is still trembling, it seems that even his teeth are trembling.

“What is that?” Qilong continued to ask.

“Yes…is a kind of Blood Race.”

Wu Shuang said in horror: “I also encountered a blood wolf race with people from my family. The blood wolf is very powerful and has the special ability of Blood Race. It is extremely difficult to kill it. .”

“Try to talk about it!”

Qin Shaofeng is not the first time this group of young people have encountered battle.

Facing the blood wolf close at hand.

Regardless of the blood wolf battle strength, he is impossible to teleport his gaze from the blood wolf.

Hearing that there seemed to be a tendency to chat behind him for a while, he frowned and spoke.

“Try it? It’s too powerful. I heard family elder say that even the blood wolf who was just born has the ability to fight against the Wuxiu of the Universe. With our cultivation base, it can only be courting. Death!” Wu Shuang said in horror.

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