
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods.

Qin Shaofeng and the others don’t know.

Their unintentional actions caused Luo San and Wang Sheng to go to Alliance Fire Cloud City with just two sects earlier.

The coincidence of world events is really shocking!

Now they are moving towards a tomb mansion with a tendency like a hot knife through butter.

In just a few days, they have wiped out more than thirty tombs.

Seeing the first tomb that was marked as red by Ximen Lingzhong is close to my eyes.

Qin Shaofeng raised his hand and stopped everyone from moving forward.

“Little Feng, why aren’t you leaving?” Li Naling asked suspiciously.

“The first tomb marked with red is in front.”

Qin Shaofeng resisted the throbbing in his heart and said: “Since Ling Zhong Uncle’s cultivation base is stronger than you are, then his eyesight shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I was strictly forbidden to explore deeper.” /p>

“Facts have proved that, with my strength at the time, it is simply not enough to clean up the tombs before.”

“Then the area marked as red, the danger will only be within the range that we can barely bear.”

“Everyone had better adjust the state to the best before entering.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the expressions on Li Naling and the others’ faces became very strange.

“Is there any problem?” Qin Shaofeng asked in confusion.

“It’s not just a problem, but a big problem.”

Li Naling smiled bitterly, and said: “You are a martial artist, and you are not suppressed by the forbidden force here, but we can’t.”


Qin Shaofeng almost jumped up.

I have to admit.

Li Naling and the others’ super powerful cultivation base made him forget about the suppression of the forbidden force in the tomb of Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods.

When Li Naling reminded him, he was shocked to wake up.

How could this be?

Think about the few days that came along this road, Li Naling and the others seemed to be as terrifying as heavenly God.

He immediately felt the cold sweat wet his clothes.

The cultivation base of the star position seems too tyrannical, right?

They have been suppressed to the extent that they don’t know what they are, and they seem to still have the ability to blow themselves to death.

At the beginning, Li Naling was able to recognize him, it was really his infinite luck.

Otherwise he would not know how to die for fear of death.

“I even forgot about this.”

Qin Shaofeng patted his forehead and quickly took out 23 pieces of defense supreme treasure and handed them out.

“These things have a peculiar effect. I didn’t let you refining in the first place, but now it can have the effect it should be.” He laughed a few times.

Let Mo Ya hand out the supreme treasure of Forbidden Martial Arts.

He took the Luo Tian Zen shadow from his wrist and handed it to Li Naling himself.

“Prisoner, the resistance of this treasure to the force of forbidden force is higher than my other treasures, but this thing is still useful to me. When we leave, the prisoner will return it to me.” Qin Shaofeng said with a big smile.


Li Naling’s eyes flashed with surprise.

Even if it was her vision, Luo Tian could not help but observe the result.

“Pseudo Yaoshen Soldier?”

Li Naling exclaimed.

Everyone cast their eyes together.

“Didn’t it mean that the land of the shining star is just a small place? There will be Yao Shen soldiers?” Mo Ya rushed up first.

He personally refining 99% of what Qin Shaofeng owns.

In his opinion.

What kind of existence is the Land of Shining Stars? He already knows very clear.

How can he not be shocked by the appearance of the pseudo Yao Shenbing?


The difference between the so-called treasure that Qin Shaofeng once brought out and the fake Yao Shenbing is also the difference between Heaven and Earth.

It’s completely incomparable!

Mo Ya observed for a while, took a deep breath, and said: “Yes, this thing is really good, not only has the suppression of absorbing and controlling the force of the forbidden force, it can actually display the force of the forbidden force in the reverse direction.”

“If I am not mistaken, this object should be from Dharma Academy.”

“It implies Life Power, this…”

“Is it a high-ranking member of the Bodhidharma Academy who used his own life to refining this fake soldier of forbidden force?”

He kept muttering to himself, every sentence was a guess.

Guessing sounds constantly.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a long while shocked by his guess.

“According to the person who gave me this thing, it seems that this thing is indeed a senior researched by life.” Qin Shaofeng said.

“That’s right.”

Mo Ya’s breathing was a little short, and said: “I didn’t expect that I actually have such a Senior. It’s really… It’s a pity, if he is not dead, if I can talk to this person, I will be able to Go one step further with artifact refining.”

“It’s a pity, it’s a pity.”

“cough cough cough!”

Qin Shaofeng had to choose to interrupt him, saying: “Let’s consider what’s in front of us now.”

Mo Ya laughed awkwardly and gave Luo Tian Zen Shadow to Li Naling.

Qin Shaofeng took out some medicine pills for them to recover.

After a short break.

The state of everyone has finally recovered almost.

Immediately, he moved towards the red tomb mark.

Set foot in the tomb mansion.

What you see is a small world that is different from those before.

There are countless secretly thoughts in this tomb house.

Just came in.

Qin Shaofeng can see at a glance, on the road not far away, a tree branch appeared from the ground nailed to the ground.

Just this glance made him suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

He is still the cultivation base after reaching the star position, and he can only solve the ghost and corpse slaves with a single knife when he casts a battle intent.

When the cultivation base is equivalent, the space map is not used. Simply is impossible.

But here, a branch that seems ordinary can do it.

How big is the gap?


Mo Ya was also observing the situation in the tomb mansion at the same time.

Just look at it in general.

The scope of this tomb mansion is about a hundred miles away. Perhaps an ordinary person will feel acceptable.

In their eyes, it is simply the place of palm-size.

With their tyrannical cultivation base, they only need to expand the Divine Consciousness to be able to clearly explore all the problems here.

Qin Shaofeng frowned tightly and asked: “You said this is also a great array?”

“Maybe, or maybe not. If Wang Sheng is here, maybe we can study it in detail, but unfortunately there is no other breaking the formation expert among us.” Mo Ya sighed.

Everyone is hearing this frowned.

Just talking about combat.

Most of them will not be afraid, but arrays are their shortcomings.

If one is not careful, it is likely that they will fall into this within arrays.

Just when they had nothing to do, a voice suddenly sounded: “Trifling Heaven Level Killing Array is nothing but, do you need to be so worried?”

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