
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Ats! Ants!”

The cries of royal ghosts resounded in the smoke.

Hear his yelling.

Even Qin Shaofeng is a little messy in the wind.

The shout seemed to resent that he hurt him.

But there is a faint feeling of pain in the voice, as if it was the feeling after Human Race was injured by an ant.

If you are facing a Human Race, you won’t feel anything wrong.

They are facing a ghost!

Even the royal ghosts shouldn’t make such emotional shouts, right?

Li Naling and the others also know a lot about ghosts and corpses.

One by one, staring at the smoke-filled place, all of them were shocked and incredible.

Is the royal ghost making such a noise?

In surprise.

The smoke and dust slowly dispersed.

The truth that had been covered in smoke for a long time finally appeared in front of everyone.

I saw royal ghosts that were still high-spirited and vigorous just a moment ago.

A huge gap was blown away in the neck, and the part that still connects the head to the body, it seems that there is only one third left.

The special physique of the ghost and corpse made it so that under this kind of trauma, it was only a stone that was blown to pieces, and there was no other horror and blood.

Just as a ghost should look like.

There is no blood flowing.

Such a horrible injury did not cause the weak feeling of even the slightest serious injury to it.

This is the case.

An extremely obvious expression still appeared on the face of the royal ghost.

It was a combination of resentment and pain.

With the cooperation of the three people, the royal ghosts simply couldn’t find a chance.

“bang! bang! bang! ”

Three people join forces to fight royal ghosts.

Just looking at the general situation of the battlefield, it seems to people with average eyesight that it seems that the three people working together are beating the ghosts of the royal family.

Qin Shaofeng is very clear.

It seems that there is not much difference in the battle, but in fact, the royal ghost has always gained the upper hand.

The three people who seem to be besieged are always reluctantly resisted by the move of the royal ghosts.

Even if there is a chance to take action, it is just passive resistance to 10 moves, and it is barely beckoned.

“The battle over there doesn’t seem to be great!”

Qin Shaofeng lightly sighed, and immediately made everyone look back.

Everyone is a shining star powerhouse, and their eyesight is not comparable to Qin Shaofeng.

In such a stalemate scene.

They never expected that Qin Shaofeng could clearly see what the situation was on the court.

“You don’t need to protect me. If the fighting continues like this, we will all die here.”

Qin Shaofeng rolled up the sleeve of his left hand and said with a smile: “Everyone goes to help the prisoner. When taking action, remember that the weak part of the ghost is on the neck. Just break his neck. , We just won.”

When everyone heard him saying that he did not need protection, their faces were shocked and worried.

To know the current royal ghosts, the real target is him!

But when everyone saw the Black Tortoise on Qin Shaofeng’s left wrist, which looked like a small watch, they all withdrew what they wanted to persuade.

Why did we forget that Qin Shaofeng’s wrist is entrenched with a more powerful protection than all of us together?

That’s Divine Beast Black Tortoise!


Twenty people took out their weapons together.

In an instant, they turned into twenty streams of light and rushed into the battlefield together.

Originally, because of the uneven battle strength, it seemed a messy battlefield.

It suddenly became messier.

The scene of twenty four people beating a royal ghost is really dazzling.

“brat, what’s on your wrist?”

The misty voice Master who has been lonely for a while, can no longer help being curious, and moved towards Qin Shaofeng.

Black Tortoise is Divine Beast after all.

After the body shape changed, and the aura was concealed on its own, how could it be the Master of the ethereal voice that had fallen for many years deliberately probed it?

“Naturally is my biggest killing move.”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged with a smile, said with a smile: “Senior, I don’t know what your name is?”

“Don’t talk to me about him.”

The misty voice Master was a little impatient, and said: “The old man was a stronger person than your prisoner back then. What a pity, what a pity!”

“Since the old man is dead, it doesn’t make any sense to talk about his name in his lifetime. It’s all shameful.”

The ethereal voice seemed to be very embarrassing when thinking of this.

But his deliberate concealment made Qin Shaofeng very speechless.

How can you fall down if you are so good?

The Master who didn’t see me, even if he came to the end of his life and did something, can everyone admire him?

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