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“What kind of shit influence do I care about him?”

“Anyway, I only know that this is the influence of the land of the shining star, no matter whether they are strong in the land of the shining star, they can only die when they meet us.”

“Tsk tut!”

“I want to see what influence in the land of the shining star can be compared with our Cloud Sea Sect!”

Cloud Sea Sect powerhouse roared freely.

He was obviously ridiculed by the powerhouse of the Four Elephant Sects, and he couldn’t help but shout such a sentence.

It was just this sentence that immediately made everyone’s eyes a speechless expression.

It’s really hopeless.

Why did we follow such an ignorant guy to the land of shining stars?

It seems that even if I come to Steward, I am better than this guy, right?


Cloud Sea Sect powerhouse almost exploded.

The more he wondered, with his intelligence, how could he be dispatched to the land of the shining star to die with such a rammer?

Could it be that I am so stupid?

Are you kidding?

This is just a joke, okay?

“If you continue to be so stupid, our two sects should simply be separated, so as not to be carried into the pit by your rammed goods.” The Four Elephant Sect Powerhouse said silently.

“What did you say?!”

The Four Elephant Sect powerhouse angered.

“If you don’t even know that I am saying and so on, then I will take someone away immediately!”

The four elephants powerhouse almost died of anger: “Use your pig brain to think about it, what do I mean!”

“What do you mean?”

Cloud Sea Sect powerhouse was stunned.

Immediately, his eyes widened, cry out in surprise: “You mean… Heavenly ascension martial arts in the land of the shining star are extremely rare, so this city must have a problem?”


The Four Elephant Sect powerhouse roared, said: “The people of two sects are ordered, at all costs, give me the fastest time to raze this city to the ground!”


The people of two sects are no longer separated.

After all, they are all two sects who gave up. All they need to do now is to exhaust their full-strength to find the best treatment for their loved ones.

Although is once two sects were enemies, now I don’t care about that many.

Since the leader of Cloud Sea Sect is not capable of intelligence, following the orders of the people of the Four Elephant Sect, it does not violate the order of the two Sect Masters.

Fifty powerhouses of gods start to move together.

The thickness of the city wall in front of you is at least 30 meters, but under their attack, although it’s not like paper, it’s not much different.

With the rumbling sound, the city wall was ruined section by section.

When Luo San came to the city gate, all he could see was the city wall that had been dropped by half.

Everyone in the endless hell needs a temporary homeland.

I finally came to the territory of Qin Shaofeng, and in their opinion they found a temporary homeland, which was so wanton destruction.

Luo San, who came first, his eyes turned red almost instantly.

“Stop it all!”

Luo San suddenly rushed to the original city gate, with red eyes staring at the laughing crowd outside the city.

“A Steward man came?” The Four Elephant Sect powerhouse frowned.

“Steward? Just rely on such a person?”

Cloud Sea Sect, the powerhouse of the 9th-order god star at Peak, flashed a scornful expression in his eyes, saying: “Even the Master of this city, in our opinion, is just an ant, simply a Steward, What is it?”

The Desolate Moon Powerhouse of the Four Elephant Sect opened his mouth.

A long while.

He couldn’t find a rebuttal.

His cultivation base, after all, has reached the position of the deserted moon. After all, his feeling for the powerhouse is different from that of Cloud Sea Sect.


He actually felt a sense of fear for Luo San.

After all, this is the land of shining stars.

He didn’t want to be so careless, but that feeling made him afraid to be careless.

“What are you afraid of, that’s all a native of the land of shining stars!”

Cloud Sea Sect that powerhouse laughed contemptuously and said: “Wang Shuai, go and kill the old man who dares to make trouble!”


An old man with the same gray hair and beard came out.

This person is also an old man of Cloud Sea Sect.

Compared with Cloud Sea Sect powerhouse at his age, he really belongs to a young man. The problem is that his cultivation base cannot break through, so he looks so old.

He is now nearly 400 years old.

The eighth-order god star is Peak.

Such a cultivation base, with his age now, he is very close to the limit.

The lack of aptitude made him always walk in the last crowd of Cloud Sea Sect.

Now finally have this opportunity.

Wang Shuai jumped out directly.

“ceng!” With a cry, the long sword was taken out.

Wang Shuai sword edge pointed finger towards Luo San who is 1000 meters away, roared: “That little bastard, how dare you come to hinder our Cloud Sea Sect thing, and you didn’t come up quickly and die?”

“Cloud Sea Sect? What is it?”

Luo San’s cultivation base aura didn’t fully radiate.

A Martial Dao aura has formed around his body, at least anyone in the four levels of Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow can feel it.

He couldn’t think of it.

In front of this group of people, none of them can see through his cultivation base.

I can even say such a thing.

If the opposite is the powerhouse, he wouldn’t feel anything.

It may be…

“The position of the god? The position of the god? Or the position of the god?”

Luo Sanyue looked more puzzled, and couldn’t help but scratch his head and mutter to himself: “Does that Cloud Sea Sect want to send such a group of ants with the god star cultivation base to deal with me?”

“What are you kidding?”

Luo Sanyue looked more and more incredible.

The cultivation base of this group of people is really weak and terrifying!

When he was thinking about it in the heart.

Shouts of shouts rang from the city.

It turned out that Wang Sheng knew that his cultivation base was very exhausted. If he was facing a strong enemy, he would probably not be low, so he went to greet everyone in the endless prison.

At this moment, a team of more than a thousand people gathered together.

Except for their ten Rangers Captain.

Even the patrol is actually only the descendant of the endless hell 1,000 years ago. Both the cultivation base and battle strength are far from enough.

But there are enough of them!

Wang Sheng’s previous consumption was too serious.

As soon as he brought someone here, he was already gasping for breath at the end.

But everyone in the endless hell has already come to the forefront.

As a descendant of endless hell.

These people lack battle strength, and they have no control over their own cultivation base aura.

Even some cultivated to Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow level people don’t know how to hide their aura.

With their sudden appearance, countless Universe Great Desolate aura suddenly moved towards two sects and oppressed them.

Especially when there are so many people, there is a scene of people turning their backs on their feet.

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