
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This is really very good!”

Qin Shaofeng became excited, loudly said: “It is my great happiness to allow the three of you to protect me in secret. Naturally, there is no problem at all. You can just tell me, and I will do exactly what you want.”

Mo Ya’s old face is red again.

Li Naling explained for him: “Little Feng, our three Old Guy enemies are everywhere. Once we are discovered, you must be implicated by us. Even if we add up to more than 30 people, it is not enough for others. Pinch, when the time comes, you will only be dragged down to death by us.”

“Prisoner, you don’t need to say any more, maybe there is a life and death crisis, but that can’t be considered.” Qin Shaofeng resolutely.

Just kidding!

There is also a demonic path outside, Ximen Lingzhong, a powerful man waiting for him.

Behind is Daxitian who is about to become an enemy.

He can now even one more this powerhouse as an assistant. That’s a great thing. At least three people come at once, why would he be unwilling?

“If that’s the case, let’s all help!”

After Mo Ya finished speaking, he threw that suit of clothes into the artifact refining furnace one by one.

Start roll call for each item.

Everyone began to help fetch things.

It took a long time for refining to let Qin Shaofeng display the Power of Space and inject it into the artifact refining furnace, and then give it to Mo Ya for use.

Immediately, it was his sword.

When the two things came out, Qin Shaofeng was about to be shocked and speechless.

The defensive power of that shirt made him feel astonished.

Not to mention the clothes, it seems that they still carry the Power of Space, and they generally attack the strength of the space that is simply unable to break through.

The second is his saber.

The Ghost Three Zhan Zhan Knife was originally a heavy sword, a gloomy type.

After Moya’s refining, it turned into a narrow knife, with a few shallow blood lines on the blade, and an eerie grimace imprint on the back.

imprint is divided by the back of the knife, moved towards the knife bodies on both sides are distributed, half on one side.

It seems that the war knife has shrunk at least 2/3.

But when he took the sword over, he was shocked to find that the sword was at least ten thousand times heavier than before.

“Since you have chosen your name, you will quickly put on this shirt. The old man and the others have spent so much effort on you, you must not die halfway.” Mo Ya said solemnly.


Qin Shaofeng quickly found a corner and quickly put on the whole set of clothes.

As the saying goes: Buddha relies on gold clothing, and people rely on clothing to be true.

I am afraid that only those younger generations of the richest family can have this vision.

And the gorgeousness is not exposed, but it makes anyone look at it, and that feeling will rise from the bottom of my heart.

Really… absolutely!

The gorgeous clothes are that’s all.

If you put it on, Qin Shaofeng really understands the extraordinary of this sweater.

Just the clothes on the body.

He can faintly feel that he is absorbing Power of Heaven and Earth faster.

Although he does not rely on absorbing Power of Heaven and Earth cultivation.

It can increase his speed by at least ten times when supplementing combat consumption, not to mention the defense and toxicity.

After feeling it, there is a feeling of being nourished by various heavenly materials and earthly treasures all the time.

I’m afraid just this kind of nourishment can increase his healing speed ten times, right?

Where is the clothes?

It’s simply a set of super treasure clothes that is even more supreme treasure than supreme treasure.

When I went back, it was the few people who had already begun to refining the fans, and when they turned their heads subconsciously, they were all stunned.

Qin Shaofeng’s looks belong to the Pian Pianjia Young Master type.

Don’t talk about pretty boy, it seems to be the same.

He often suffered from various crises before. He never paid attention to dressing himself up, and clothes were the most common type.

Now that the shotgun is changed, it can immediately increase the rate of turning back by 1000%.

“Didn’t expect you are still a pretty boy, it’s a pity that I’ve already belonged to my heart, otherwise I really want to have a big heart, hahaha!” Li Naling couldn’t help but laugh.

Qin Shaofeng’s mouth widened in amazement.

But he noticed more sensitively that everyone was shaking.

This is a dignified poison fairy!

Even if you don’t talk about age, this kind of ambiguous words cannot be answered casually.

“The prisoner laughed.”

Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently, briefly exposed the topic, and asked: “What else do I need to do for the next refining?”

“Restore your Power of Space as soon as possible. When it is time to extract, I am afraid that it can drain you.” Mo Ya said in a deep voice, and began to refining.

Countless heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and even things that have long been refined into finished products are being continuously put into the artifact refining furnace by them.

This refining took three full days.


The finishing of their refining, with Mo Ya opening the furnace, Wang Sheng and the others still failed to break the great array.

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