
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Shaofeng was panicking, but suddenly discovered that the system was automatically upgraded. When he was cultivation base leveled to the 9th-order god star position, he suddenly got stuck.

What’s the matter?

He immediately opened the character interface.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Ninth-order god position (7000/10000)

Star position: mark martial artist (white)

Body: illusory Protoss (5th order)

Star value 100/0

Martial body value: 929/1000

Ghost marks: 2-12

martial skill: Ghost Three Slashes, Thunderbolt Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secrets, Supreme Void Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Golden Core: 900/900

Star and moon value: 13000/50,000

Innate Skill: illusory true spirit, god and devil spirit book

Sea of ​​​​Consciousness: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luo Tian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

The opening of the character interface this time made Qin Shaofeng stunned.

Even a moment ago, when he opened the character interface, it was the same as before.

Who can imagine that the opening of this time turned out to be another scene completely.

Many skills that should have been possessed are actually disappeared endlessly.

Even skills such as Heavenly Jade Seal, Heavenly Jade Star Force Technique, and Triple Combo are all disappeared.

He can feel it clearly.

These skills can still be used if he actively uses them.

Even in the current state.

If he uses these skills, his formidable power is definitely far more powerful than ever.

But after this automatic upgrade, the cultivation base came to the edge of the moon, and everything changed in this brief moment.

No! Can’t say that.

It should be said that it is the aspect of martial skill. From the time he absorbed the self, the unnoticeable influence began to change.

At best, it has just really changed.

The real change is only the one with the full true value. As the cultivation base reaches the top, it is completely replaced by the star and moon value.

Not right.

Perhaps he was beheading the royal ghost corpse in the cultivation base of the shining star to obtain 100 shining stars and 10000 star and moon points, which changed accordingly.

His attention was not on either side at the time, so he didn’t notice it.

Looking back and thinking about it now, it seems that there is such a possibility.

“This is already the cultivation base for the 9th-order god star position?”

“It’s just… it seems too difficult to improve further down, right?”

Qin Shaofeng felt headache after bursts of thinking about the star and moon value he needed to upgrade this time.

That’s a full ten thousand stars and months!

Remove the 3000 consumed by the forced upgrade, which also requires a full 3000 star and moon value.

Compared with the previous accumulation, a few hundred points can increase a level.

The difficulty of improving this time is simply an increase in geometric multiplier.

Not to mention that the total value of stars and moons is still limited.

If the cultivation base needs to be doubled every time after it enters the barren month position, then what can the total point amount be?

Perhaps the only thing that can make him feel relieved is that the body of illusory star spirit has reached the edge of upgrading.

I hope that when the illusory celestial spirit body leveled up to Rank 6, it can increase the total amount of stars and moons more!

As for the advancement of Thunderbolt Qian Shan, he really didn’t even dare to think about it.

“What, what?”

Li Naling rushed towards this side at the moment he started with the royal ghost.

When he chopped over the head of the royal ghost corpse, Li Naling had already come to him.

If it were not for the rapid ascent of his cultivation base, Li Naling wouldn’t be stunned for a long time.

Suddenly hearing his words, Li Naling was shocked.

What did I just hear?

It will become too difficult to improve further down?


In just a blink of an eye, you have already progressed the cultivation progress several levels. From the trifling star position, the ant, about to enter the barren moon position, Wu Xiu Realm, you said that the next promotion is too difficult?

If every improvement is the same as yours this time, then we Old Guys should be hit to death.

How can your upgrade speed be linked to cultivation?

Just kill a royal ghost and corpse casually, how many levels have you jumped up?

“What what?”

Qin Shaofeng subconsciously raised his head.

Just seeing Li Naling who was staring at him, her old face turned red.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that the cultivation base suddenly increased so much, momentarily I couldn’t bear it.” Qin Shaofeng gave a wry smile.

Immediately, he moved towards the corpse of the royal ghost and walked over.

“What’s the matter with this royal ghost?”

“When Black Tortoise Senior told me just now, I couldn’t believe it, but this is too weird?”

“Just beheading a royal ghost corpse, did my cultivation base jump so much?”

“Or…the ghost mark problem?”

He didn’t pay too much attention to suppressing the voice this time.

Everyone was paying close attention to his movement.

Suddenly when I heard him muttering to himself, I naturally listened carefully to every word he said.

I couldn’t help but start to wonder.

Does ghost marks really have this effect?

It seems that the rumors only say that when the white mark martial artist leveled to the silver mark martial artist, the improvement of the mark martial artist will cause a qualitative change in the martial artist’s cultivation base.

This brat is just a white mark ascending to the second white mark. Why did it make such a big change?

“Forget it, ghost marks are originally a magical thing. Those Peak figures in our imaginary world don’t know how many years they have studied, and they haven’t been able to find out why. Anyway, your cultivation progress has changed. It’s not a bad thing.” Li Naling persuaded.

Qin Shaofeng then slowly stood up.

But when he saw Li Naling’s eyes, he was shocked to find that the expression in Li Naling’s eyes was clearly a reminder.

She actually knew that there was a problem with what I just said?

Qin Shaofeng was shocked.

Without the slightest sign of her face revealed, she shrugged and said with a smile: “For the current plan, it seems that this is the only way to do it. Now that it has been settled down here, we will search for those palaces separately. It will be valuable Take away the things, and then we are going to the tomb house.”

“I have nothing here!”

Zhang Meng was also surprised by Qin Shaofeng’s situation.

But when he heard that Qin Shaofeng and the others were coming to search for his burial objects, he couldn’t calm down immediately.

That was his funeral.

Although it is not said that they are all supreme treasures, they are all his favorite things during his lifetime. How can Qin Shaofeng and the others be looted?


Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with a cold light passed away, and the voice became icy, saying: “Zhang Meng Senior, I respect you as a senior expert, but if you almost killed us, you still want to do cheapskate , Junior said he couldn’t, but he could only grab it.”

“You, you, you…”

Zhang Meng was almost so angry that soul flies away and scatters.

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