
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“I don’t know.”

Endlessly speaking.

The answer made Qin Shaofeng petrify directly.

Don’t know?

What kind of answer is this?

You are the First Person of Endless Mountain, OK?

He stared at endless muddy with shocked face, but endless muddy never planned to speak again, just standing so quietly and motionless.

His doubts did not last long.


A puffy voice suddenly sounded on the deck.

Compared with the way of opening before endless muddy, it seems to be exactly the same.

This voice seemed to murmur in front of Wu Xing Hun, but how to hear it, it seemed to have an extremely overbearing feeling.

“Are you here?”

The endless chaos did not look back, but said to Qin Shaofeng: “Little Feng, this is your Eldest Senior Brother, the endless life, now the owner of the endless mountain.”


Qin Shaofeng was shocked by fiercely.

He immediately felt that he understood many things.

Elder disciple.

The first generation of the discipline.

Just listen to their names, they all seem to be very casual identities.

Only when it is truly placed in front of the top of the endless mountain, can this identity be truly highlighted.

He is a first-generation discipline.

The problem is that today’s Infinite Mountain Lord is also a generation of discipline!

The identity of his Elder disciple seems to require no explanation.

As long as the Mountain Lord Senior Brother is willing to protect himself, even if he does not have the real Elder identity, what can he lose?

Or, who would dare to do anything to yourself?

“Little Junior Brother.”

The voice continued.

At the same time, an endless silhouette appeared in front of him.

Endless Canglan is indeed the owner of the endless mountain.

He seems to be in his 40s.

But if you say that he is in his early thirties, or he is in his fifties, he can feel extraordinary.

The aura pressure on him made Qin Shaofeng feel shocked.

When he was in the land of the shining star.

The Ximen Li, Chen Old Xing ghost, and Zilong who I just saw are all real high-ranking ones.

But this kind of imposing manner without anger and prestige, adds up to less than 10-20% of the endless waves.

“Qin Shaofeng met Eldest Senior Brother.” Qin Shaofeng quickly paid respect.

“Little Junior Brother, you are welcome.”

Endless Canglan took a few steps forward and helped him up.

Although endless Canglan is very close, the aura on his body is not reduced by his words and actions.

“Little Feng, since you are already our endless mountain generation discipline, naturally you need to have a name that belongs to our endless mountain.” endless mouthed.

As soon as his voice came out, General Qin immediately stared at Qin Shaofeng.

The name of the endless mountain!

This brat can get the name of the endless mountain before entering the endless mountain?

Just thinking about it, he was shocked.

It was so shocking.

“Yes, uncle.”

Qin Shaofeng has long understood the situation of the endless mountain.

Entering the endless mountain is like entering a large guild in the game, you need a vest that belongs to the guild.

“The word “Wind” is good, but your Six Senior Sister’s name is endless wind. If you also use this name, it will already have the same name.”

Endless Huny said: “Since your name is Qin Shaofeng, that belongs to our endless mountain name, just call endless Little Feng.”

“Yes, uncle.”

Qin Shaofeng is not too concerned about this vest.

“Although you got the name of Everlasting Mountain, you are too young now, and your cultivation base is too weak. When you are not in Everlasting Mountain, you can continue to call Qin Shaofeng.” Hentai continued.


Qin Shaofeng answered, but he felt strange in his heart.

When not in Endless Mountain?

Do I need to leave the endless mountain often?

“Canglan, go and arrange for Little Feng’s people. The old man will take him back to the mountain first, and at the same time, he must also see how to arrange his cultivation.” Wu Endless said.

“Yes, Master.”

Endless Canglan also cup one fist in the other hand and moved towards Chen Old Xing ghost who looked at the front door of the warship cabin and the others said: “Although there are some powerhouses among you, you can influence in the Cangming world. There is still too little in the middle, so we will temporarily settle it near a courtyard near our endless mountain.”

Qin Shaofeng just heard him say this, and suddenly he felt soar into the clouds and mount the mists.

spatial flight?

When he looked around in a surprised moved towards, what he saw was nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness.

“Your current cultivation base is too low. It is not good for you to watch too much.”

Wu Jin Hu didn’t turn his head, he seemed to see the movement of his eyeballs, and said softly.

“Yes, uncle.”

Qin Shaofeng quickly retracted his gaze.

Not long.

He was brought to the endless mountain by endless mud.

No! Perhaps it is in a hall of endless mountain.

He has never been able to see anything, and naturally it is impossible to know where he is in the endless mountain now, or whether it is in the endless mountain.

“Little Feng, what kind of cultivation do you want to do next?” endlessly asked.

“How to cultivation?”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help being stunned again.

Is it necessary to determine the direction of cultivating?

“Just how cultivation.”

Nodded and said: “Your identity in the endless mountain is too special. If you expose your identity prematurely, it will definitely bring you a lot of trouble.”

“Therefore, old man can only think of two kinds of cultivation methods.”

“One is to go to the cultivation of the outer circle disciple, but although the outer circle disciple has the title of endless mountain discipline, more of it is just a handyman. After you pass, the cultivation will definitely be troublesome.”

“The other is to send you to the endless college for cultivation.”

“Of course, old man means to let you go to endless college.”

“Although the academy is mixed with people, it was founded by our endless mountain after all. Its Dean endless cotton is your eight Senior Brother. When the time comes, he can help you out.”

“Apart from this, you just came to the Cangming Realm, and you know too little about the situation in the Cangming Realm. If you enter the academy, it will also make it easier and faster for you to integrate into the Cangming Realm.”

He has said so much, but he has just mentioned the former.

The meaning is very clear.

Qin Shaofeng came here for the first time, but I don’t know the situation of Endless Mountain, so I can only nodded and said: “Everything is arranged by the uncle.”

“Then you will stay in Endless Mountain for three days, and the old man will let some of your Senior Brothers familiarize yourself with you. You can report to the academy 3 days later.” Wu Endless said.


Qin Shaofeng Road.

The conversation between the two has just ended, and a knock on the door has been heard.

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously turned back.

But I saw that the door had been pushed open, and some old or middle-aged men and women came over.

The number of people is not very large, only seven people.

But these seven people put a lot of pressure on Qin Shaofeng.

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