
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Wang Sheng’s narration continues.

But with his narration, he kept asking Qin Shaofeng for sheets of paper, and kept writing and painting on them.

When only talking about the 2nd Layer Divine Formation, Qin Shaofeng felt a headache.

Fortunately, he had studied Xuan Song old ghost’s notes.

Although I don’t understand many things, I can understand the general meaning of them.

The prisoner Li Naling showed an expression of impatientness in her eyes.

Obviously she did not understand it at all, but she was the one who made the decision, and she could barely leave to stay.

As for the three Captains, only Luo Sanyi remained.

But Luo San is just eager to learn.

Qin Shaofeng can feel that he didn’t even understand half of the 1st-layer array described by Wang Sheng.

Not to mention the 2nd Layer array whose difficulty is directly increased by at least ten times.

Two hours.

Wang Sheng finally talked about the 3rd Layer array.

When I listened to this, Qin Shaofeng’s headache became more and more severe, and his Divine Consciousness trauma could not be fully recovered.

It is very reluctant to be able to support the brain to rotate so fast.

That’s how it happened for a long time.

Qin Shaofeng still doesn’t quite understand the details of great array.

However, through Wang Sheng’s explanation, we can understand the general structure of the former 3rd Layer of the great array.

Release all Heavenly Void bugs.

Still controlled by the Heavenly Void Insect King, he began to search for the 81 locations he had searched.

Especially the back of the petals.

He is still tirelessly letting Wang Sheng explain.

This time the explanation is the great array 4th Layer that Wang Sheng once studied.

Wang Sheng’s research is a semifinished product.

Although it is more difficult to describe, it is limited and tight, not to mention that many things are his guesses.

Compared to the expertise of first 3-layers.

The narration of 4th Layer can make people listen more.

Immediately when he tells the end.

Heavenly Void Insect King sent back the received report, saying: “You guessed it, this should be the 2nd Layer array. They also found similar problems on the back.”


Qin Shaofeng suddenly fell in a cold breath.

His communication with Heavenly Void Insect King is all through consciousness.

The sound of suck in a cold breath made everyone hear clearly.

At this moment, when Wang Sheng just finished his explanation, most people thought Qin Shaofeng understood it.

Only Wang Sheng, who has the most professional knowledge about this, knows that Qin Shaofeng does not at all understand what he said.

It can even be said that Qin Shaofeng from start to finish is not listening to his professional knowledge.

Instead, looking for something else from his words.

“Little Feng, let Wang Sheng preside over this kind of professional break. We are responsible for helping him.” Li Naling persuaded.

“If it were that simple, it would be great.”

Qin Shaofeng sighed again, grabbed Li Naling’s arm, and said: “Follow me!”

Immediately, he tore the Space Crack open and pulled Li Naling into it.

Space Crack seems to be a door that can be opened and closed at any time in the eyes of the cultivation space map.

Li Naling doesn’t understand this.

She just felt that Qin Shaofeng took two steps ahead of nothingness, and she felt the world around her twisted.

Immediately, the place where she was was already another place.

“Come and explore for me, there may be something that can shield the five senses.” Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice, pulling her back from the state of thinking.


Li Naling was slightly taken aback.

Immediately, her eyes widened.

Without asking anything, he immediately squatted down and started searching.

I searched for a long while.

She finally stood up with shocked eyes and said, “This is one of the nodes you found, right? There is indeed a strange existence that shields the five senses, but I can’t find out what it is.”

“It turned out to be like this!”

Qin Shaofeng’s breathing started to become quicker.

This kind of reaction made Li Naling not happy before, and she asked quickly: “Isn’t it a 1st-layer array, but a double array?”

“Not a double array.”

The expression on Qin Shaofeng’s face is already ugly to the extreme.

Take her back to square one again.

He finally said to Li Naling and everyone’s puzzled eyes: “If I didn’t guess wrong, at least it is a 3rd Layer array, or even a 3rd Layer or higher.”

“What? Above 3rd Layer?!”

Wang Sheng trembled all over, if Side Luo San didn’t hold him in time, he would fall to the ground.

He finally knew why Qin Shaofeng asked him to explain in detail.

3rd Layer, that is 3rd Layer!

He used to be backed by inexhaustible resources in influence, and he didn’t dare to say that he could break it with his knowledge, let alone now.

If it is 3rd Layer or above, it is even more joking.

“Wang Sheng, from now on, all of us will follow your instructions, and all resources will be available for you to dispatch. Are you confident to break it?” Qin Shaofeng solemnly asked.

“I, I…”

Wang Sheng’s face was full of misery, making everyone’s heart sink.

It’s hard to get to the present.

Are they finally going to fall at this last level?

“Why are you?”

Qin Shaofeng did not give him the time to explain, said solemnly: “We have a poisonous immortal prisoner here, a medicine king Hall Master, a tool holy Hall Master, and so many high cultivation bases, and they have lived for more than a thousand years. Powerhouse, there is this Eminence, don’t we even dare to try?”

Wang Sheng finally looked up: “But we simply don’t have that many resources.”

“Who said there are no resources?”

Qin Shaofeng’s voice suddenly increased and said: “Listen to everyone, take out all your valuable things!”

As he said, he took out hundreds of large and small storage bags and threw them directly to Mo Ya, Li Naling and the others.

“I don’t have high-class resources here, but the most common resource is, what do you need? Just say, we have Poison Immortal, Medicine King, and Artifact Saint. I don’t believe that they can’t refining if they work together. Things.” Qin Shaofeng said solemnly.

His first take action made everyone’s heart tremble.

That’s hundreds of storage bags!

Really as Qin Shaofeng said, that is not the wealth they can imagine now.

Even when he was in the Realm of Void, someone didn’t seem to be worth that much, right?

“Well, I first need an array disk for breaking the formation, array disk……”

Wang Sheng finally had some fighting spirits, and he kept talking about the array disk situation he wanted.

One by one, one after another, it was enough to talk about tea time.

At the very least, there are hundreds of requests.

Moya was not at all impatient, but listened carefully to what he said.

After listening for a moment, immediately began to give orders.

Li Naling, Di Shan and Ke Nine Heavens three people began to look for what Moya needed.

One by one, they took out the scary items with insufficient level one after another.

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