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“Give up? Oh, am I the kind of person who gives up casually?”

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, then took out the leaf-shaped token, supported it with qi and blood, and sent it to Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

“Silver Leaf?!”

Black Tortoise saw the leaves, and his voice became trembling.

It is difficult for outsiders to understand this kind of leaves.

But it has followed Wu Jin Xuan for so long, how can you not know what this silver leaf means?

Silver-leaf trees grow on the cliffs of the endless abyss.

As this thing belongs to a new species, let them call it an endless tree.

Although the tree is famous, people who have seen an endless tree in the entire Void Realm are extremely rare.

Wuzai Xuan is one of the few people.

And the person who can get the endless silver leaf, looking at the countless years of history in the entire virtual world, there is only one person from the endless xuan.

And he only got three silver leaves.

The first one was handed over to the Void Emperor of the year, and one was given to the influence of all parties for his research, and the last one was left by him.

The once endless Xuan has been said more than once.

When his body dies and Dao disappears, the person holding this silver leaf will be his only inheritor.

No one didn’t expect.

Before Wu Jin Xuan made a choice, the Void Realm was breached by the ghosts and corpses. As a last resort, all parties used the entire world to suppress the seven ghost kings, and the rest had to leave. That a side World.

Wu Jin Xuan, for various reasons, was lonely on Zhen Devil Mountain.

Goodbye Silver Leaf now.

Although is Qin Shaofeng didn’t say anything yet, it had already understood so many things, and tears dripped from his two heads and eyes.

“Old Fifth, you must cry, right?”

A strange tone suddenly sounded.

People can’t understand this language.

Qin Shaofeng felt that within the body belonged to the strength of the endless seal, suddenly moved, and finally formed an endless seal emitting this silver rays of light between the eyebrows.

It is this endless seal that allows him to understand the weird tone.


Black Tortoise suddenly roar towards the sky.

The voice in the silver leaf did not stop at all because of its roar.

“When you see this silver leaf, it proves that the life of the old man has come to an end. The person holding the silver leaf is my successor.”

“This person has been escorting me over the years, and all the clues I searched for are sent back to the endless prison. You have been suffering for a period of time. Escorting him to return the memory crystal stone, you will go home…”

When the endless mysterious words were finished, the voice became very hollow.

Not to lose hope.

It’s a sad feeling that I have looked down on everything, or that there is no hope.

Although is Qin Shaofeng already knows the situation of Wu Jin Xuan.

When I heard this tone, I couldn’t help but feel a trace of sadness in my heart.


Black Tortoise couldn’t help it anymore.

Faced with the news of the death of Old Master who had been guarding for thousands of years, it couldn’t resist the sadness in his heart.

The mediocre roar sound lasted for a long while.

Black Tortoise finally recovered.

The voice was much hoarse than before and said: “You brat are here now, should you leave here?”

“That’s right.”

Qin Shaofeng simply nodded and said: “Master is still doing one thing now. In order to retain enough battle strength, I can only let Junior leave from you.”

“Come on then!”

Xuan Martial Dao: “Let your people stack the Arhat from my back. After 30 meters, the walls on both sides will be able to support your people up, and the baby can be brought up by me.”

“Many thanks to Senior.”

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed immediately.

After he came into contact with Wu Jin Xuan, he obtained the identity of the heir of Wu Jin Xuan and the silver leaf.

But if you want Black Tortoise to agree to take him and them up, I’m afraid it will take some time to speak.

Unexpectedly, Black Tortoise is so easy to talk here.

Before he mentioned it, Black Tortoise had already raised it.

I have to admit.

With Black Tortoise, which has lived for thousands of years with endless Xuan Xuan, his vision is so strong that it can really be compared with many people with extremely vicious vision in Human Race.

Li Naling was even more excited to see him make sense.

As Qin Shaofeng asked him to arrange for the Ranger Captains to build a human ladder first, the endless prisoners who followed the team screamed in excitement.

How many years are you?

They are almost forgetting themselves, how many years they have been in endless prison.

Except for extremely rare young people.

The rest, I’m afraid any one has dozens of years, several hundred years.

If it weren’t for the support of a group of senior leaders such as Li Naling, I am afraid they would have been unable to bear it.

Now, I can finally leave the ghost place of endless hell.

The long dragon is constantly moving towards this side.

Although the number has reached thousands of people, among these people, the cultivation base is hardly lower than those of Celestial.

Of course, the exception is for small children.

If you want to endure the horrible suffering in the endless hell, you must at least have a heavenly ascension or higher cultivation base as support.

90% of them are the existence of the cultivation base above the gods.

Although there are many people.

The climb is unusually fast.

Not to mention that Li Naling personally took the three Hall Masters to take charge of the order work here.

With their prestige, there is no need to worry about any accidents.

In just over half an hour.

Thousands of people have all boarded the passage to the outside.

Qin Shaofeng and Li Naling, with the children of endless hell, finally boarded the back of the Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

Black Tortoise Divine Beast rises suddenly.

The speed is so fast that everyone will be pushed up directly.

Nobody was given any reaction time at all.

The depth of this cave is definitely the existence of an average person unimaginable.

Until the Black Tortoise Divine Beast moved, no one could rush out of the cave.

Almost everyone’s weight is accumulated on the back of Black Tortoise Divine Beast.

Under the strength of a sudden shock.

Anyone who entered the passage, no matter who it was, was rushed up by the force.

Just a few breathing times.

The person at the top has already seen the situation outside the endless hell.

This is the small world where Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng entered.

Unfortunately, in this world, there is no lush and green for a long time. As far as I can see, I can only see the silhouettes of countless ghosts and corpses.

Li Naling has already spread similar things through certain channels.

Most of these people in Infinite Prison are descendants of prisoners who were imprisoned back then, and their cultivation base is far beyond the same.

I finally saw the world outside the endless hell.

Although is this piece of world is not as good as they thought, there are even countless enemies, but no one feels unwilling at all.

What about more enemies?

What if you are not my race, even if you want to kill us?

Can a trifling sacred star and Celestial level enemy stop us from purging?

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