
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Shaofeng shrugged and said with a smile: “As long as this is a normal altar great array, I can walk over even if I close my eyes.”

He hasn’t forgotten what Li Naling said just now that he can’t look back on the great array of the altar.

But his extremely confident words made the thirty-four people including Li Naling messy in the wind.

As long as this is a normal altar great array?

This thing is called a great array of altars?

Everyone was once a famous existence in the Void World.

But they are also the first time they have heard of the full name of this weird altar.

The altar is great array!

This thing is still a great array?

Leave aside what it is called.

This thing is a secret shared by several overlord influences. Except for those great influences, it’s not like seeing it with your own eyes, even the name is not qualified to hear it.

The reason why they know it is only because of the collective strength that they can understand a little inside story.

How come you get to this master and you can walk over with your eyes closed?

Even if it’s a joke, it’s not like that, right?


Qin Shaofeng waved his hand directly and strode towards the front of the altar.

Li Naling does not want to believe it.

While seeing his self-confident appearance with his own eyes, he also subconsciously chose to follow.

Go forward step by step.

Everyone felt more frightened as they walked.

Did this brat really come into contact with this great array, or how could he go so smoothly?

Seeing him circling around 70,000 in front of him, his head is almost dizzy when he and the others are circling, but people are still the same.

They couldn’t believe it even more.

Li Naling couldn’t help asking: “Little Feng, you really know this kind of altar great array?”

“Which way to say.”

Qin Shaofeng shrugged helplessly and explained: “Today’s Void Realm has all moved to Cangming Realm due to the invasion of the Seven Ghost Kings.”

“In the Void Realm, there are seven Demon Sculpture Mountains. The end of the endless hell we are going to is the seventh Demon Summon Mountain I am looking for.”

“Oversee, I believe that over 90% of seniors who died during meditation have one of 70% of our escape methods, and I have already got five of them.”

“And with that Senior and the great array of altars, we should also be able to leave the realm of void, so I must go over and see the situation.”

“When I came into contact with the great array of the altar five times before, I already had a deep understanding of this thing, but it was all one-sided, but I didn’t know how to use it. >

He never looked back, even Divine Consciousness did not expand, so as to avoid any accidents.

But he didn’t notice.

When he just started talking, everyone’s expressions have turned into an extreme look of shock.

At this moment, all are a little stupid.

In just a thousand years, the Void Realm is actually finished?

Nothing, nothing.

Most people suddenly felt a sense of boredom.

Qin Shaofeng’s words are still not over, and continue: “So, we are actually grasshoppers on a rope. Even if we leave here and go to the land of the shining star, we still need to work harder That’s fine.”

“Only by going to the Cangming Realm where the tyrannical influence of the Void Realm was located, can we be considered truly safe.”

“Cangming Realm?”

Li Naling suddenly exclaimed: “You mean those bastards have all gone to Cangming Realm, and are you going there now?”

“That’s right.”

Qin Shaofeng nodded, said: “Today’s Void Realm and the Land of Shining Stars have been abandoned by them, and the strength of our Land of Shining Stars is too weak, there is simply no possibility of surviving without going to the Cangming Realm. /p>

“Cangming Realm, they were in Cangming Realm.”

Li Naling seems to have not heard the explanation behind him, and said: “Little Feng, don’t worry. If you need us, just say, even if I try my best, I will bring you to life. Mingjie.”

“many thanks.”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t understand what happened to her.

Not even noticed.

When he told the situation in the Cangming Realm, the eyes of the people who had just been discouraged again burned with hope.

Who said they have no hope at all?

Although this Qin Hall Master is young, he has already done that many things. Didn’t you hear that he has gotten 70% of what he left?

Only the last two items are needed.

On this trip, even if we die, we will send him out of nine leaves and one flower.

As long as one of us can go to the Cangming Realm alive, all the sacrifices are worthwhile, and all our last wishes will be fulfilled with the help of companions.

As soon as everyone made a decision, they were awakened by Li Naling’s scream.

Everyone moved towards to look ahead.

I saw that in front of them was the edge of the great array of altars.

It happened that a section of about one meter in front of Qin Shaofeng was cut off?

No way?

“How could this happen? Didn’t we go wrong because I divided your god when we just spoke?” Li Naling exclaimed.

Qin Shaofeng remained silent.

Others can think he went wrong for some reason, but he would never think so.

Especially when he walked out of each step before, he was paying close attention to the places he passed. It was definitely the great array of altars in his memory.

Then he will never go wrong.

Say it this way.

What’s wrong with that?

“Little Feng, don’t be discouraged, we’ll turn around at worst, when the time comes, I will protect you with the three people of Moya and I will never let you die here.” Li Naling saw him thinking, I thought he was terrified because of his previous words.

“No need!”

Qin Shaofeng still did not look back, but his voice became very firm: “I have said before that I cannot start the great array of the altar, but even if I close my eyes and go, it is absolutely impossible to go wrong.”


Everyone was puzzled.

“I’m not wrong, then the great array of the altar is wrong.” Qin Shaofeng’s voice remained firm.

Everyone felt stunned.

great array wrong?

Fog grass!

This brat is too dare to say?

“I’m right, the great array of altars lacks this section of the road, which means that there is a problem here, either there is absolutely no road, or this section of the road disappeared.” Qin Shaofeng continued Talking to himself.

Everyone chose to remain silent.

Even if Qin Shaofeng said that they did not believe it, it is impossible to interrupt it at this time.

“Since the nine leaves and one flower can pass, this section of the road must exist. There is only one way of saying that the road not at all disappears, but it is distorted by the entanglement here, making it disappear in our eyes. “

“What a great plot against, unless it is someone who knows the great array of the altar very well, I am afraid that no one can pass.”

“It’s no wonder that you have come here three times and have not found a way out, but the actual reason is that even if you find it, you dare not leave!”

Qin Shaofeng paused and said loudly.

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