
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

When Qin Shaofeng received the request of Autumn Hunting, it was almost the time when Autumn Hunting was preparing.

Their final preparation time is only three days.

Every three days.

Wendless Wen personally ordered that a total of three hundred warships were lifted into the air.

Except for some college Steward, all the others boarded the battleship.

Those who do not participate in the autumn hunt in the Low Level class are all followed along.

They don’t need to participate in autumn hunting, but they need to observe the situation of autumn hunting up close, and even some powerhouses will bring back some images for them to learn.

Even if you can’t learn anything, at least you can gain some understanding.

The warship is extremely fast.

The endless mountain and the Yunxian Temple are right next to each other, although it took some time to bypass the Skylark Peak pulse.

But after only three hours, he arrived at the reserved place.

The people at Yunxian Academy had clearly arrived a moment earlier than them.

At this time, the people in Yunxian Academy had already stepped off the battleship, and they all looked up and moved towards the sky.

Look down from the deck.

Qin Shaofeng also has a shocking feeling.

Almost all of the college students are those with a high cultivation base, except for those with a high cultivation base.

If it were 10% of the people in the original league, it would not have been so miserable by ghost slaves.

This is just a college student in Cangming Realm.

It is already conceivable how powerful the real strength behind it is.

The battleship fell slowly.

The people from the endless college followed the teachers of each class off the battleship.

I saw the two Dean walk out hand in hand.

“The people from the two colleges are listening.”

“Although this autumn hunting includes the bets of our two major colleges, we are still the alliance autumn hunting. If someone asks for help during the autumn hunting, no matter anyone in any college, other people must help immediately take action. ”

“In this autumn hunt, the powerhouses of the two academies will be patrolled in the air from time to time and at different points. Once anyone seeking help is found, the cultivation base will be abolished and expelled from the academy!”

The endless text speaks loudly.

The same thing, when he finished speaking, Dean Yuncheng from Yunxian Academy repeated it.

The two Dean’s accounted so solemnly.

Suddenly all the students in the two colleges were cautious.

Fighting does not involve autumn hunting.

They are all in the heart and remember.

“Next, some students from the two major academies participate in the gambling low level class to come forward and introduce themselves.” Yuncheng Dean shouted.

He spoke first, and the people at Yunxian Academy naturally walked out first.

“Yun Lan, the outer sect Honorary Disciple of Yunxian Temple, this autumn hunting Low Level Captain, the fifth-order cosmic moon position.”

As soon as she uttered her words, Wu Shuang and the others were all sucked in a cold breath of air.

Who would have thought that in this Low Level class of Yunxian Academy, there would be a disciple of Yunxian Temple?

Even if it’s just an outer sect Honorary Disciple, they are not comparable to them.

“Little Feng, it’s your turn.”

Nie Xuanxing and Ye Leng had the same ugly faces, but they had to say hello to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng rolled one’s eyes.

The feelings themselves are going to be a joke.

What do they do that many?

Immediately, he took a step forward and said in a flat voice: “Qin Shaofeng, Low Level student of Endless Academy, Autumn Hunting Captain, Rank 1 Desolate Moon.”


In the entire venue.

The two colleges, nearly 100,000 people, were all silent in this brief moment.

Even the sound of breathing seemed to disappear.

The heartbeat sound is also inaudible.

“Rank 1 Bad Month?”

“Is he sure he said the wrong month position?”

“Doesn’t the Low Level class have a martial artist with a cosmic moon position?”

“If he is really a Rank 1 Desolate Moon and can enter the team, he shouldn’t be Captain, right?”

“Is he wrong, or did we hear it wrong?”

“This is not very scientific, right?”

Everyone feels messy in the wind.

A Vice Dean from Yunxian Academy reacted first, coughing a few times, and asked: “Qin Shaofeng, right? Cough cough, can you introduce yourself to cough cough, Rank 1 cough cough Isn’t the universe cough cough?”

“What kind of cultivation base am I, don’t you always see it?”

Qin Shaofeng rolled one’s eyes and said: “My battle strength is naturally not qualified to be a Captain, but some people insist on letting me be a buffoon.”

The Vice Dean of Yunxian Academy was speechless.

The rest are all sweating.

Among them, most of them are people who have been in the two colleges for a long time, or the first time they saw a yellow brat, they dared to talk to a Vice Dean like this.

Although Vice Dean is not Vice Dean from his college.


What did he just say?

Some people?


Some of the people he was talking about are always not the seniors of Yunxian Academy, right?

This brat is too fucking awesome, right?

“cough cough cough!”

The Vice Dean coughed awkwardly.

He was indeed stunned by Qin Shaofeng.

But he is even more Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng dared to speak this way, he must have his confidence, otherwise he would embarrass the senior level of Infinite Academy in public. Where can he go back?

“hahaha! Good brat, with character!”

Yun Cheng laughed when he saw this, and turned back to Wu End Wen and said, “Brother Wen, I think this kid is very unhappy with you Endless Academy?”

“And he offended you on the spot, he will definitely punish you when he goes back. Maybe Martial Dao was destroyed by you, or you could give him to Yunxian Academy. Old man likes his character very much. .”

Hunting Wen glared at him: “get lost! If it wasn’t for his character that I liked, do you think he can be a Captain?”


There is silence again.

The people in the two colleges were all stunned by this scene.

How long have we been in the two colleges? Who doesn’t know how terrifying Dean is?

When did Dean, who had a bad temper, started to like being irritated by students who had just entered the college?

fuck, what’s wrong with this?

If this is the case…

Forget it!

People dare to be so embarrassed, naturally they have the confidence of others.

If I dare to use this attitude towards any of them, I will definitely not survive the next day.

Don’t think about it, the more you think about it, the more sad it gets!

“cough cough cough, next one!”

Yun Cheng spoke quickly to ease the embarrassment.

“Li Xian, Rank 1 Universe Position, Vice Captain.”

A young girl walked out of Yunxian Academy, who turned out to be another iceberg beauty.

After Li Xian said this simple sentence, he seemed to have no intention of continuing to speak.

When Wu Shuang saw this, he immediately stepped forward: “Wu Shuang, the ninth-level barren moon, Vice Captain.”

Another desolate month?

The students from the two major academies all stared blankly at the heavy people behind Qin Shaofeng and Wu Shuang.

The huge gap in the cultivation base allows them to see Meng Na’s cultivation base.

Which is the powerhouse of the moon and moon, not only did he fail to become a Captain, he did not even become a Vice Captain?

Did she offend who on earth to become like this?

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