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Endless Mountain.

鈥淢aster, General Qin, the Desert Gobi guarding army, personally passed the book, and will lead us today to the new discipline of Martial Uncle, do we need to prepare?鈥?A cultivation base aura has clearly reached Supreme Asked the expert-level middle-aged man.

鈥淣othing to prepare.鈥?/p>

The Master is the ancestor of the endless mountain.

At first glance, this old man really looks like divine poise and sagelike features.

White eyebrow crosses the shoulders, and the white eyebrow is about to reach the lower abdomen.

His white hair is even more weird.

It seems to be two meters long.

Because he sat cross-legged and closed his eyes on the floppy, he was so scattered on the floppy.

Sometimes follow his movements.

The gray hair that is full of heads, unexpectedly, will automatically return to the most primordial appearance.

This person鈥檚 name is endless chaotic.

the name speaks for itself.

Thousands of years ago, he was really a rascal.

Since the from start to finish are all Head Disciple of the endless mountain, the relationship is also good with the endless mysterious. As the endless mysterious cultivation years have passed, the cultivation base has also risen unconsciously.

In that battle, the endless mountain powerhouse was nearly killed and injured.

At the beginning, the two people who had the most hope to become the master of the endless mountain were him and the endless xuan.

Unfortunately, the endless mountain requires one person to contribute.

He failed to win the certain death, no doubt quota due to his personality defect.

When he brought the people of the endless mountain to the Cangming Realm.

The endless chaos seems to have transformed the whole person.

When he arrived immediately, he chose to give up his status as the top five in the Cangming Realm and retired to the background.

The middle-aged man in front of him was his discipline back then, and he was also the most thoughtful person, and he was entrusted with an important task.

Thousands of years have passed.

Years have proven that his vision is not at all problems.

After the endless mountain is completely on track.

He also retired from semi-retirement and entered a complete retreat.

Even if the endless mysterious is already not in.

He still keeps himself in the mountains all year round.

Except for cultivation.

For him, the most meaningful thing seems to be just putting up a small table, making tea by himself, and drinking a cup of tea with the unconscious endless Xuan.

But this concept has completely changed from two days ago.

At that time, it was when General Qin took Qin Shaofeng and the others on the battleship.

However, General Qin鈥檚 letterhead has been on the road for three full days.

The speed of the messenger is obviously not as fast as the warship.

Although is so.

Qin Shaofeng and the others also flew for three days before finally arriving in the area controlled by this endless mountain.

The endless muddy of self-cultivation for thousands of years is also the first time because of a news, I am not calm at all.

鈥淚t鈥檚 coming.鈥?/p>

Endless Muddle stood up slowly.

The white hair behind his head suddenly moved towards the back because of his movements.

It seems that because of his actions, the opposite wind blows.

Only those who really stand near him know, where is the slightest wind right now and here?

鈥淢aster, what are you?鈥?/p>

The middle-aged man was taken aback by his behavior.

For thousands of years, he seems to have forgotten the character of Master endless chaos.

鈥淣aturally go to meet in person.鈥?/p>

Endless smiled faintly, and said, 鈥淪ince you want to prepare, you have to prepare. Let all the disciplines on the mountain go to the mountainside to experience. Except you and me, the rest of the mountain must be an own person. , No half of the rumors are allowed to leak out.鈥?/p>


The owner of the endless mountain was completely stunned.

We just want to welcome a nobody from the land of the shining star, right?

That brat, even the discipline of Martial Uncle, doesn鈥檛 seem to need to be so serious, right?

鈥淒on鈥檛 be surprised, go!鈥?/p>

Endless waved his hands, drank his discipline back, and then moved towards the door step by step.

He is very slow.

Moreover, each step seems to be very small.

However, when he walks out each step, he seems to have directly crossed the space, and each step can cross as much as 10 meters.

Just taking two or three steps, he has disappeared without a trace.

I don鈥檛 know if it is the last step or the last two steps.

He seems to have become illusory.

The last step, as if directly across the endless space.

There is still a very long distance from the endless mountain.

Three warships are quickly moving towards here and flying.

鈥淲e have now officially entered the range of the endless mountain, and we will be able to go outside the endless mountain in at most half a day.鈥?General Qin said, pointing to a large mountain not far away.

鈥淚s this the dividing line?鈥?/p>

Qin Shaofeng couldn鈥檛 help but let out a wry smile.

These great influences are really divided.

This is the third time he has seen such a dividing line.

He didn鈥檛 expect the influence of Cangming Realm to divide such a personality, and he did not expect that the super influence of Cangming Realm would occupy a large area, which is simply the sum of several shining stars.

The flying speed of the warship is extremely fast.

He can clearly feel that the flight of the warship at every moment seems to be comparable to half of his speed in the land of the shining star.

In the Cangming Realm, where gravity is ten thousand times more terrifying than the Land of the Stars, this speed is already shocking.

He once asked Ke Nine Heavens.

It seems that Ke Nine Heavens can鈥檛 reach this speed even if he is full-strength.

From this we can see how fast the warship is?

It鈥檚 just such a speed. It takes ten hours to cross a territory of influence.

According to General Qin, three of the four influences they encountered before are not very big.

Can it be understood that the territory of those influences is already very small?

Qin Shaofeng just thought about this question a little bit.

He decisively left the question behind his head, and really couldn鈥檛 continue thinking about it.

People are better than people, really damn it!

鈥淎re you finally going to Endless Mountain?鈥?/p>

Qin Shaofeng stood on the deck, looking into the distance with a cry of emotion.

鈥淚t is indeed coming soon, but your first stop is not the endless mountain.鈥?/p>

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

The difference from the previous one is that the direction of this voice is not the back left when General Qin just spoke, but the back right.

Or just to the right of him.

Moreover, in this voice, you can obviously hear the vicissitudes of life.

He can be sure that there is absolutely no such person on the warship he is on.


Qin Shaofeng jumped up suddenly.

Turn around for a moment.

He was shocked again.

Because there was nothing on his right side, it seemed to be nothing but an auditory hallucination.

鈥淲hat who? Is there anyone else?鈥?/p>

General Qin doesn鈥檛 seem to hear that voice at all, hearing this can鈥檛 help but move towards the deck and observe the past.

After searching, I still couldn鈥檛 find anything.

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